Freezer Friendly Recipes & Freezing Tips
Page 19
Always Keep Butternut Squash in Your Freezer (Here’s Why)
I really love butternut squash — it’s sweet and absolutely packed with flavor and fiber. You can roast it, purée it into soups or smoothies, and add it to any kind of casserole under the sun. Recently I started stocking cubed and frozen butternut squash on hand at all times — just like I do peas and corn. Not just because butternut is a vegetable my kids will eat readily (or because I can use the bag for boo-boos), but because it’s just incredibly versatile.
May 1, 2019
Recipe: Black Sesame-Espresso Pinwheel Shortbread Cookies
Although I could eat tahini with a spoon and have a heavy hand with sesame seeds, I’d always dismissed black sesame as a fleeting Instagram-fueled trend. But when I tried the flavor firsthand (in a cookie, no less) I immediately understood the hype — and gained a newfound interest in the black sesame treats that had taken over my feed. Its deep, nutty flavor adds a slight savoriness to baked goods, making these pinwheel cookies suitable for brunch or a mid-morning snack.
Apr 30, 2019
Recipe: Pressure Cooker Beef Pho
Around the World in 30 Soups: This month we’re collaborating with chefs, cookbook authors, and our own Kitchn crew to share a globetrotting adventure in soups from countries and cuisines around the world. Today’s stop: Vietnam. When it comes to Vietnamese food at home, there is no one we look to as much as Andrea Nguyen. Here she shares a simply ingenious recipe for pressure cooker pho that is both practical and satisfying. We’re so thrilled to be able to reprint this recipe.
Apr 30, 2019
Recipe: Asian-Style Stock
Do you see the photo of a casserole above? Filled with lots of vegetables, tofu, and topped with flaky sage biscuits? The miso-tofu casserole with sage biscuits from The Tassajara Cookbook is yours for the making. And trust me, you’re going to want to make it. But before you get started, you have a bit of a choice to make: Will you take the grocery store shortcut and opt for pre-made stock? Or make your own? If you have the time, the DIY way is the way to go with this recipe.
Apr 30, 2019
5 Veggies That Are Cheaper When You Buy Them Frozen Versus Fresh
After a recent trip to my local supermarket, I feel like I owe the frozen vegetable section an apology. Aside from the odd bag of frozen peas I grab now and again — one cup of which is usually intended for an Alfredo-y peas-and-ham pasta dish and the rest are left to develop tiny horrid frost beards until pressed into service as a first-aid device — I have ignored you. Little did I know, I’ve been missing trendy time-savers like riced cauliflower ($3.
Jul 27, 2018
These Are the Best Frozen Meals, According to Our Readers
Frozen meals have come a long way since the microwave dinners of the ’50s. And most of it has to do with two little words: Trader Joe’s. While they’re not the only players in the game of frozen meals, they certainly seem to have captured our readers’ hearts (and tummies). We asked you guys to tell us about your favorite frozen meals. Your answers included a lot of Trader Joe’s — and a few other name brands, too. “Traders Joe’s all the way!
Jul 25, 2018
The Best Type of Frozen Spinach to Buy
Walk down any freezer aisle and among the ever-growing selection of vegetables you will inevitably find spinach (and other leafy greens like kale and collards, if you’re lucky). Frozen spinach seems like a simple and pretty straightforward item to buy — or so it would seem. You’re faced with the choice of bagged or boxed spinach, and it is important to point out that (regardless of brand) one of these spinach packages reigns supreme.
Jul 24, 2018
This Shopping Tip Will Help You Save Money in the Freezer Aisle
I love having frozen veggies on hand. It’s an easy way to go an extra day or two before I need to hit the grocery store or turn my leftover lunch into a more substantive meal. Recently, though, I was perusing the frozen veggie aisle at my Harris Teeter, and I noticed something: They have eight kinds of frozen broccoli, and some cost more than twice as much as others. What gives? At first glance, there’s not a huge price range — all the bags of broccoli cost between $1.
Jul 14, 2018
Costco’s 100-Calorie Vodka Cocktail Popsicles Are Back
It’s time to grab the sunscreen and the novelty pool floats, because summer party season has officially started. Costco’s boozy, 100-calorie vodka ice pops are back for the summer, and it’s time to have some fun. These boozy popsicles from Slim Chillers are called Skinny Freezers, and they’re basically Freeze Pops for grown-ups. They’re long plastic tubes full of sweet, frozen cocktails with about 8 percent alcohol.
