Breakfast Recipes & Ideas
Page 38
How Do I Make Brown Rice Congee in My Rice Cooker?
Q: I have been experimenting with brown rice congee in my rice cooker. While there is a porridge setting, it does not work well for brown rice. Does anyone know how I can get delicious brown rice congee from a rice cooker meant to cook white rice? Sent by Emma Editor: Readers, what do you think? Does anyone have any experience making congee in the rice cooker?
Aug 14, 2014
A Spring Breakfast Sandwich to Swoon Over
I love breakfast sandwiches. I love the buttery bread or bagel, the runny eggs, the cheese, the bacon. I love it all. There’s just something so luxurious about eating something slightly decadent for breakfast on the weekend, and this spring-y version from My Blue & White Kitchen is no exception. This breakfast sandwich doesn’t include any eggs or bacon, but it definitely doesn’t lack that buttery, decadent factor.
Jun 13, 2014
Mary Ting Hyatt On What Makes The Perfect Bagel
This week I’ve been sharing the wonder that is Bagelsaurus, Boston’s mini bagel bakery run by Mary Ting Hyatt. So far we’ve seen her bagel-making process and learned about a great, non-scary home alternative to lye. Today we’re going back to basics with a simple question: what makes a great bagel?
May 9, 2014
Expert Bagel Maker Confirms: You Don’t Need Lye To Make a Good Bagel
Yesterday I introduced you to Mary Ting Hyatt of Bagelsaurus and her seriously delicious bagels. At one point in her bagel making process, I observed her dip a pretzel bagel into a lye solution, and I had to ask: is lye really necessary for bagels? I think lye is kind of scary to deal with at home, so what’s a home bagel maker to do? What does lye do, and why it is sometimes used to make bagels?
May 8, 2014
Look! Pancakes Made with Beets
There are a lot of creative ways to add vegetables into your breakfast rotation. A couple weeks ago Gina talked about her new found love for breakfast salads, and of course it’s easy to add some veggies into your morning smoothie. This, however, is new to me –– roasted, pureed beets in pancakes! Due to the natural sugar found in beets, when they are added to you pancake mix you can omit some of the sugar! A rather healthy breakfast all around, wouldn’t you say?
Apr 28, 2014
An Unexpected Morning at Home
The day had started with the most wonderful of ambitions: a road trip to the ocean, a short hike, a picnic, maybe even a visit to the apple farm on the way home. A little exploring, a little adventure, a perfect Saturday plan. Maybe it was the morning fog or the chilly temperatures or the headachy and expensive breadth of our planning. Or maybe we just needed a quiet morning.
Apr 27, 2014
Steven Soria’s 5 Tips for the Very Best Banana Pancakes
Who cooks and eats here: Steven Soria of Make Smith Where: Santa Barbara, CA Visit Steven’s blog: Make Smith Blog Once you try Steven Soria’s banana brûléed pancakes, it’s hard to go back to any other pancake. In fact, I haven’t had a single starchy patty pass my lips since this encounter with pure banana caramelized joy. Why bother when greatness is just down my street within this cute California kitchen?
Apr 23, 2014
Day 15: Make Dinner Tonight & Plan Next Week’s Breakfasts, Lunches & Dinners
Day 15: Friday, March 21 Today’s Assignment: Make dinner! Weekend Assignment: Plan all of your breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for next week The Cooking Cure: See all assignments so far here We’re heading into the home stretch of our Cooking Cure, and this weekend is a big one! The goal this weekend is to plan, and to prep, for all your breakfasts, lunches, and dinners next week. That’s 21 meals, including the weekend. Feeling pumped? Nervous?
Mar 21, 2014
I’d Forgotten That Breakfast Is the Best… Until Today.
Day 5: Make breakfast today and plan next week’s breakfasts. This morning I woke and up and made breakfast in a clean kitchen. And it felt so good. As I shared yesterday, my biggest deterrent to cooking everyday is a messy kitchen, so one of my goals for this Cooking Cure has been to clean the kitchen after every meal. Last night I cleaned the kitchen both before and after dinner (hopefully I won’t be doing that again for a long time!
