The Beginner's Guide to Meal PlanningGroceries
Let's take the mystery out of meal prep.
Jun 18, 2024
5 Easy Ways to Save, Store, and Organize Your Recipes Online
Tips from The Kitchn
Including our very own recipe saver!
Aug 29, 2022
What’s the Best Way to Organize and Share Recipes?Tools
Q: What are good ways to save and organize recipes for later use? I’d love an app that could attach keywords or meal types/ingredients to recipes for later browsing. Does something like this exist, and I just haven’t found it? Is there a system that could keep these great ideas at my fingertips, rather than a cluttered bookmarks list? I love browsing and saving recipes, but if I don’t have ingredients (or the time/mood/etc) within a week or two, I forget I ever saved something.
May 13, 2022
Special Project: The Kid Gets in on The Kitchn CureKitchen
Day 7 Task: Special project I didn’t mean for it to happen. I was feeling guilty, because my special project wasn’t all that special, or difficult. I needed to deal with the cookbook situation. I have a thing for random cookbooks and that thing is getting ugly. And the spaces behind the cookbooks were getting really ugly, so it had to be done. But then something amazing happened: My youngest son got totally into the Cure, and I don’t mean the band.
Sep 30, 2020
Where Did You Get That Recipe? And How Do You Keep Yours Organized?Kitchen
If you are like me, you have recipes written on scraps of paper, loosely filed somewhere near your actual cookbooks. Or maybe you’re more organized. Any way you store them, those recipes are often family favorites. Mine came from a variety of sources and I need to organize them. My split pea soup recipe and a delicious slow cooker recipe for peanut butter chicken came from an online parenting community I used to frequent when my now 15-year-old son was a baby.
Sep 30, 2020
Get It Together! 9 Tips & Methods for Organizing Your RecipesKitchen
I’m looking forward to having some free time around the holidays and, along with some much-needed relaxation, I’m planning on tackling a long-overdue project: organizing my recipes. If this time-consuming task has been on your to-do list, here are some tips for getting your recipe collection in order, whether you’re using printed recipe cards, iPads, or a simple binder.For my own overhaul, I’m giving the cross-platform app Paprika a try.
Aug 3, 2019
Great Recipe Binder System: With Free Downloads!Kitchen
We get a lot of questions and requests for advice on recipe organization systems, so we were excited to see this recipe binder from Jaime and and Jacinda at Prudent Baby. It’s very practical and inspirational, and they’ve included some free downloads to help you create your own version.Do you keep a binder like this?
Jun 18, 2019
The 5 Best Ways to Organize Your Recipes in 2015Kitchen
In 2011 we asked our readers to share how they organize recipes. Back then Evernoteeverything, Every year since then we’ve continued to ask readers about organizing recipes to get an overall sense of how systems change with time. Our latest call-out was last week, and here’s what we learned: When it comes to organizing recipes, some things never change … but then again, there’s always room for improvement!
Jun 5, 2019
Better Recipe Organization: 5 Methods, 10 ProductsKitchen
With all the hustle and bustle in the kitchen this Thanksgiving, I quickly realized the insufficiency of my recipe organization. Cards and clippings were floating everywhere, getting sprinkled with water and gravy, and disappearing in the chaos. So before Christmas arrives, I’ve decided to devote some time to reorganizing my recipes in the hopes of making my life easier and facilitating better use.
Jun 5, 2019
Paprika: The Recipe Organizer App I’ve Been Looking ForTools
Item: Paprika Recipe Manager Price: $4.99 – $19.99 Overall Impression: A simple-to-use, attractive and intuitive app for storing recipes you find both online and off. Last year I talked about wanting to organize all my bookmarked recipes, which over the years had gotten scattered across a number of different systems (Google Reader, Evernote, Delicious), none of which really worked for me anymore.
May 30, 2019
3 Great iPhone Apps for Menu PlanningTools
As much as I’d like to believe otherwise, I’m practically glued to my iPhone. I use it to schedule workouts, book restaurant reservations, and to check into my flights, so why not utilize it for meal planning as well? I don’t use a central method for organizing my recipes, so I had been skeptical of meal planning apps and thought I would need an organizational overhaul before signing up. However, I took the plunge on three apps I found to be easy to jump right into.
May 30, 2019
Outside the Box: 4 Ideas for Turning Family Recipes Into GiftsKitchen
Treasured family recipes are priceless, which is why they can easily be transformed into special gifts with minimum expense and just a little time. From turning handwritten recipes into tea towels to making beautiful cookbooks for less than $5, here are our four favorite ideas for giving family recipes as gifts.• Turn them into a cookbook: You type up the recipes and print out your own own cookbooks, or use a service like Blurb to make professionally bound books for less than $5 each.
May 24, 2019
Do You Print Recipes? Here Are 5 Paper Stands to Support That HabitTools
A few months ago, in a post about the 10 things she always has in her kitchen, Cook’s Country editor Eva Katz revealed her love of the paper stand. “I have a paper stand for holding my recipes as I work,” she said. “It’s a pretty handy-dandy thing to have when you print out recipes from the internet.
May 1, 2019
3 Years Later, I Still Think Paprika Is the Best Recipe App You Can BuyTools
You can’t trust your feelings during the first couple weeks with a new app. It can be intense — you’re spending all your time with it, you’re telling all your friends about it, and you’re maybe even thinking this app, it completes me. But that hot-and-heavy time always comes to an end, and more often than not, all you’re left with is a neglected, vaguely embarrassing reminder of how you fall for any slick new app that comes along.
May 1, 2019
Why I Love The New York Times’ New Cooking AppTools
Over the past few years, I’ve gradually found myself using an iPad more and more in the kitchen. I love the ease of searching for recipes, and simply prop the iPad up on the counter for easy readability. It can get a little messy at times (say, when I’m in wrist deep in scone batter and suddenly need to scroll) but in general it’s a good system. Now, I’m even happier to use the iPad in the kitchen with the release of The New York Times’ Cooking app.
Nov 19, 2014
Meal Planning Tip: Keep a Running List of Recipes You Want to Make for DinnerSkills
If you spend your days reading food blogs, flipping through food magazines, and browsing cookbooks, chances are good you run into a lot of recipes you want to try. But how to ensure you actually make the recipes and don’t just let them disappear into the depths of Pinterest or your recipe binder? This is the very simple system that works for me. New dinner recipes are the ones I am always most eager to try, but for a long time, I was random in the recipes I chose to shop for and cook.
Apr 30, 2014
How To Make a Chalkboard Menu BoardRecipes
My wife and I usually meal plan for the week on Sunday mornings. We get a stack of magazines, I pull up a recipe planning site on my iPad, and we pick items that are simple and drool-worthy. With our selections made we go grocery shopping, often returning home with a pile of fresh produce. About midweek, though, we’d forget some of our recipe decisions and leave our veggies to veg-out beyond edibility. We needed a more prominent visual reminder. We needed a chalkboard meal plan menu!
Aug 30, 2012
The Recipe Box: A New Recipe Organizer for Your iPadKitchen
Looking for the perfect way to organize all the recipes you find as you wander around the web? This new Recipe Box app might just be the answer to your prayers.I admit that I was pretty skeptical of this app at first. Between Google Reader and EvernoteIt took me all of five minutes for The Recipe Box to convince me of its charms. The app opens to a standard Home screen, like you see in the screenshot at the very top of this post.
Feb 23, 2011