Jun 6, 2018
An Official Ranking of the Best Frozen Apps You Can Get at Any Grocery Store
For the first time in five years, the frozen food market is showing signs of growth, as an increasing number of people are warming up to the idea of shopping in their grocer’s freezer. The Washington Post suggests that millennials have finally ventured beyond the avocado displays to discover the “cheap and easy access” that frozen foods provide, while others have just shrugged off the idea of eating out.
May 15, 2018
10 Things to Prep in the Slow Cooker and Freeze for Easy Meals
Here's how I make my slow cooker the hero of meal prep.
Apr 22, 2018
The Smart and Surprising Way to Never Waste Cheese Again
As someone who could eat her weight (and then some) in cheese, wasting even the tiniest bit sounds like a criminal offense. Yet, even I’ve been there. I sometimes grab too many wedges of this and that and am left with a fridge drawer so full that no matter how many grilled cheese sandwiches I make, I can’t get through all the cheese. Then, before I know it, things start to get moldy. Luckily, there is a super-smart and simple solution to this problem: Freeze your cheese.
Apr 19, 2018
A Guide to Freezing Leftover Brisket
If I could implore you to do one thing whenever you cook brisket, it would be this: Make extra brisket and freeze it. Beef brisket is better the day after it is cooked, but it can be momentarily life-changing when you remember you have some ready and waiting in the freezer. This simple tip for freezing those leftovers will ensure that you can take the leftovers and turn them into breakfast, lunch, or dinner anytime.
Mar 31, 2018
Recipe: Herb Salt
It feels like money in the bank when you’ve got this herb salt in your freezer. It’s a great way to put stray herbs to use — adapt the quantities of each to whatever’s available in your fridge or garden — and you can use it to deliver fresh herb flavor to everything from salad to roasted vegetables to meat.
Mar 23, 2018
The Smart Cook’s Hack for Always Having Chili on Hand for Dinner
If you’ve ever come home at the end of the day tired and hungry with a serious hankering for a warm, hearty bowl of chili, this smart trick is going to make you feel like a total genius the next time it happens. After making a lot of chili this winter, I learned a really smart trick that ensures I always have homemade chili on hand. The first step is to cook an extra-big batch of chili, by doubling (or even tripling) a recipe.
Mar 22, 2018
Yes, It Is Possible to Freeze Your Sourdough Starter
One of the most important discoveries we made while developing and refining the recipes in Modernist Bread is that yeast is among the most resilient life-forms we’ve ever encountered (and we encounter many in our lab, which we share with a bunch of biologists). As it turns out, freezing temperatures do not kill all the yeast and lactic acid bacteria in a preferment or starter. Some die, but most remain dormant while frozen.
Nov 14, 2017
5 Freezer Marinades for Chicken or Pork
While marinades are brilliant at turning cuts of meat that can often dry out when cooked into flavorful, moist meals, it’s easy to forget to plan ahead and get that meat into a marinade well before you’re ready to cook it. Enter: the freezer marinade, when you bring that meat home from the grocery store toss it in a marinade first and freeze it right in it. It will absorb the marinade whenever you decide to thaw it, and then all you have to do is bake, sauté, or grill it.
Oct 3, 2017
Make-Ahead Smoothie Packs: Mango-Orange Smoothie
If you are as excited about the imminent return of citrus season as I am, you’re going to want to stock up and keep these bright smoothie packs on repeat for as long as possible. Sweet orange segments are paired with tropical mango for a big punch of vitamin C, plus banana for a cool, creamy finish. This kit comes together with a trio of fruit, a hit of greens, plus a liquid of your choice when it’s time to blend. Here’s what you’ll need.
Sep 27, 2017
10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Buy in the Freezer Aisle (but Should)
I’ve always looked at my freezer as one of the best kitchen tools at my disposal. Not only does it hold my hoard of butter pecan ice cream, but it also serves as a staging area for any number of meals that I can pull together in minutes — without resorting to flimsy TV dinners.
Aug 9, 2017
5 Things to Know About Cleaning Your Freezer’s Built-in Ice Maker
There’s nothing better on a hot summer day than filling a tall glass totally full of ice cubes, then splashing a little something on top — be it water, LaCroix, or something stronger — for a super-chilly refreshment. But if that ice has an odor, or leaves little scaly bits in your beverage? That certainly ruins the moment.
