Dear Readers of The Kitchn: Please Help Me Find a New Juicer!
Several years ago, I jumped on the detox bandwagon. For one week, I cut out gluten, alcohol, dairy, caffeine, deadly nightshades and a host of other things. I wasn’t entirely convinced but figured I could stand to lose a few pounds and clean up my diet. I refused to buy a juicer for the week, though the menu called for some juices. They sounded gross. A few days in, I was feeling great and decided to go whole hog (or, rather, hog free) and get a cheap juicer. Oh, how I love the juice.
Reluctant but willing, I headed to Target with my detox menu to search for a cheap juicer. I found the Juiceman Jr. that would change my life, for the low, low sale price of $45. I was skeptical, having seen plenty of juicers that were far more expensive. I had read reviews online in which people extolled the virtues of their pricy juicers, dismissing their lesser counterparts with a yogic sniff. But the Juiceman Jr. has been by my side for almost five years now. For just $9 a year, the little juicer that could is a pretty was a pretty good deal.
All good things must come to an end. I’m addicted to juice. I started with the juice recipes from Goop and moved on from there. The cucumber, lime and basil is still a favorite. The Juiceman is struggling to keep up. He’s hanging in there, but I can tell that each glass of juice might be his last.
Now that I know I’m a juicer, I’m willing to invest a little. The online reviews are overwhelming and I want to hear from real people. The Kitchn’s readers seem like the best people to ask, because you have high standards in the kitchen, but are also a pretty practical bunch. These are my requirements:
- The juicer should not be enormous, as I don’t have a lot of cabinet space.
- Except for the main body, the parts should be dishwasher safe.
- As for price, I’m willing to spend $200, maybe up to $250 for The Best Juicer Ever.
- I don’t mind peeling or seeding fruits and veggies before adding them to the juicer, but it would be nice if a rogue peel or seed didn’t destroy the machine.
By the way, I get emotionally attached to appliances I love, so the Juiceman will not be discarded. I plan to find a good home for him, preferably with someone like me five years ago, who’s looking for an inexpensive way to see if they are a juicer.
And that cucumber, lime and basil juice? Some of you probably have the same question I did: Yes, it’s also delicious with a splash of Square One cucumber vodka or Hendrick’s gin when your detox week is over. Cheers!
Do you have a juicer? Do you love it? Hate it? Please share!
(Images: Anne Postic)