Good Question: What Can I Cook with Pale Ale?
The other day we had a question about beer cheese soup; now here’s one on cooking with pale ale. In our most recent Open Thread, reggiesoang asks:
Is there any dish that could be cooked with pale ale? Brown ale is usually the choice for cooking, but since I have a lot of pale ale left that needs to be used (or drank), I wonder if I can use pale ale the same way I use brown ale in like BBQ sauce or chili (best time for a nice pot of chili). Help!
reggiesoang, we did a little searching around, and we think that pale ale would be just fine – if not as robust – in all those usual dishes.
But we also found a couple recipes that call specifically for pale ale – and one is from Jacques Pépin, one of our favorite chefs.
• Beef Stew with Belgian-Style Pale Ale at Food & Wine, by Jacques Pépin
• Creamy Potato Soup with caraway, at The Daily Green.
Do you have any other suggestions for cooking with pale ale?
(Images: Clipper City Beer, Rob Howard for Food & Wine, and The Daily Green)