The Ingenious (and Inexpensive!) Cleaning Tip I Learned from a Mom Friend
When I became a mom, one of the things that I expected — and yet still found myself surprised by — was the sheer amount of new liquids that entered my home: milk, formula, and, eventually, purees for feedings; the fluids a baby spits up; the ones you find in diapers; and so on and so forth. If you have a boy, each trip to the changing table becomes a race to swap a diaper and a test of your reaction time (IYKYK).
Whether or not you’re a parent, though, house cleaning involves lots of liquids — both the messy and often gross ones you have to mop up and the solutions you use to do so.
With all of this in mind, my friend Carly Kuikman brought up a brilliant cleaning hack the other day at brunch: Use cloth diapers not necessarily as diapers themselves, but as rags for cleaning. By definition, “they’re super absorbent,” she says. They’re also machine-washable and reusable. And they’re less expensive than many standard burp cloths, so you will worry less about staining them and can keep them all over the house. For example, this Gerber 20-pack costs $26.99.
Naturally, I found that TikTokers and Instagrammers have also touted the benefits of this cleaning hack — and suggested smart other ways to apply it.
One TikToker straps a cloth diaper to a Swiffer Sweeper and uses it to clean mirrors and glass:
@officialjaysnest_ recommended using the cloth diaper microfiber inserts to clean your car:
And Seattle-based cloth diaper brand Diaper Stork snapped a photo of cloth diapers as a wood staining helper:
This post originally appeared on Apartment Therapy. See it there: Another Mom Taught Me This Genius (and Inexpensive!) Cleaning Solution