How I Organized My Entire Freezer with a Single Trip to the Dollar Store
When my brother moved to a new city, he gifted us his extra stand-up freezer and I couldn’t have been more excited. I even hopped into Kitchn’s Meal Planning Club Facebook to brag — “I just got a brand new garage freezer! What should I store in it? Any organization tips?”
Our meal planners were quick to chime in with advice, but my favorite was a hot tip to hit a dollar store for freezer organizing supplies. Recently, I did just that and my bonus freezer organization is one of the best things to ever happen to me (you know, aside from my husband and children).
The Best Dollar Store Freezer Organizers
The original tip for organizing my new-to-me freezer was actually just about grabbing a cheap white board to keep an inventory list on the outside of the freezer, but a quick pass through the dollar store gave me lots more ideas. These are the three supplies that made the biggest difference in organizing the vast freezer.
1. Plastic Storage Baskets
I originally planned to grab plastic storage baskets at Target, but my local dollar store had strikingly similar bins in a better size — for just a dollar a piece. So I snatched up four of them. Now my freezer has a bin for broth, beans, beef (we have a cow share), and other meat that I can easily pull out and grab from. I mostly keep our frozen vegetables and fruit in the main kitchen freezer, but as we stock up on cheap summer produce or have a boon from our garden, I’ll likely grab two more bins later.
Buy: Sterilite Medium Stacking Baskets, $16 for six
2. Baking Trays
Two of the biggest boons of having a freezer in my garage is that I can now keep my ice cream maker’s canister and big bags of ice in the freezer at all times. I grabbed two rimmed baking sheets from the dollar store to coral those larger items. Now, when I want to make ice cream or just move this stuff around, I can easily grab the (very cold!) trays.
Buy: Wilton Sheet Pan, $6.50 for two
3. A Dry Erase Board
Oh yes, I did take that inventory tip to heart and added an inventory board to the front of my freezer, so I don’t even have to open it to know what is inside. I also bought a pack of magnets to affix the dry-erase board to the front of the freezer.
Buy: Quartet Magnetic Whiteboard, $18
As you can see, I’ve still got plenty of room for more food storage — especially at the bottom of the freezer where I currently have jugs of water. Any suggestions? What are your favorite freezer meals?