Jul 27, 2017
Here’s How Long Ground Beef Will Last in the Freezer (and How to Store It)
With a package of ground beef in the freezer, you’re only minutes away from a spontaneous grilling session, Taco Tuesday, or a hearty meatloaf. This home cook’s staple is a breeze to freeze and can stash safely for months. Here’s what you need to know about it. Time is of the essence from the moment you purchase refrigerated ground beef, said Laura Hagen, senior director of the Culinary Center at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.
Jul 20, 2017
Here’s How Long Fruits and Vegetables Will Last in the Freezer (and the Best Way to Make Them Last)
The sunshine’s nice and all, but if we had to pick one thing to bottle up and save each summer, it’d be the bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables that pop up at farmers markets all season long. For food writer Jamie DeMent, it’s a total must-do. Her grandmother had a special kitchen dedicated just to canning!
Jul 14, 2017
10 Office Supplies You Should Use in the Freezer
Our super-cold office got us thinking: Office supplies would probably be very useful in the freezer.
Jul 13, 2017
The 10 Things I Always Have in My Freezer
I like to think that one’s freezer is a lot like one’s medicine cabinet. A peek inside reveals so much about the character and lifestyle of its owner! I suppose a refrigerator can offer you a similar insider perspective, but the freezer? Well, the freezer really gives you a look at the person’s future hopes and dreams — what is she stashing away in cold storage? — as well as one’s everyday habits and preferences.
Jul 12, 2017
The Most Important Tool for an Organized Freezer
My mother-in-law is an excellent cook. She bakes, she makes soup from scratch, she gathers herbs from the garden to blend into pestos and more, and, luckily for me, she usually makes more than she and my father-in-law can eat. Many a time we’ve gone to visit for the weekend and come home with a tote bag full of delectables and end up eating like kings for the week. Beyond her skills and years of experience, my mother-in-law has one secret weapon for her freezer: masking tape.
Jul 8, 2017
5 Things You Should Put in Your Freezer Right Now
Whether you only use your freezer for ice cream or it’s currently stuffed to the brim with leftover chili, bagged vegetables, and homemade cookie dough, there are a few surprising things that should absolutely be in there. Stash the stuff on this list in the freezer and you’ll save money, cut down on food waste, and prolong the flavors of summer for just a little longer. Stored in the freezer, dry yeast will keep for a long time past its expiration date.
Jul 6, 2017
The Best Freezer Organizing Hacks on the Internet
When it gets hot outside, we tend to turn to our freezers for relief (read: ice cream!). But if it’s been months since you’ve had a look in there, it’s likely that the compartment is just full of random bags, boxes, and whatnots that are a pain to sort through. If you’re frustrated, just chill out — and try these ingenious hacks for getting any kind of freezer under control.
Jul 4, 2017
Make-Ahead Croissant Egg Sandwiches (for All Your Brunch Needs)
Prep now, enjoy later.
Jan 12, 2017
Recipe: Eggnog Waffles with Spiced Whipped Cream
Last year we hosted family at our house on Christmas Day — all with a brand new baby. After a few moments of minor stress and lots of pacing, I’ve decided that the only way to have an easy, effortless day that I can truly enjoy is to do much of the food preparation in advance. So I started playing around with interesting, festive waffle recipes and landed on this incredibly tasty, fragrant eggnog waffle dressed up for the occasion with spiced whipped cream and a dusting of cinnamon.
Dec 12, 2016
Recipe: Gingerbread Red Velvet Cake
When the perfume of gingerbread floats through the air, and you catch a first glimpse of gingerbread men and houses, you know that holiday season is here for real. Gingerbread, in some form, has been a European holiday staple since medieval days, when using prized spices meant that it was a very special time of year.
Dec 7, 2016
7 Things to Keep in the Freezer to Turn a Box of Broth into Soup
While you can’t beat homemade broth, we also love how easily you can make something delicious and nourishing from a box or two of the store-bought stuff when needed. However, there’s a secret to making extra-flavorful soup from it: your freezer. Keep a well-stocked freezer full of ingredients that add flavor and substance and that boxed broth will fool you. Here are seven essentials to have on hand. Keep a few bags of frozen veggies in the freezer to toss into a soup on a whim.
