Tool Uses
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The 2 Appliances with the Longest Lifespan, According to Real Estate Agents
Tips from The Kitchn
We're talking, like, 15 years!
May 13, 2022
What Are the Pros and Cons of Downdraft Ventilation?
Q: Are downdrafts as effective as range hoods?I’ve considered buying one instead of the conventional range hood, in order to maximize space in the kitchen and also to create a more modern, minimal look. But I am worried that downdrafts are not as effective in exhausting the odors and fumes while cooking in comparison to range hoods. Any advice?Sent by ElenaEditor: Elena, I am in a funny position of wishing I could give you feedback on a downdraft ventilation system.
May 13, 2022
The Future of Kitchen Appliances: An Interview with Thomas Johansson of Electrolux
Shopping for kitchen appliances, as I shared last week, is an overwhelming and challenging process, full of moments that made me question the very shape and form of the appliances I was buying. Have you ever looked at your refrigerator or stove and wondered, Why does it have to be shaped like this? Why can’t it be smaller? Bigger? Better-looking? As technology advances, how much of our basic appliances’ forms will stay the same, and what needs to change?
May 13, 2022
Cool Tools: Pocket Pie Molds from Williams-Sonoma
Palm-sized and picnic-ready hand pies are all the rage this summer. We have a feeling that eating these pies might be slightly more enjoyable than assembling a whole batch of them. These lattice, apple, and star pie molds from Williams-Sonoma might help even things out!With each of these molds, it looks like you use the outside as a cookie-cutter and the inside for filling and pressing the pies closed.
May 13, 2022
My Top 10 Ways to Use the Food Processor
It slices, it dices, it whips up a batch of summer pesto in no time! My food processor is one of those multi-tasking kitchen tools that I really don’t think I could live without at this point. Today, I thought I’d take a minute to ponder all the wonderful ways, big and small, that I use mine on a regular basis — making my life just a little bit easier in the process.
May 13, 2022
Looking for Best Electric Stove Recommendations
Q: I just read the recent post about using cast iron on a glass cooktop and all the comments from people who own one and hate it! I’m stuck with electric – no gas in our whole building – and wondering about your top recommendations for electric stoves. Thanks!Sent by EmilyEditor: Readers with electric stoves: what brand are you using and how has it performed? Share your recommendations (or your warnings!) with Emily.
May 13, 2022
Small Space Living: Portable Stove Necklace
College students, here’s one way to get around the restrictions on hot plates and toaster ovens in your dorm rooms: get yourself a stove necklace! You’ve got to see this to believe it.This tiny stove is made of brass and copper with its very own fuel tank. It burns alcohol, creating a very hot flame. It’s hard to tell what exactly we’d be able to cook on such a small burner! At the very least, we could heat up a cup of water.
May 13, 2022
Reader Survey: Do You Use a Kitchen Timer?
For us, a timer is as indispensable to cooking as knives and measuring spoons. We use ours for everything from timing hard boiled eggs to the final rise of our bread dough. Are you the same way, or do you tend to go by instinct? We received the Polder timer pictured above as a present. It has count up and count down features, and the keypad makes it easy to input cooking times. Plus, it has magnet on the back so we can secure it where it’s out of the way yet still handy.
May 12, 2022
More Colorful Cast Iron: Ikea’s Senior Line
We make a trek to Ikea only once or twice a year, so we don’t always catch the latest products in person as soon as they come out. The Senior line of enamel-coated cast iron isn’t brand new, but it’s an interesting addition to Ikea’s cookware. With all things Ikea, you tend to sacrifice some quality to get a good deal. But is this one?
May 12, 2022
Good Question: What Are All These Knives For?
Here’s a great question from reader Wyatt, who is struggling to identify all the knives in his new set. He writes:I received a butcher block and some decent knives for Christmas, and it’s nice to have a full fresh set with all the amenities. However, I keep finding that I really only end up using the large chef’s knife, the short paring knife, and the bread knife. I’ve missed some crucial aspect of my education, I think: what are the rest of these for?
May 12, 2022
Teapots & Le Creuset: 17 New Things from Housewares
Last week I went to the International Home & Housewares show in Chicago, where manufacturers and retailers get together in a giant extravaganza of all things made for the home. Toasters, placemats, pots, pans, knives, and vacuum cleaners were on display in miles of booths and aisles. I already showed you some new products from the show that stood out to me, but I’m revisiting it one more time with a few more finds that were interesting, instructive, or promising.
