These Are the Chocolate Brownies You Need to Make Right Now
I am always on the hunt for the perfect brownie recipe. It needs to be just the right balance between chewy and crispy and it needs to be deeply, deeply chocolate-y. But I also think there’s a nostalgia factor I’m chasing. I remember being four years old at school and having the lunch lady give me a corner piece from a giant sheet of powdered-sugar-laden brownies and thinking it was the absolute best thing I had consumed. To a more “sophisticated” palate (read: someone who is over the age of four), those brownies were probably not that good, but STILL one can chase a feeling, right?
This feeling brings us to this brownie recipe from Love and Olive Oil. If these brownies look familiar, you’re onto something. Love and Olive Oil says they are a version of Little Debbie’s Cosmic Brownies — you know, the ones that use to come in boxes that you devoured as a kid. Could this be my dream brownie?
Love and Olive Oil says this copycat recipe “gives you the fudgyness you crave, but with a lovely, well-rounded chocolate flavor and a silky smooth chocolate ganache on top,” which sounds pretty damn perfect. She recommends using the best cocoa powder you can buy, and she uses rainbow sprinkles from Sweetapolita, which she describes as “basically mini chocolate chips coated with a colorful candy coating.”
These aren’t your basic one-bowl brownie, but the perfect brownie isn’t always the easiest to make. Or at least that’s been my experience. Anyways, I know what I’m making this weekend.
Get the recipe: Out-of-this-World Cocoa Brownies from Love and Olive Oil