Oct 13, 2016
How To Make Freezer Club Sandwiches
Taking food to friends, whether they are under the weather, renovating a kitchen, or welcoming a new baby, shouldn’t be limited to soups and casseroles. One of my favorite things to take to new parents is fixings for sandwiches because a sandwich can be breakfast, lunch, or dinner and requires only one hand to eat. Freezer club sandwiches take that concept and make them hot and satisfying and available on demand from the freezer.
Oct 5, 2016
Recipe: Freezer-to-Grill Steak and Vegetable Kabobs
This is the very definition of a #miraclemeal: beef and veggie kabobs that go straight from freezer to grill. These absolutely delicious family favorites are made with affordable beef sirloin that is coated with a spice rub, and threaded onto skewers along with veggies. The whole kabob is frozen, skewers and all, so you can make these two at a time or 10 at a time. The best part is you don’t even need to thaw them; when you’re ready to cook just fire up the grill!
Sep 30, 2016
5 Make-Ahead Breakfast Sandwiches to Stock Your Freezer
Make-ahead breakfast sandwiches are the ultimate morning miracle — the gift that keeps on giving. The magic behind these sandwiches is big-batch cooking. With upfront planning and prep, they reward you with a hot, satisfying breakfast for days to come. Staple ingredients like condiments and spreads have the power to boost the flavor of breakfast sandwiches in a big way.
Sep 11, 2016
3 Rules for Freezing and Reheating Breakfast Sandwiches
Prepping and freezing your own breakfast sandwiches is a morning game-changer, but knowing how to do it right is equally important. There are a few simple rules to follow to achieve freezer-friendly breakfast-sandwich success. Follow them and your rushed weekday mornings are bound to be better. When prepping breakfast sandwiches for the freezer, it’s important to wrap up each one individually.
Sep 8, 2016
Recipe: Slow-Cooker Ginger Peach Butter
If you’ve ever been overambitious and purchased too many juicy summer peaches at the farm stand or farmers market, preserving them in the slow cooker is just the answer. Making peach butter requires no peeling, no pots to stir on the stove, and none of the canning equipment you need when making peach jam. Slow-cooker peach butter is the easiest, hands-off way to make sure your peach haul is turned into something tasty. Fruit butters get their name from their thick but spreadable texture.
Aug 29, 2016
Freezing Is the Easiest, Fastest Way to Preserve Summer Fruits and Vegetables
It’s usually right around this point in the summer, each and every year, that I get the warmest, fuzziest feeling at the farmers market — the abundance of seasonal fruits and vegetables has a way of doing that. Saturday after Saturday, piles of tomatoes after piles of peaches, I start to think it may just last forever, that those deep winter days of nothing but cellared potatoes and onions will never arrive. But the sad truth is that they will.
Aug 24, 2016
5 Vegetables to Freeze Right Now
Maybe your local farmers market is filled to the brim or your own garden is overflowing with summer produce and you don’t have the time (or desire — that’s okay too) to pickle, can, dry, or otherwise preserve a bumper crop of corn or tomatoes. Luckily the freezer is a time capsule you can fill with summer vegetables to enjoy even in the depths of winter. Here are five vegetables you can freeze right now, and some tips on how to prepare them for their long chill.
Aug 22, 2016
Recipe: Frozen Yogurt Pie with Boozy Blueberries
Summer desserts should feel easy and carefree, but that doesn’t mean they should be thoughtless. Sure, there are nights when reaching into the freezer for that pint of ice cream is just the thing to top off a hot, steamy night. But sometimes, something just a little more fancy, that involves just as little effort, feels more appropriate. This pie is the answer. Made with a few store-bought ingredients, it comes together fast yet still feels elegant.
Aug 12, 2016
Recipe: Pineapple Whip
Even if you’ve never been to a Disney theme park, you know the lure of Dole Whip. This sweet and creamy frozen pineapple treat is a delicious hybrid of soft-serve and pineapple sorbet — but even better. No wonder it’s so often associated with a place where dreams come true. Here’s the good news: There’s no travel required for our Disney-inspired pineapple whip. You just need five basic ingredients and a blender.
Aug 4, 2016
How To Cook Collard Greens in the Slow Cooker
Collard greens need a gentle, slow, luxurious braise in fragrant liquid (rather like a spa treatment), which makes a slow cooker the perfect vessel and method. With a little work up front and a thoughtful finish, a large slow cooker can yield many servings of velvety greens and brilliant potlikker — plenty for immediate feasting and plenty to freeze for later.
