Smart Tip: Clean Spotty Knives With Lemon Juice
Growing up I was convinced my father loved his knives almost as much as he loved us. They were cleaned, dried and sharpened each time they were used. I never knew a dull or spotted knife… until I moved out on my own.
When knives are thrown in the dishwasher (gasp!) or left sitting in the sink with a little residual water, they get rust spots. (Yes, this means we should be taking better care of them, but we’re not looking for a show of hands!)
Here’s a smart tip to help put things right again: Courtney from Embracing the Moment is self-admittedly new to proper knife care, but she suggests using lemon juice and a sponge to remove those nasty rust spots. It’s an easy way to fix any signs of knife neglect and whip them back into shape!
Read More → Lemon Juice and Knives at Embracing the Moment
Do you ever use this trick to brighten knives? Or do you have another way of keeping your knives looking good as new?