Here’s What You Need to Know About the BRAND NEW Girl Scout Cookie
We’ve made it through the holiday season, and now we’re just 10 days away from one of the most important food holidays of the year: the opening of Girl Scout Cookie season. There’s no better feel-good way to treat yourself than by buying cookies from girls to support them learning entrepreneurship and funding their cool adventures. And this year a new cookie will enter the mix, battling with Samoas and Thin Mints to claim their throne as the best flavor (a contest in which there are no losers).
The 2020 cookie season will drop the Savannah Smiles and add a brand-new offering called Lemon-Ups, a crisp, sweet lemon cookie that, according to the Girl Scouts, “features baked-in messages inspired by the Girl Scout core mission.” On the cookie that looks like a variety of “I am a … ” statements: I am a go-getter, risk-taker, leader, or innovator.
The Lemon-Ups, in the “select markets” they’re available in, will join the staple cookies (Tagalongs, Samoas, Do-si-dos, Trefoils, and Thin Mints), along with the various special cookies available (Lemonades, Thanks-a-lots, Toffe-tastics, Caramel Chocolate Chips, and Girl Scout S’mores). As experienced cookie-nerds know, various cookies are baked by different companies (which is why Samoas are called “Caramel deLites” in some markets, and Tagalongs are sometimes Peanut Butter Patties). The new Lemon-Ups will be baked by Little Brownie Bakers, who make the classic Tagalongs, Samoas, and Do-Si-Dos.
For those too excited to wait the week-and-a-half that remains before cookies go on sale, you can start your cookie purchasing planning right away: Download the “Cookie Finder” app that will help you find local troops having sales and selling online.
Just remember: Every time you think, Do I really need another cookie? the answer is that of course you do! It’s for the children.