Jul 19, 2016
5 Fruits to Freeze Before Your Road Trip
This summer I have three road trips on the calendar, and one thing I’m definitely not leaving home without is plenty of snacks. While I like to keep things varied, at the top of this summer’s pack list is fruit. Right now we have a bounty of fresh fruit at our fingertips, and when packed just right it’s a refreshing frozen treat that makes road tripping even sweeter. The key to making frozen fruit successful for snacking on the go is all about the prep and packing.
Jul 6, 2016
10 Things to Keep in the Freezer for Emergency Snacks
When it comes to snacking, your first stop is probably the pantry, or maybe the fridge if you’re after something fresh. One spot you may be skipping is the freezer, and it’s time to change that. When it’s stocked with these 10 easy items, your freezer is the go-to destination for emergency snacking. Frozen edamame is a protein-packed snack-time superstar. It’s equally satisfying whether your enjoy it on its own, or dress it up with a few extra flavors.
Jul 6, 2016
Recipe: Muffin-Tin Ice Cream Cakes
Ice cream cake is, hands-down, my favorite kind of cake. The thing I’m picky about, though, is that it must actually have cake. Ice cream cakes consisting of only ice cream are just a gallon of ice cream in disguise. Now that we’ve established what must go into an ice cream cake, here’s a fail-proof way to make them in the summer: in a trusty muffin tin to make cute, single-serving sweet treats. Making mini ice cream cakes in a muffin tin is all about layering.
Jul 1, 2016
Recipe: Cacio e Pepe Croutons
Lately cacio e pepe, a humble Roman pasta dish, has been getting quite a lot of praise — and for good reason. The simple pasta dish that’s tossed with nothing more than black pepper, olive oil, and Pecorino Romano cheese is a lesson in just how flavorful basic ingredients can be. So why limit this powerhouse of flavor to just pasta? These inspired croutons just might rival the original.
Jun 24, 2016
Recipe: Everything Bagel Croutons
I firmly believe there are few places where everything bagel spice can’t go — and croutons are certainly no exception. Studded with tiny nooks and crannies, these crispy, toasted cubes are ideal for catching every last bit of flavoring. If you have 10 minutes, you have more than enough time to make these croutons a reality. If everything bagel spice has a regular place in your life, and you already have the pre-made spice blend handy, go ahead and use that.
Jun 23, 2016
Recipe: Taco Croutons
Whether you’re putting the finishing touches on the ultimate taco salad, or just trying to pretend your leafy green salad is a plate of tacos, these crispy, flavor-packed croutons will help get you there. Any type of bread will work to make these seasoned croutons a reality.
Jun 22, 2016
How To Make Summer Fruit Sauce in the Slow Cooker
This slow-cooker sauce is the ultimate answer to the overabundance of summer fruit. Whether you went crazy at the U-Pick or just got too excited at the farmers market or grocery store, turning your excess into a warm, sweet sauce is an easy solution — especially when all that’s required of you is dumping the fruit into the slow cooker with a little water and sugar and letting the appliance do its thing. Cooking fruit low and slow in the slow cooker is a little like magic.
Jun 16, 2016
Recipe: Riesling Rhubarb Crisp Layer Cake
This Riesling rhubarb crisp cake has it all: tender white cake, rhubarb-strawberry compote and matching buttercream, a crispy oat crumble, and a fanciful, ruffled finish. It’s the perfect cake to bake when you’re feeling like showing off your cake-baking skills or looking for a weekend project to tackle when you want to spend the day in the kitchen.
May 20, 2016
Recipe: Turkey Wonton Soup
This recipe is a bit of a departure from the usual Chinese wonton. Pork and shrimp are far more common fillings for wontons than turkey, but substituting turkey for pork makes these dumplings leaner and healthier, without any great sacrifice in flavor. The trickiest part of this recipe is the folding of the wontons, but it is easy to get the hang of it in a couple of tries. After that, the process moves quickly.
Mar 15, 2016
Recipe: Parmesan Barley Bowl with Roasted Broccoli and a Soft-Boiled Egg
This barley bowl did not initially elicit excitement — my husband later described it as “unassuming”— but like so many grain bowls before it, this meal is more than the sum of its grains and vegetables. The details make all the difference.
Jan 11, 2016
10 Ways Your Freezer Can Make Everyday Cooking Easier
Your freezer isn’t just for ice cream and that half-empty bottle of vodka — it can actually be a tool to help you streamline your everyday cooking routine and make life easier on yourself. Follow these 10 tips for stocking your freezer, and you’ll stress less about meal time. Organize your freezer: First you need to make sure your freezer is organized to get the most out of it — or rather into it.