Mar 7, 2014
Video: A Surprising Tip for the Best Bacon (With Less Mess)
Earlier this year we shared a surprising tip that we had just discovered: You make better bacon (with less mess) by cooking it in water. Weird, right? But it really works! We decided that it would be better shown in video — take a look! You can see more details on my first tests of this method here: Weird Tip That Really Works: For Perfect Bacon, Add a Little Water to the Pan Have you ever tried this?
Mar 7, 2014
My 3 Breakfast Goals for March
Day 2: Ask yourself 3 questions about your breakfast habits As I shared yesterday, my daily toast and peanut butter breakfast routine is ready for a revamp. I’m craving more variety, more protein, more fruit! I like having a breakfast routine during the week, though, so any changes have to be easy to implement. With that in mind, here are the 3 breakfast goals I’ve set up for March: Eat some fruit with breakfast every day.
Mar 4, 2014
What’s the Best Way to Make Quiche for an Office Party?
Q: We’re starting up a breakfast club at work for sign-up members only. About 16 people will participating. I have a wonderful quiche recipe that everyone loves. I’m wondering if I could make the quiche in two 8″ x 8″ glass baking dishes that could each be reheated separately in the microwave? (A larger dish wouldn’t fit.) I also always use a store-bought frozen crust that comes in an aluminum foil plate and it can’t be reheated in a microwave.
Mar 4, 2014
Hate Mushy Oatmeal? Try This Easy Tip for Perfect Texture Every Time
Making morning oatmeal often feels like a tradeoff between texture and time. Rolled oats cook up in a couple minutes, but can quickly turn gluey and mushy. And while steel-cut oats are chewier and more satisfying, their 20- to 30-minute cooking time isn’t always convenient in the morning. Here’s a quick tip for making a bowl of oatmeal with a texture that’s just right, in about 10 minutes. It’s simple — just cook a mixture of half rolled oats, half steel-cut oats.
Mar 3, 2014
Got an Empty Peanut Butter Jar? Use It for Overnight Oats
Between my daily breakfast of toast and almond butter and my husband’s post-workout peanut butter smoothies, we go through a lot of nut butter in my household. Normally I just give the empty jars to the dog to go to town on, but I really like this no-waste tip I spotted on Instagram from registered dietitian Lauren Blake: to enjoy every last bit of your nut butter, make overnight oats in your empty jar!
Feb 14, 2014
Can I Prepare Smoothies The Night Before?
Q: Can I make breakfast smoothies, especially green smoothies, the night before I want to drink them? My roommate’s room is right next to the kitchen, and I’m the first one up in the morning, so making a fresh smoothie before I go to work would be out of the question as far as considerate roommating is concerned. Can I make a smoothie in the evening and stick it in the fridge until morning? Or will it become gross and brown overnight? Sent by Claudia Editor: I say give it a try!
Jan 31, 2014
Recipe: Korean Pumpkin Porridge with Rice Dumplings (Hobakjuk)
Across Asia, dumplings symbolize good luck for the Lunar New Year. In preparation for this year’s celebration, I decided to learn how to make one of my favorite dumpling dishes, the Korean hobakjuk or pumpkin porridge with sweet rice dumplings. If you aren’t familiar with the Asian tradition of sweet soups and porridges, it might help to think of this as a pudding.
Jan 29, 2014
How I Create Make-Ahead Baking Mixes
Commercial baking mixes are pretty mainstream these days. What was once a novelty for our grandmothers is common place today. Some folks can’t dream of making pancakes or muffins without a box. I myself once thought that was baking “from scratch.” Unfortunately, despite their convenience, these boxed mixes contain dubious ingredients and often lack substance or flavor.
Jan 7, 2014
What Is Your Traditional Christmas Morning Breakfast?
