Enjoy! by the Students of Ypsilanti Community High School and Adams STEM Academy
The angle: A mash-up of multicultural recipes, pen pal letters, and stories from students at Ypsilanti Community High School and Adams STEM Academy. (Proceeds benefit 826michigan, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping students with their writing skills.)
Recipes for right now: Tart Cherry Crumble, Tajadas con Pollo, Cantaloupe Creamsicle, No-Bake Yogurt Cake, Falafel, Cheese and Loroco Pupusas
Who would enjoy this book? High schoolers, teachers, culinary-minded fans of Found Magazine
Quick Facts
• Who wrote it: The Students of Ypsilanti Community High School and Adams STEM Academy
• Who published it: 826michigan
• Other highlights: This book will pull you in hook, line, and sinker. You might pick it up because, yes, it supports a fantastic cause, but suddenly you’ll look up and realize an hour has passed while you skimmed the recipes, read stories about immigrating to the US and surviving high school, and chuckled at pen pal letters (example: “Who is your favorite singer? My favorite singer is Bruno Mars.” I like this kid). At least this was my experience with Enjoy! — I’ve finally had to make myself set it aside for bedtime reading just so I could finish writing this post!
As a foodie, I especially loved getting a glimpse of the recipes these students found important and personal enough to share. This includes family dishes like Tajadas con Pollo and Lebanese Moghrabieh as well as the foods that these students clearly love to eat every day — nachos, scrambled eggs, and peanut butter-and-jelly. As the resident “How To”-er for The Kitchn, I also took great enjoyment from the students’ more fanciful “recipes” for things like How to Crossover in Basketball and How to Babysit My Cousins.
A super fun read, especially if you have a high schooler in your house or still have fresh memories of those years (and don’t we all? #thespian4life).
Find the book at your local library, independent bookstore, or Amazon: Enjoy! by the Students of Ypsilanti Community High School and Adams STEM Academy
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