Pie, Cobbler and Crumble Recipes & Ideas
Page 9
Classic Recipe (and Video): Martha Stewart’s Pâte Brisée
It’s the first day of fall, and fall is high pie season for us. Sara Kate has already shared her favorite pie plate and a great sour cream pie crust recipe. But we also love this recipe from Martha Stewart for Pâte Brisée, a fancy name for a very basic French pie dough. It’s our go-to for pie crust. We use it all the time.
Sep 22, 2008
Recipe: Chocolate Coffee Tart
This recipe and and review come from AT:SF editor Shayna – welcome Shayna! With all of the chocolate talk during bittersweet baking week, we couldn’t hold out any longer and had to jump in on the fun.We’ve made this several times since it first debuted in Gourmet last year, this time we tweaked it a wee bit.
Jan 28, 2008
Recipe: Berry Cobbler with Cream Cheese Swirl
Summer berries are turning up and cobbler is one of our favorite ways to use them. Frozen berries are a great substitute, however, and we were impressed by Whole Foods’ bag of mixed organic berries. It included blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, and the diversity gave this cobbler a wonderful freshness and flavor. The cream cheese filling swirled in is not too sweet, and it makes this a refreshing dessert that could easily double for a weekend breakfast.
May 8, 2007
Reader Recipe: Abby’s Blueberry Pie
“I think it looks a little sad because I used my glass pie plate which is a deeper than I remembered so it doesn’t have that nice plumped up effect. It’s based on a family recipe that both my mother and my grandmother made, which we all tend to play fast and loose with. This pie combines half cooked fruit with half fresh fruit, so you can sugar and spice up the cooked part but still get the freshness of the raw fruit. ” (Thanks, Abby!
Jul 5, 2006