I’m Dreaming of Summer in February

Kate Gagnon
Kate Gagnon
Kate Gagnon is a writer based in New York City. She feeds her tech obsession managing social media for various design companies by day.
updated May 24, 2019
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(Image credit: Nealey Dozier)

In New York, we’re a grass-is-always-greener type people. When it’s hot and sweaty on the train in the summer, people fantasize about cozy, snowy days. When it’s actually winter, people walk around in 85 layers of polar vortex-proof clothing while they dream of warm days in the park. In fashion even, they’re always showing spring collections in the fall. Seasonally, we’re always looking to what’s next, and unfortunately I’m no exception. Yup, I’ve fallen prey to it. I’m officially over this winter thing, including cooking.

At the beginning of each season, I love throwing myself into cooking seasonal ingredients. In the summer and fall, a hearty CSA share fills the fridge with goods to inspire any sort of meal. It’s the tail end of winter though (or at least that’s what I’m telling myself, groundhog shadow or no groundhog shadow), and I’ve grown tired of the hearty qualities of winter cooking that I was so excited about in November.

Have I made every stick-to-your-ribs recipe for soup, ragout, curry and the like? Well, practically! The days of crumbling a handful of creamy, sheep’s milk feta over cherry tomatoes and calling it lunch seem so far away. Will it ever be warm again? Will I ever saunter up each and every aisle of the Union Square Greenmarket again in search of the perfect spring onions? Here’s an image of watermelon, just to make you as excited as I am:

(Image credit: Diana Taliun)

To save myself from getting to the point of actually dreaming in sleep about juicy, ripe, July tomatoes, I’ve resolved to do something. I mean, I can’t make springtime come sooner, can I?

This week, I’m cooking up recipes that remind me of warmer times: citrus, fresh herbs, cold salads, and toast with smushed up avocado and lemon — the types of things I love to cook in summer as they don’t heat up the apartment.

What are your favorite recipes to cheer up at the end of winter?