Christmas morning is often a time of family ritual and tradition. It usually involves opening gifts or stockings, but it can also be a trip to church or a hike in the hills or a visit to a friend or relative’s house. And, of course, there’s also the food. Many families have a special Christmas morning breakfast, something only consumed on that particular morning. It can be anything from a fancy buffet to an overnight casserole that bakes while the presents are opened.
Dec 9, 2013
5 Breakfast Recipes Made with Thanksgiving Leftovers
While eating all that ridiculously good food for Thanksgiving, it’s unlikely that you’re thinking about breakfast for the following day. If, however, you have a house full of guests, and you don’t feel like grazing or just making sandwiches, these five recipes utilize leftovers in simple, smart ways. As you can tell from the photos of four of the recipes, eggs are your friend for transforming Thanksgiving leftovers.
Nov 26, 2013
Recipe: Quinoa & Winter Squash Bake
When we think of meatless sources of protein, foods like beans, tofu, and cheese generally top the list. But one of my favorites is quinoa (shark-jumping be darned!) — not only is it a delicious and complete protein, but it’s also rich in iron and fiber, vegan-friendly, gluten-free, and unprocessed. For ethical farming reasons, I always make sure to buy Fair Trade quinoa. This season I’m baking quinoa into a savory pie with roasted winter squash and aromatic herbs and spices.
Nov 13, 2013
7 Tips for Hosting a Stress-Free Brunch
Love the idea of hosting brunch, but begin to regret it the moment your friends start recalling their hilarious evening while you toil over a pan of bacon grease? Join the club. While I don’t host brunch often, when I do, I frame my entire menu around the fact that I don’t want to spend the whole morning in the kitchen. Sure, that chorizo and leek omelet is fantastic at your local eatery, but are you a short-order cook? No. Skip the omelets and spend time with your friends.
Nov 8, 2013
The Best Start for Chilly Fall Mornings: Make-Ahead Steel-Cut Oatmeal
Huddled under the covers, hitting the snooze button on these chilly fall mornings? Tell me about it! With the temperature creeping lower and lower, practically the only thing getting me to rise and shine is the thought of a hearty breakfast of steel-cut oatmeal waiting in the kitchen. In anticipation of busy mornings, I often cook up a batch on Sunday to eat all week. Here’s how I do it.
Sep 30, 2013
Recipe for Rosh Hashanah: Apple Butter Challah
I have never met a challah I did not like. There is simply something magical about the puffed, egg-enriched loaves that sit at the center of many Jewish holiday meals and that make an extravagant base for French toast. And yet as a kid, I would count down the days to Rosh Hashanah when my mom would bring home challah baked specially for the holiday.
Sep 3, 2013
Recipe: Frozen Single-Serve Oatmeal with Almonds & Dried Cherries
It’s the first week of my second year of grad school and I have to admit I am not feeling ready. Mostly I’m bummed about four continuous months of only having enough time to do the bare minimum in the kitchen. Quick breakfasts, lunches that will survive several hours in a backpack and late-night dinners that don’t involve a lot of fuss — my cooking now sounds like headlines from a women’s magazine.
Aug 27, 2013
King Ranch Casserole
With all the hustle and bustle in our daily lives, I can’t think of anything better than stocking the freezer with a couple of homemade casseroles. There is something about these piping-hot, one-dish meals that can satisfy the weariest of souls. This from-scratch version of King Ranch Casserole gets rid of the cans and is destined to become a modern-day classic.
Aug 26, 2013
Tips for Choosing a Healthier Breakfast from a Box
We’re coming up on back-to-school time and while I don’t have kids, I sense the season in every store or market I walk into. There are specials on school supplies, packaged cereals, and energy bars. While here at The Kitchn we love to tout the benefits of making your own granola and snacks, most of us have a box of granola bars or cereal for backup in the weekday hustle and bustle. So is there a way to do packaged foods smarter?The answer is: of course!
Aug 16, 2013
What’s Up With Baking Eggs in Avocados?