May 12, 2022
The Top 10 Most Useful Kitchen Gadgets
We got you talking about the ten most useless kitchen gadgets last week, and now it’s time to weigh in on the 10 most useful gadgets. Here are our picks; what would you choose? As we thought through useless kitchen gadgets (and perused nearly 100 comments on that post!) we saw a pattern. Many useless tools seem to be trying to compensate for a lack of knife skills. Onion choppers and avocado slicers are no match for a good knife and some skill.
May 12, 2022
Look! Cute Measuring Cups at Anthropologie
We were wandering through the homewares department at Anthropologie when we spotted the set of measuring cups above. Then we spotted another set…and another…and another! Everywhere we turned, we saw more sets, each more adorable than the last. Take a look!In all honesty, we can’t see using these measuring cups for everyday, practical reasons. But it would make us smile to see them lined up on the windowsill above our kitchen sink.
May 12, 2022
Microwave Silicone Steamer from OrkaInternational Home and Housewares Show 2008
Microwaves and silicone – these two things and certainly the combination of both were hardly likely to win our attention at the Housewares show. We’ve predicted that home cooks are past the honeymoon phase with silicone and until recently we really only used our microwave for defrosting chicken and melting butter. But things have changed. Yesterday two illustrious kitchen figures – Mark Bittman and Harold McGee – sang the microwave’s praises.
May 12, 2022
For the New Graduate: A Crash Course in Kitchen Basics
This is the time of year when college lets out, and new graduates gear up for “real life.”Thirteen years ago, that was me: armed with a lot of student-loan debt and a curious spirit but very little sophistication in the kitchen, I packed my bags for a new life in New York City. I thought cheap Spanish Cava was “good champagne” and overcooked my pasta because I didn’t know better.
May 12, 2022
iPad: First Impressions and the Epicurious App
After months of imagining all the kitchen possibilities for the iPad, one of the first things we did when our household received its new tablet was head straight for the Epicurious app. Cue the heavenly choirs! To be sure, the iPad is not a necessity, but we must admit we’re pretty smitten.We already use laptops and smartphones in the kitchen, and the iPad combines the best of both worlds. Like the iPhone, it already has cooking-related apps with the potential for many more to come.
May 11, 2022
On Sale: Beautiful Casserole Dishes
Here a few casserole dishes we are eyeing — and the best thing is that they are all on sale! Casserole/Baker with Spoons – At Crate & Barrel. We like the bright blue, and the wood spoons are included. On sale for for $8.95 – $11.95, reg. $29.95 – $39.95. Le Creuset Caribbean Essential Baker’s Set – At Hey, Le Creuset, and a standard casserole set for a good price. $49.99, reg. $74.95.
May 11, 2022
Hot or Not? Negi Cutter
We came across this recipe for Asparagus Linguine with mint pesto on No Recipes and noticed the cutting tool used to cut the asparagus into julienne strips. It’s a Japanese kitchen tool called a negi cutter. More about this little tool below the jump. Look and then tell us what you think…We try not to clutter our kitchens with useless tools that we don’t need. We aren’t sure about this one, though.
May 11, 2022
Kitchen Tech: The iPad One Month Later
Before its launch, there was a lot of speculation about how we might look forward to using the iPad in the kitchen. Well, the device has been out for about a month now, which has been just enough time to put it through its paces and get settled into using it. What are your thoughts on the iPad in the kitchen? Hear ours below!
May 11, 2022
The Coolest, Simplest Can Opener We’ve Seen
Does anyone own this kitchen gadget? It’s a can opener from Rösle, and it’s not new, but we recently used it at a friend’s house and loved it (as much as one can love a can opener). In fact, it’s so streamlined and nifty that we stared for 15 minutes, sure it was a can opener but with no idea how to use it.
May 11, 2022
Kitchen Tools: A Candy Thermometer
Whether you’re boiling sugar, making cheese, or planning a little deep-fat frying, a candy thermometer is an essential tool to have on hand.Digital “instant-read” thermometers are great for checking the temperature of a roast or a loaf of bread, but their temperature ranges aren’t usually high enough for sugar work.
May 11, 2022
Beyond Bundt Cakes! 6 Things to do with Your Bundt Pan
Say “bundt pan,” and folks pretty much think of one thing: bundt cakes! But after Sara Kate’s sassy post on using her bundt pan to roast a chicken, we started thinking about other ways we could put this pan to use. What are your ideas for putting a bundt pan to work?Here are a few ideas we came up with:1. Angel Food Cake – Who needs an angel food cake pan and a bundt cake pan?2.
