Beyond Stainless Steel: Colorful Kitchen Trash Cans from Brabantia
Stainless steel is the default color choice for most kitchen trash cans, but what if you want to punch it up a little bit? Ever since I saw yellow trash can (OXO, no longer available), I’ve loved the look of colorful cans. And Brabantia has a whole range of color options!
It’s surprisingly difficult to find large kitchen trash cans in any colors other than stainless steel, black, white, or red. Vipp has a fabulous limited edition green option right now, but it clocks in at almost $500 for an 8 gallon can.
These trash cans from Brabantia aren’t exactly cheap ($250 for a 12 gallon can) but if you’re looking for a large, high-quality canister in a hot color, this is a great option. Available in Apple Green, Violet Purple, Cobalt Blue, Lemon Yellow, Chrome Orange and Lipstick Red, there’s certainly a color to suit your kitchen style!
→ Buy It! Brabantia Touch Bin De Luxe, 45L (12 Gallons), $246 from Trash Can Central
Related: What’s the Perfect Trash Can for Cooks?
(Images: as linked)