For awhile now I feel like Pinterest has been swarming with eggs baked in avocados. Some of these recipes are plain, some have bacon, others are topped with cheese or even guacamole. For the most part they all look super pretty, as Pinterest photos are ought to be, but I just don’t get the appeal. Isn’t it just a hot pile of mush? Why would you ever want a warm avocado?
Aug 1, 2013
Why You Should Try Making Yogurt with Heirloom Starter Cultures
At some point last winter, I began making my own yogurt. And I haven’t turned back since — although I can’t seem to help buying all of the new, interesting commercial yogurts on the market. While I’m not one to encourage diving into each and every DIY-type kitchen task (I’m a lackluster jammer and a crummy preserver), making your own yogurt simply makes sense if you eat it a few times each week.
Jul 30, 2013
Overripe Bananas? Make Granola!
I have my go-to recipes for overripe bananas, and I’m sure you do as well. Banana bread is an obvious choice, smoothies are an easy option, and banana splits aren’t a half bad fallback. But what about a healthy, homemade morning cereal?I make hundreds of pounds of granola each week for my company Marge Granola.
Jul 29, 2013
5 Hangover Cures That Went Mainstream
Everyone has their tried-and-true hangover foods, but throughout history there have been a few cures that were so good, they were embraced by the general population, not just those nursing a headache from the night before. Smithsonian’s Food & Think blog recently shared the history of five favorite foods that got their start as hangover cures.
Jul 25, 2013
The One-Minute Microwave Omelet
My husband has been in hot pursuit of the flawless French omelet for months, studying our stove’s quirks and calibrating the ratio of butter to pan surface (I cover my eyes at this point). He would be appalled to learn that his hard-won mastery may be jeopardized by a shortcut in that most modern of machines, the microwave. Can a one-minute microwave omelet challenge the greatness of the classic omelet?
Jun 25, 2013
Tip: Bring Homemade Pancake Mix on Your Next Trip
I rarely make pancakes at home, but for some reason I always crave them during the long, leisurely mornings of a vacation. And I like to keep those mornings leisurely by bringing along my own DIY pancake mix.I simply mix together the dry ingredients for my favorite pancake recipe and write the wet ingredients needed on the outside of the bag.
Jun 21, 2013
Recipe: Ham, Cheddar & Chive Egg Bakes
Cooking while traveling can be a tough endeavor. You lose most of the control you usually have at home: who knows how the oven will work, who knows where the local grocery store is… and on. And on. These egg bakes are a good solution to a healthy, delicious breakfast while traveling. The ingredients are basic and easy to track down, and they’re infinitely adaptable so you can toss in a little of whatever vegetables or cheese you have on hand.
Jun 19, 2013
Why I Sort of Love Nescafé Instant Coffee
As any coffee addict knows, in places where a decent cup of coffee is hard to find, you’ll always find Nescafé. Though the coffee snob in me feels I should turn up my nose at instant coffee from a packet, I have a soft spot for those brown crystals that make it easy to find a steaming cup of hot coffee no matter where in the world you are.Yes, that’s probably the addict talking.
Jun 11, 2013
5 Tips for Making Healthier Banana Bread
It’s true that when the weather turns warmer, I don’t bake as often. But when you live in Seattle, that tends to be a slow, evolving process with many people here insisting that summer doesn’t actually start until after July 4th. In other words: we’ve got some baking days left in us yet! I’ve been experimenting with wholesome quick breads for breakfast and had great luck turning oil-laden, sweet recipes into healthier morning options.
May 31, 2013
The Very Best Cheese for a Frittata: What Gets Your Vote?
In a recent piece about frittatas for The Washington Post, food writer Joe Yonan discussed deciding which cheese to use for his spring frittata. He favors a salty feta, although he recognizes that not everyone agrees. For instance, he mentions that chef and cookbook writer Lidia Bastianich reaches for a rich, whole-milk ricotta (which I’d never thought to do).
