2 Easy Hacks to Store Your Open Chip Bags and Cereal Boxes — Without Clips

L. Daniela Alvarez
L. Daniela Alvarez
Daniela is a freelance writer who covers lifestyle and culture. In her free time, she's either cuddling with her goldendoodle Chai, buying plants, or having a picnic. Daniela is a Chicana from Los Angeles living in San Diego.
published Oct 2, 2022
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Credit: Joe Lingeman/Kitchn

For me, chip clips are like socks — you buy a few at a time, but eventually they end up disappearing into an unknown abyss. For those several instances I’ve lost a chip clip, I lazily fold or tie chip bags or sliced bread bags in a manner that is not secure and usually speeds up the process of food becoming stale or growing mold.

Fortunately, I came across a simple TikTok hack that I thought could work to preserve my pantry snacks including chips and cereal.

The first folding method is for cereal or cracker cardboard boxes: Fold the sides of the box inward to create a triangle shape and insert the top flap to secure it. The second folding method is for chip bags: Fold the top of the bag twice, fold the sides of the bag in, and then take the top fold and flip it to secure the entire bag.

Credit: L. Daniela Alvarez

How to Store Open Cereal Boxes

For the first method, I tried it on a box of Pumpkin Spice Cheerios (my favorite quick breakfast for the fall season!). Unlike the Honey Bunches of Oats box in the video, the sides of my cereal box would not fold as easily, and the top flap didn’t have the same two tabs to secure the box. After a couple minutes of excess folding, I was able to replicate the method.

However, to be honest, because most cereal boxes of this style have tabs and inserts already built in, I didn’t see much use in spending time folding the box this way. Admittedly, it does give the box a more unique look that I don’t mind displaying on the counter.

Credit: L. Daniela Alvarez

How to Store an Open Bag of Chips Without a Clip

For the second method, I used a bag of my favorite chips of all time: Cheetos Flamin’ Hot Limón. I was able to fold the bag quickly, but I was unsure of its security so I tried turning the bag upside down like the person in the video and I was impressed!

Credit: L. Daniela Alvarez

The chips stayed in and the fold stayed put. If you’re ever in a pinch and without chip clips, I definitely recommend this folding method to keep your chips fresh and stored properly.