Dec 31, 2015
Recipe: Chicken Tamales with Pumpkin Mole
Chicken tamales drenched in mole are a staple of the Christmas season. They are a little time-consuming (but not hard), and best when made with friends and family. In fact, the making of the tamales is almost as important as the eating of the tamales. Gathering together to create this beloved food has become one of my favorite traditions of the holiday season. I like to break the process up over a couple of days.
Dec 15, 2015
Recipe: Spinach and Feta Hand Pies
You can ditch the plate and fork for this version of spanakopita. The spinach and feta filling you know and love from this Greek dish is tucked inside whole-wheat pizza dough, then wrapped and baked into portable hand pies. This recipe is a riff on the traditional Greek pie, spanakopita, that sandwiches a spinach and feta filling between layers of buttery and flaky phyllo dough. Here I traded the phyllo for whole-wheat pizza dough.
Oct 19, 2015
Recipe: Bacon and Egg Fried Rice
So you have some leftover rice from your week of awesome “serve with rice” dishes. Know what that means? It’s time for fried rice — the perfect vehicle to use up any and all leftover rice in your fridge. In fact, it’s time for one of our simplest, most flavorful fried rice dishes: bacon and egg fried rice.
Oct 9, 2015
10 Smart Ways to Use Frozen Broccoli
Frozen vegetables are one of my secret weapons for quick and healthy meals. Broccoli has been in heavy rotation lately – we take a bag out of the freezer, and in a few minutes, it’s ready to be used in unexpected ways in all kinds of dishes. While there’s almost an endless amount of ways to use frozen vegetables, my go-to is usually as a side dish.
Oct 5, 2015
What’s the Best Way to Freeze and Defrost Cake Layers?
Q: I have to make the cakes for a party three days in advance of the event because of an already-scheduled weekend trip. I have a couple questions about how to do this. I know I can freeze them, but what is the best way to wrap them before freezing? I’m planning on decorating the cakes the morning of the event — when should I take the cakes out of the freezer, so that they will be defrosted in time for the event? The night before? Thanks so much!
Aug 27, 2015
The Easiest Way to Grate Ginger
I love always having fresh ginger around to add a spicy kick to sweets or depth to savory foods, but I don’t always use it up. Another thing that annoys me is when I grate ginger, there are usually lots of stringy bits that don’t break up in the grater, and I’m left with weird pulpy bits. Here’s a trick that solves both problems!
Aug 17, 2015
14 Smart Tips for Freezing Summer Produce
You know how much you’re loving sweet corn, garden-fresh basil, and perfect summer berries right now? I’m going to wager that you might love them even more come winter. You know, when fresh produce hits a low point and there’s snow piled outside your front door. From fruits to vegetables to fresh herbs, now’s the time to stash these summer staples in the freezer so you can enjoy them all year long.
Aug 10, 2015
9 Things to Prep and Freeze for Easy Summer Meals
I don’t know about you, but the summer heat is starting to get to me. I’m a wimp, that’s for sure, but still — I’d rather sweat at the gym or on a hike than in my kitchen while making dinner. I’ll confess to leaning on snacky dinners and take-out when the temperature rises, but my favorite budget-friendly strategy is to have some freezer meals at the ready. Last month I worked up a freezer meal plan with some of my favorite summer recipes.
Aug 4, 2015
12 Ways to Preserve Vegetables in Ice Cube Trays
Think only water belongs in ice cube trays? Think again. We’ve sipped drinks decorated with raspberry-studded ice cubes, we’ve saved leftover lemon juice in trays, and we’ve provided an extra caffeinated punch in our iced coffees with frozen coffee cubes. But what about herbs or vegetables? Here are a few of my favorite ways to preserve veggies, herbs, and sauces in convenient, practical, portion-controlled cubes.
Jul 16, 2015
Did You Know You Can Freeze Leftover Whipped Cream?
Whipped cream is one of life’s little luxuries that makes everything it touches just a wee bit better. Whether you like it to melt into your hot cocoa, crown your hot fudge sundae, or gild your pie or apple crisp, it’s amazing how just taking a whisk to some heavy cream transforms it so beautifully. But what about that leftover whipped cream that didn’t get served? Should you just toss it?