May 31, 2013
Skip’s Scramble: A Recipe for Fans of Arrested Development
If you’re a fan of the smart and wacky sitcom Arrested Development, you probably couldn’t wait to sit down and binge-watch the newest season on Netflix on Sunday. And speaking of bingeing, there is no better meal to accompany your future AD marathons than this truly impressive recreation of the show’s infamous “Skip’s Scramble,” which includes 12 separate recipes referencing the show, from Cornball Cakes to Hot Ham Water .
May 28, 2013
Forget Taco Bell: 7 Savory Ways to Eat Waffles at Home
You may have heard that Taco Bell recently began testing a breakfast Waffle Taco at a few locations in Southern California. I haven’t tried it and — being an admitted fast-food snob — probably never will, but I can understand the appeal. Hot, crisp, chewy waffles aren’t just made for maple syrup or fruit. Pair them with cheese, chives, fried chicken, a runny egg, or even chili, and you have a plate of waffles ready for a savory brunch or even dinner.
May 22, 2013
8 Ways to Eat a Loaf of Bread for Dinner
Remember when everyone could eat bread? With more and more people avoiding gluten, bread has become a guilty pleasure at the dinner table, even for those of us who can tolerate it just fine. My deepest sympathies to those with gluten intolerance, who may want to look away while I take a moment to appreciate warm, soft, chewy, crusty, wonderful bread and all the ways you can turn a day-old loaf of it into a full meal.
Mar 22, 2013
How Not To Cook An Egg: When Pinterest and the Internet Lead You Wrong
The internet told me that if I shook my uncooked egg before boiling that it would come out with a beautiful yellow color and creamy texture. No whites, no yolks, just a pale yellow. Sounds cool, right? I saw multiple people liking the idea, so I hopped on board and tried it with the hard-boiled eggs I like for lunch. Folks, some ideas we should not try at home. Want to know what happens when you shake an egg before cooking?
Mar 11, 2013
Look! A Waffle Wedding Cake
My cousin got married last year and at the reception they had a really delightful breakfast-for-lunch affair, with a giant griddle and a jolly chef flipping pancakes dramatically. I thought of that wedding when I spotted this charming waffle cake — hello, wedding brunch! What do you think of waffles, instead of cake? cheese wheels instead of cake Why stop with waffles though? I’m picturing a pancake stack sky-high, with bride and bridegroom perched on top.
Mar 7, 2013
Recipe: Honeyed Grapefruit Yogurt Parfait with Popped Amaranth
Sometimes I like to trick my senses into thinking we’re experiencing warmer, more spring-like mornings than we really are in Seattle. Case in point: this pretty, delicate breakfast recipe that’s perfectly-balanced with creamy yogurt, toasty coconut, crunchy amaranth and sweet honey.
Mar 6, 2013
Did You Know That You Can Freeze Pancake Batter?
Although making pancake batter isn’t difficult, it doesn’t always make for a speedy morning. But you can make weekday pancakes a reality with this simple freezer tip. Best of all? It doesn’t involve reheating cold pancakes. Instead of baking up a double batch of pancakes this week and stashing them in the freezer, just double the batter and enjoy half for breakfast and freeze the rest of the batter for another day.
Mar 5, 2013
Ideas for Breakfasts That Can Be Sent in the Mail?
It’s okay if it needs a warm up or quick bake/cook at the destination but they should be as ready-to-go as possible.Sent by BenjaminEditor: Benjamin, I’d caution against mailing a cake in a jar, which can harbor the bacteria that cause botulism. Instead, I’d recommend a batch of homemade granola or muesli made with the recipient’s favorite nuts, fruit or other mix-ins.
Mar 4, 2013
Recipe: Potato and Leek Galette
One of the remarkable things about this savory potato and leek galette is that it looks fancy, yet the ingredients are simple and inexpensive. The potatoes are plain old russets, the fat is olive oil instead of butter, and even though it’s gluten-free and vegan, the galette is pleasantly starchy and creamy — a perfect cross between comfort food and an elegant, company-worthy dish.
