This Ingenious Hack for Cooling Cookies Uses One Unexpected Item You Most Likely Have At Home
My memories of Christmas Eve are always filled with the sweet aroma of freshly baked cookies. With each new batch of chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, ginger molasses, gingerbread, and sugar cookies, my excitement elevated as I watched them go in and out of the oven.
Baking cookies with my mom for our annual Christmas party was an all-day affair. This was partially due to the limited space we had for both preparing a new batch and allowing a previous set to cool. Well, thanks to everyone’s favorite internet grandma Babs (@brunchwithbabs), we now all have a clever cooling rack tip that uses a household item you likely already have at home.
Speaking to her more than two million followers, Babs suggested using your standard ironing board as a convenient way to cool your cookies. Yes, you read that correctly — your ironing board. And honestly, it’s the perfect hack to give a try just in time for cookie season.
So how does it work? Well to start, remove the cloth and foam coverings from the board, exposing the metal rack. After cleaning the metal, it is safe to add warm cookies so that they can cool down. The best part is, given the large size of an ironing board, it can hold a substantial amount of cookies which frees up plenty of space in the kitchen.
With Christmas still a week away, there’s still time to put this new hack to use while you master a new cookie recipe for the big day. A new favorite of mine is the nutty taste of a pistachio and milk cookie that boasts a unique flavor profile your family (and Santa Claus) is sure to love this holiday season.