Looking for Decorative Refrigerator Magnets or Decals
Q: In an attempt to declutter the kitchen I have removed the various photos and notes that accumulate on the refrigerator over time. Our fridge is black and the solid dark surface seems a little much, but I don’t want to go back to the clutter.
Does anyone know of a company that sells large decorative magnets? Not necessarily something that will cover the entire surface — I’m thinking some sort of large swirl or flower design? A refrigerator accessory, if you will. I’ve searched online but haven’t found what I’m looking for.
Sent by Elise
Editor: Elise, yes, we actually have seen quite a lot of refrigerator decals lately! Search for “decal” or “graphics” — they’ll generally be vinyl, not magnets. See the list below for a few Etsy shops that carry them.
Also, check out this post from Unplggd on decorating your appliances:
A few Etsy shops that carry decals:
• Pictured above: Vinyl Lettering Decal Refrigerator Flourish – from Say It With Style
Readers, any good shops or designs to recommend?
Related: Pimp Your KitchenAid Mixer
(Images: Say It With Style; Elise via Flickr)