Feb 20, 2013
My Morning Delight: A French Press Cold Brew
If you live up north, you may not be craving a cold brew this time of year. Down south in Texas, though, I’ll tell you that things are quite different. Temperatures are already hitting 80 degrees! But when I want to hang onto that January cool for just a bit longer, I make a French pressed cold brew coffee with a little sea salt and caramel.
Feb 7, 2013
Recipe: Fresh Grape Cake with Luscious Lemon Sauce
I came up with this recipe after one of my trips to Italy during which I discovered the appeal of cooked grapes. In this cake, the grapes stay whole, but soften into juicy, ruby orbs. And with the cake: A simple sauce. But don’t let the simplicity fool you. This is seriously good sauce. People will think you have pulled out a double boiler (and all the stops) to make custard. Not true: The sauce consists only of mascarpone and lemon curd, whipped together.
Dec 31, 2012
Breakfast Recipe: Inspired Toast with Sweet Citrus Butter
Toast goes upscale when you start with something more intriguing than plain bread. This is a tasty way to use up some of the baked goods that have made their way into the kitchen over the holidays and turned a tad stale.(If, of course, you have eaten your way straight through all your Christmas baked goodies, then sourdough bread, as shown here, works very nicely too!)For the butter, we continue the flavors from the Citrus Salad — honey, citrus zest, and fresh juice.
Dec 28, 2012
Recipe: Creamed Spinach with Baked Eggs
Creamed spinach is a classic, decadent side dish, but it also makes a fine nest for baked eggs. Despite its name, cream weighs down the spinach, so half-and-half or whole milk is a better choice. On the other hand, skim milk is puny, meager, and inadequate. Starting with fresh spinach requires an extra prep step, but the flavor and texture are so superior to frozen spinach that it’s worth it. (You can make the creamed spinach the night before!
Dec 24, 2012
Sticky Buns & Baked Eggs: A Holiday Breakfast That’s Easier Than It Looks
This holiday breakfast is warm, cheerful, and tasty. Everything on the menu is easier than it looks, so you won’t wind up stranded in the kitchen all morning. Whether you’re cooking for a crowd the day after Thanksgiving, or planning ahead for December brunch, this menu of creamed spinach with baked eggs and ultra-easy cheater sticky buns is the way to go. Imagine actually sitting down to enjoy the meal along with your family and friends.
Dec 24, 2012
10 Bite-Sized Fall Breakfast Recipes
Eating small at breakfast can mean a few different things. First, it means you can scale back and eat smaller portions. Alternatively, it means you get to try many things without committing to one full-size choice. Following this logic, I’ll often get a few mini cupcakes or cookies in the afternoon instead of one large one, and I’ve been doing mini versions of favorite breakfast recipes at home, too.
Nov 12, 2012
Recipe: Enchiladas de Pipián Rojo
Every Halloween I like to cook something warm and pumpkin-y for dinner. This year I’ll pair my favorite pumpkin tortilla soup with enchiladas de pipián rojo, a smoky, nutty, spiced (but not too spicy) sauce made with pumpkin seeds, chile peppers, and roasted vegetables. In Mexico, pipián is a type of mole or sauce served with meat or over enchiladas. Made with ground seeds or nuts, it may be green (verde) or red (rojo).
Oct 31, 2012
Easy Dessert Recipe: Peach Yogurt Cake with Cinnamon Glaze
Peaches? In October? Yes, I nabbed a handful of extra-soft, very late season peaches at the market last week, and after I ate a couple I decided to sink the rest into an easy cake for a dinner party. And this turned out to be just the right decision. This is a yogurt cake — just about the easiest cake of them all. It’s a one-bowl cake, with yogurt, oil, and eggs whipped up into a batter and the flour and leavening dropped right on top of the liquid ingredients.
Oct 18, 2012
Why Pizza Makes the Best Breakfast
Have you ever had pizza for breakfast? There are a couple of ways to do it. The first is the cold way, the leftover way — pizza straight from the fridge, cold and chewy, with cheese slipping off sideways. This is not a breakfast to be underestimated. It’s fast and satisfying and who knows how many early morning college exams have been aced thanks to its brain-powering boost? But there’s another way to eat pizza for breakfast.
