FDA Says “Love” Is Not an Actual Ingredient, Sorry
As the number of products on supermarket shelves continues to grow, marketing, package design, and uniqueness in branding have become big business. This is especially true for smaller labels trying to sway the average consumer to purchase their product.
This was the case with Nashoba Brook Bakery‘s granola, which lists an ingredient on its bag that makes a consumer’s heart go pitter-patter: love! But the FDA has something to say about that.
Over the last decade, the way food is packaged has become an integral part of the way we shop. Many of us are checking labels more thoroughly to confirm that what we’re eating is what we think we are!
Several companies (that I can think of) do funny things with the wording on their packaging. It might be little things like bios of people who made the product, stickers with their faces, funny little phrases, and, in the case of Nashoba Brook’s granola, the word “love,” according to Bloomberg.
It seems completely harmless, as I’d wager that most of us realize that this ingredient is merely the spirit of the company and the manner in which it’s made and not a physical ingredient being added to the final product. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, however, didn’t take too kindly to this small addition and said it’s a deception to customers and is asking that it be pulled from the label.
Although I understand that there could be some confusion for a very small amount of people pertaining to this phrase on the packaging (say those looking to account for specific ingredients due to allergies or illness), I’d wager that most average Americans get a little smile by reading the word and that it makes them feel good for supporting the product with their purchase.
Has the FDA gone too far or do you think there should be clear lines drawn when it comes to clever marketing and heartwarming sentiments on your favorite breakfast snack? Share your thoughts below!