Cheese Has Never Looked So Good, Thanks to These Plates.
When I’m putting together a cheese plate, I’m typically more interested in the cheese than the plate. (After all, I can eat the cheese. I cannot eat the plate.) However, these cheese plates from Canadian design store Baba Souk completely upstage the cheese they’re meant to showcase… and I’m okay with that.
These graphic cheese plates — rightfully described on Baba Souk’s website as “the coolest cheese plates ever made” — come in three shapes and colors, and two patterns. The oval plates above are 13″ long and sell for $45, while the 8″ round plates go for $35.
How fantastic are the bright, bold colors and patterns? If I ever needed an excuse to eat more cheese (and for the record, I do not), these plates totally do it for me.
Buy It! Graphic Cheese Plates, $35 – $45 from Baba Souk