Oct 11, 2012
Hot Breakfast Recipe: Baked Pumpkin Steel Cut Oatmeal
Eating a hot breakfast is a challenge in the fall as mornings get darker and colder and we snuggle into warm beds until the last possible second. But eating a hot breakfast just makes the whole day better, don’t you think? The answer is to make your evenings work for you, and to prepare a hot breakfast the night before. I have found that one of the best ways to do this is oatmeal. But oatmeal is mushy, you say! Reheated oatmeal for breakfast? No thanks. Well, hold on a minute.
Sep 13, 2012
3 Tips to Help You Make Perfect Oatmeal
In the warmer months, yogurt and granola are my go-to breakfast. As fall approaches, I start making more and more oatmeal and each year I aim to perfect this relatively simple breakfast. With these three main tips, we’re pretty close to perfection.People like their oatmeal in very different ways. Not just the toppings, but the preparation itself. Some like it uber-creamy and soft while others prefer oats that are more chewy and toothsome.
Sep 12, 2012
Drink Your Oats: 5 Nourishing Whole-Grain Smoothie Recipes
In the early fall as the mornings get just a touch cooler, the breakfast options can get all the more hectic. There are often new school schedules to contend with, or at the very least, new school traffic to contend with. While granola bars or quick oatmeal are easy options, the substantial smoothie is a great way to mix things up this time of year. In the summer, smoothies so often consist mainly of seasonal berries or stone fruit with a good dollop of yogurt and maybe a dash of honey.
Sep 10, 2012
Recipe: Baked Eggs With Creamy Polenta, Spinach & Garlic
I had my first experience of the Nickel Diner in downtown Los Angeles a few weeks ago, and you can bet I zeroed right in on the “Eggs Baked on Polenta with Spinach.” My decision did not go unrewarded. In fact, I couldn’t stop thinking about this dish and its divine trifecta of savory breakfast treats, even after I’d boarded my plane and flew home. The creamy polenta was the first piece of the puzzle.
Sep 3, 2012
To Soak or Not to Soak: How Do You Enjoy Your Muesli?
In my mind, summertime is prime museli time. It’s a cool breakfast that gives me loads of energy without feeling sluggish or overly full. And it’s so simple to throw together at home. Some folks treat it much like cereal or granola, adding a splash of milk or a dollop of yogurt right before serving. Others soak it overnight. There are, indeed, benefits to both.So first, and I’d argue most importantly, there’s the issue of taste. Either you like soaked muesli or not.
Aug 13, 2012
How To Make the Best Granola
Do you love granola? Do you make it at home? Here is our very best recipe for you — a step-by-step tutorial to help you make wonderful granola, and also to let you customize it to your taste. This is a basic template to memorize and customize in your own kitchen, to please your every granola desire.
Jul 18, 2012
Recipe: Eight-Ball Zucchini With Eggs Baked Inside
Last week we received a bunch of cute little eight-ball zucchini from our CSA. We thought of stuffingeggs baked inside pattypan squash We hollowed out each squash, filled the shell with a bit of tomato sauce and tangy goat cheese, topped it with an egg, and popped it in the oven until the yolk was just set and still creamy. We ate it with crusty bread for brunch, but it would also be delicious as a simple summer dinner.
Jul 6, 2012
The Pleasures of a Breakfast Salad
A salad for breakfast? Indeed! This has been one of my favorite breakfasts lately. Rich, satisfying, and fresh.A few weeks ago I showed you this dish of prosciutto, mozzarella, and basil with a poached egg on top. It was an easy lunch, and as there was no bread in the house at the time, a great substitute for more run-of-the-mill toast and eggs.
Jun 19, 2012
Breakfast Recipe: English Muffin French Toast
Sometimes the best kitchen discoveries aren’t because of a fancy new pan or the latest addition to your cookbook library. Sometimes they happen by pure accident. Some of a chef’s most cherished recipes probably came about from a careless error or minor mishap. That’s what happened with the case of my English Muffin French Toast—a delicious mistake I will happily make again and again.