May 11, 2022
How I Found the Right Big Appliances for My Tiny Kitchen
It’s ironic that living in one of the biggest cities in the world means having teeny-tiny appliances. I suppose it makes its own kind of sense — I reside on the island of Manhattan, a 23-square-mile strip of land that I share with more than 1.6 million other people. Space is tight, which means, among other things, that I didn’t own a dishwasher until about a year ago, even though I’ve been a grown-up with a job and a career for some time now.
May 5, 2022
Should I Replace My Blender or Food Processor?
Q: Both my blender and my food processor have died in the last few months. I only have the means to replace one right now. Dear Kitchn readers, which should be a priority to replace? Is one more useful than the other? Sent by Brianna Editor: It really depends on your style of cooking. Those who like smoothies and sauces will probably appreciate a blender more, but a food processor can make pie crusts and chunkier sauces like pesto with ease.
May 5, 2022
5 of The Biggest Tips I Gave Out While I Worked as an At-Home Coffee Tutor
Those $20 espresso pots are amazing!
Apr 25, 2022
Are Salad Spinners Essential — or Not?
There’s no other tool that dries freshly washed greens and other produce quite as quickly and efficiently as a salad spinner. Not to mention the other tasks it can tackle. But does that really make it a kitchen necessity? Yes, the salad spinner has a lot going for it, but it takes up a huge amount of cabinet space. Does it really have enough value to justify taking up so much storage area? It’s a kitchen throwdown — which side are you on?
May 3, 2022
The Single Worst Thing You Can Do to Your Air Fryer
Here's how to keep that basket as nonsticky as possible!
May 2, 2022
5 Tips for Baking in Cast Iron, According to a Pro at Lodge
Tips from The Kitchn
Preheat your cast iron skillet. Maybe.
Mar 1, 2022
5 Things I’ve Learned About Cast Iron During My 30+ Years as a Professional Gear Tester
"To break in a new skillet, I've found that it really helps to make a batch of good old-fashioned fried chicken."
Feb 9, 2022
2 Facts About Cast Iron Skillets I Wish I Knew Years Ago
Tips from The Kitchn
"I would have gotten on board with cast iron so much sooner!"
Nov 3, 2021
How to Use All of the Blades and Discs Your Food Processor Comes With
We break down how to use the S-shaped blade, slicing disc, shredding disc, and more.
Oct 14, 2021
When to Use, Metal, Glass, Ceramic, or Silicone Baking Pans
Never guess again.
Sep 15, 2021
I Tested Dozens of Cold Brew Coffee Makers — Here Are the 5 Most Important Things I Learned
No matter what kind of cold brew maker you use at home, these tips will help you a ton.
Sep 10, 2021
The 5 Surprising Things I’ve Learned as a Pro Cook About Cast Iron Cookware
Turns out, I was doing some seriously unnecessary things with my pans!
Sep 5, 2021
What’s the Difference Between a Crock-Pot and a Slow Cooker?
Do you know the answer?
Aug 17, 2021
The Little Kitchen Tool That’ll Make Your Summertime Cheese Boards a Million Times Better
It's not just Gouda ... it's great.
Jul 17, 2021
The Outdoor Pizza Oven Is the Pandemic Food Trend That Just Won’t Quit (and We’re Here for It)
Outdoor Pizza Party
Bread bakers have abandoned their cleverly named sourdough starters and their windowsill scallions, but are holding tight to their portable pizza ovens.
Jun 28, 2021
What’s the Difference Between a Smoker and a Grill?
Can you smoke food on a gas or charcoal grill? Eh.
Jun 21, 2021
What All Those Knives in a Knife Block Are Actually For
We'll tell you the difference between a peeling knife and a utility knife!
Jun 15, 2021
What Is Coffee Descaler and How Often Do You Need to Use It?
Scale can actually do some serious damage to your coffee maker.
Jun 10, 2021
The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make with Their Baking Sheets
Tips from The Kitchn
Oh, sheet!
May 24, 2021
Before & After: This Is What Happens to Wooden Tools When You Put Them in the Dishwasher
Wait until you see what one spoon looks like after just five cycles in the dishwasher!
May 14, 2021
8 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Cast Iron Skillet
Tips from The Kitchn
You can use soap! It doesn't actually heat up all that evenly!
Apr 28, 2021
5 Things I Learned When I Replaced My Microwave with a Toaster Oven
"My toaster oven is better than a microwave and a toaster combined."
Apr 2, 2021
One Last Thing to Do with Eggshells Before You Toss Them
Tips from The Kitchn
Here's a *sharp* idea!
