This Is the Kitchen Item That Helped Elaine Welteroth Transform Her Postpartum Experience
When I was a kid, I didn’t want to be a princess or a ballerina when I grew up. There were only two things I wanted to be: a judge (weird, I know) or a writer. Now, some years and a few career changes later, the latter has become my actual dream come true.
Whether we know it or not, the decisions we make are always influencing someone around us. In my case, opening up the magazines that my mom had at home and the countless chapter books I picked up while at the library gave me hope that a life of a writer would be possible and — if I worked hard enough — could even be sustainable. And don’t think that the influence stops when you become of age; it wasn’t until 2016 that I’d first heard the name Elaine Welteroth.
Back in April of that year, Elaine became the second-youngest person of African American heritage in Conde Nast’s history to hold the title of Editor-in-Chief with her role at Teen Vogue. While Elaine’s life was very successful prior to that point (she was also the first person of African American heritage to serve as Beauty Director at Teen Vogue), after becoming Editor-in-Chief things only went further up — and, honestly, I have been celebrating her wins as if they were my own the entire journey.
Now, six years later, Elaine has continued to pave the way for women journalists — and, more specifically, those of color. She has appeared in ABC’s Black-Ish, become a host for The Talk and a judge for Project Runway, penned a book, and more. But of course, there’s always more to be accomplished. And for this era, it’s a campaign with Ninja.
In collaboration with the longtime kitchenware brand, the new mom gave Kitchn the details on the new “Recipe of Me” campaign, the part that food has played in how she loves herself and others, the impact of the PossiblePan and PossiblePot on her journey as a new mom, postpartum cravings, recipes, and more.
Check out the full interview below!
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