Apr 26, 2012
Market Recipe: Spring Quiche with Leeks and Sorrel
The days when you allow the farmers market to dictate what you make for dinner are kind of awesome days. To be quite honest, they’ve become rarer and rarer around our house as we’ve become busier during the weekends. But there’s something quite sweet about ambling around the market and chatting about what you could make with certain ingredients. This weekend, we had time to visit our local farmers market and found some beautiful looking sorrel, leeks, and farm eggs.
Apr 25, 2012
5 Tips to Help You Make Better Granola
I eat Greek yogurt and granola for breakfast most days of the week. I started perfecting granola at home when I got tired of buying dry, tasteless, over-priced granola at the store. Now I make it weekly, and have some tips and tricks so you, too, can avoid disappointing granola.
Mar 28, 2012
An Ode to Cereal: Shredded Wheat
I’m not sure when I discovered shredded wheat, but I can be sure it was by accident. Growing up, cereal meant the sugary kind that left the milk delightfully sweet. Hounded by my parents to cut back on sugar, I must have tried their shredded wheat one day and decided it was not completely disgusting. But now? I stockpile the stuff.Shredded wheat is the blank palette of breakfast foods: it is essential to load up the bowl with anything else to make it edible.
Mar 9, 2012
How to Open a Soft Boiled Egg
Imagine sitting down to breakfast and being confronted with a perfectly intact soft-boiled egg sitting in an egg cup. Would you know what to do next? If you’re from the Continent, or indeed much of the world, this would not a problem but most Americans would be a little puzzled about their next move. Turns out that there are several ways to approach a soft boiled egg and, not surprisingly, each has their staunch supporters. Read on for an overview of choices. Fat end or pointy end?
Mar 8, 2012
Skip the Syrup: 6 Savory Pancakes for Breakfast (or Dinner!)
Even if your morning cravings lean more salty than sweet, you can still enjoy a stack of hot, fluffy pancakes for breakfast. Ham, leeks, cheese and even quinoa give these six pancake recipes a savory twist. Savory pancakes would make an unusual addition to a weekend brunch, or a satisfying weekday breakfast if you made the batter the night before. A few of these recipes are even hearty enough to stand in for dinner.
Mar 8, 2012
Freezer-Friendly Scones: Freeze Unbaked Dough, Bake When Needed!
I first encountered the idea of frozen scones on vacation in Michigan. The Lake Street Market in Boyne City, MI sells rolls of their delicious apple walnut scones (and about a million other varieties) already frozen. What better for a summer lake house than a few scones in the freezer, just waiting to bake up and lure you to the breakfast table?
Mar 7, 2012
How to Make Diner-Style Hash Browns
There are two secrets to very good, very crispy diner-style hash browns. The first is squeezing the shredded potatoes as dry as possible. The second is a generous — though not gratuitous, mind you — amount of butter. Here is how it’s done. Definitely use a cast-iron skillet to cook your hash browns if you have one.
Mar 6, 2012
Favorite Breakfast Ingredient: Ricotta
While ricotta is perhaps most famous as a lasagna filling, it really shines at breakfast where its creamy texture and not too tangy flavor are a perfect match with many breakfast classics. My favorite way to eat it is to slather it on toast made with a rustic bread and drizzled with a few threads of bitter Sicilian honey. Add some fresh or dried fruit and a few almonds and you have a perfect way to start the day. Read on for a few more ways to use ricotta as an essential breakfast ingredient.
Mar 6, 2012
Try This! Use Chopsticks to Scramble Eggs
Most of us probably consider chopsticks to be more of a utensil than a tool, but Chef David Barry from the Culinary Institute of America has some compelling reasons for using them in the kitchen. Namely, the best scrambled eggs ever.In an article he wrote for Fine Cooking, Chef Barry recommends using chopsticks instead of spatulas or wooden spoons to stir a skillet of scrambled eggs.
Mar 6, 2012