Mar 17, 2021
My Simple Trick for Keeping Salad Greens Fresh and Crisp
For up to 10 days!
Mar 12, 2021
What Are Tagines and How Do You Use Them?
A tagine has a conical shape, a wide, shallow base, and a snug-fitting lid.
Mar 16, 2021
My Space-Wasting Spätzle Maker Is My Favorite Kitchen Tool
"I won't clear out space for a salad spinner, but my spätzle maker will always have a spot in a drawer."
Mar 11, 2021
What’s the Difference Between Cast Iron and Carbon Steel?
Cast iron and carbon steel have a lot in common, so which one should you get?
Feb 24, 2021
3 Surprising Things Every Instant Pot Owner Should Know
Tips from The Kitchn
We consider these how-did-I-not-know-this-already tips.
Mar 4, 2021
10 Things You Should Never Do with Your Stainless Steel Pans
Tips from The Kitchn
Don't ever put it in the dishwasher — even if the manufacturer directions say you can!
Feb 25, 2021
5 Things I Learned About Cast Iron Skillets When I Inherited My Old Roommate’s Pan
Tips from The Kitchn
"I was a cast iron novice until I just ... started using it."
Feb 19, 2021
The Most Popular KitchenAid Stand Mixer Color in Every State
If you live in Washington, you probably have the "Blue Velvet" stand mixer.
Feb 24, 2021
You’ve Been Using Colanders the Wrong Way Your Entire Life
How did it take me so long to figure this out!
Feb 24, 2021
What’s That Gross Gunk Coming out of My KitchenAid Stand Mixer?
Tips from The Kitchn
Here's why it happens, how to prevent it, and how you can fix it.
Feb 12, 2021
Should You Buy an Air Fryer, an Air Fryer Oven, or an Air Fryer Toaster Oven?
We'll tell you the pros and cons of each.
Feb 8, 2021
The Best Way to Season a Carbon Steel Skillet Is … with Potato Skins
Tips from The Kitchn
Unlike cast iron skillets, carbon steel skillets often come unseasoned. Meaning, you gotta do it yourself.
Feb 8, 2021
7 Knife Tips Everyone Needs to Hear, from the Guy Behind the Oh-So-Gorgeous Middleton Made Knives
When was the last time you conditioned the handles?
Feb 1, 2021
Does It Matter If Your Kitchen Appliances Are All from Different Brands? 
Tips from The Kitchn
It depends!
Jan 25, 2021
What Are Garlic Keepers, and Do You Need One?
These little containers sure do look cute, but do they keep garlic fresher, longer? We did some testing!
Jan 24, 2021
What Is Pressure Cooking and How Does It Work?
Whether you're interested in a stovetop or an electric pressure cooker, we'll go over the basics.
Jan 14, 2021
5 Things You Need to Know About Ceramic Knives
Your questions about ceramic knives, answered.
Jan 20, 2021
How Does an Air Fryer Work?
An air fryer is actually a lot like a countertop convection oven. Just with a few differences.
Jan 13, 2021
The Greatest Stand Mixer Hack Everyone Needs to Know
Organizing Tips from The Kitchn
It'll save you so much time and effort.
Jan 15, 2021
9 Things You Need to Know About That New Carbon Steel Pan You Just Got for the Holidays
Tips from The Kitchn
First of all, here's the deal with that waxy coating ...
Dec 28, 2020
10 Best Uses for Your Toaster Oven
We often get questions about cooking in small spaces. While recommending another appliance might not seem like the logical answer, a counter-top oven is actually a great solution for energy-conscious, small-space cooking. Let me count the ways… I’ve been playing with the Breville Smart Oven, which yes, makes toast, but is so much more than a toaster oven. It’s just big enough to bake a pie, even a 13″ round pizza.
Dec 31, 2020
3 Ways You May Be Ruining Your Knives
Do you know the quickest way to dull a knife? Turns out there are three. I’m the first to admit I’ve done two out of three of these things at one time or another, but now I know better — and you can, too! 1. You store your knives unsheathed in the utensil drawer.There are a few reasons this is bad: first of all, it’s dangerous to have a knife loose in the drawer. Secondly, an unsheathed knife rubs against other things, which causes it to get dull very quickly.
Dec 31, 2020
This Is What a Dishwasher Actually Does to Your Knife
Never put your knife in the dishwasher again.
Dec 31, 2020
How To Paint a KitchenAid Stand Mixer
You used to love pink and now you do not. Paint it any color you want! We've got all the steps you'll need.
Dec 31, 2020