Jul 1, 2015
What Are Good Vegetarian Freezer Meals for Summer?
Q: I’m having a baby at the end of July and starting to stock my freezer. The thing is, so many freezer-friendly meals require baking at the end, and I live in Texas, where it will be too hot to turn on the oven. Does anyone have suggestions for vegetarian summer freezer meals that are not soup? Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can provide! Sent by Anna Editor: First, congratulations, Anna! Stir-fry is probably my all-time favorite freezer meal.
Jun 30, 2015
The Only Time You Can Safely Refreeze Meat or Poultry
Thawing something from the freezer to cook for dinner has saved us from many a last-minute grocery store run, but what happens if you forget about what you thawed or your plans change? Can you safely throw that meat or poultry back in the freezer to cook another time? You can, but only in one instance! If you defrosted meat or poultry in the refrigerator, you can refreeze it without cooking it.
Jun 5, 2015
Tip Test: Is This the Best Way to Store Your Ice Cream?
Going out for ice cream is so easy: order your scoop, and someone with strong arm muscles reaches down into the freezer, carves out perfectly round scoops with ease, and hands you your cone. I never seem to be able to recreate these smooth movements at home, though, since my ice cream is always rock-hard straight from the freezer.
Jun 3, 2015
Recipe: Asian Cauliflower Fried Rice with Kalua Pork
Adopting a Paleo lifestyle doesn’t mean that fried rice is forever off the menu. You just have to get creative. Years ago, when I went Paleo, I experimented in the kitchen until I developed an Asian cauliflower fried “rice” that easily trumps the greasy, soy-drenched stuff peddled by your local Chinese restaurant. As long as you prep the veggies the night before, it’s a cinch to throw this one-wok meal together on a weeknight.
May 19, 2015
The Best Place to Thaw Frozen Food
There are lots of ways to thaw frozen food: you can put it in the refrigerator, run it under cold water, leave it out on the counter, or even use the defrost setting on your microwave. Which method is the best and safest one to use? The refrigerator is the safest method of thawing food because it keeps the food out of the “Danger Zone” (temperatures between 40°F and 140°F, where bacteria multiplies rapidly) the whole time it is defrosting.
May 15, 2015
Does an Aluminum Surface Thaw Food Faster?
As much as we all probably strive to plan ahead and make getting dinner on the table easy and stress-free, let’s face it: it doesn’t always happen, even with the best of intentions. Even if you’ve got a freezer stocked full of meat, you can’t do much with it until it’s defrosted. And while the best place to thaw is in the refrigerator, what happens when you forgot to do it and dinner has to happen soon?
May 13, 2015
Is It Still Safe to Eat Soup That Was Frozen Uncovered?
Q: Inspired by all the freezer talk, I went ahead and froze some minestrone soup. I used a quart-sized plastic food storage container (similar to a yogurt container). I froze the soup three weeks ago. When I went to move the container to the fridge to thaw, I saw that, somehow, the lid had come off in the freezer, leaving the soup exposed. I don’t know when this happened. Is my soup consumable? Or should I toss it, lesson learned, and buy some different containers?
Apr 27, 2015
The Best Place to Store Leftover Bread
Among the constant food staples in my kitchen is bread. You’ll rarely find me without a hearty loaf of multigrain (homemade, on really good weeks), and a fresh baguette. But, as much as I love carbs, it’s sometimes tough to eat my way through without facing stale slices or dry heels. Though I’d like to use the stale leftovers for croutons or bread crumbs, there’s never quite enough to make a worthwhile amount, or other times it doesn’t fit into my cooking plans.
Apr 21, 2015
Why You Can Store Vodka But Not Beer in the Freezer
Have you ever heard that alcohol doesn’t freeze, and wondered why? Well, it’s actually a common misconception that alcohol doesn’t freeze. Alcohol does freeze, just not at the temperatures that home freezers are kept at. Here’s what it takes to freeze alcohol solid. Ethanol, the alcohol found in beer, wine, and liquors, has a melting point of -114ºC (-173ºF).
Apr 14, 2015
The 5 Frozen Vegetables I Always Have in the Freezer
While I love cooking with fresh vegetables whenever possible, there are times when relying on frozen vegetables just makes more sense. Whether it’s because of availability, budget, seasonality, or just simply convenience, frozen vegetables are a staple I’ve come to rely on throughout the year. While the selection tends to rotate, there are five favorites that I always have on hand.
Apr 9, 2015