Can I Recycle Old Kitchen Cookware and Tools?
Q: In honor of Earth Day, I was wondering if you could suggest an earth-friendly way to get rid of exhausted kitchen gear. It’s time to get rid of my melted spatula and scratched-up omelet pan but would hate for them to go to a landfill if they can be recycled. Any suggestions?
Sent by Amelia
Editor: Amelia, yes, we have definitely sent old plastic cookware out in the recycling bin. Check your local guidelines.
For more discussion, check out these topics at Re-Nest:
• What To Do With Old Non-Stick Pans?
• What To Do With Old Plastic Food Containers?
And here’s one more resource on this:
• Recycle or reuse old pots and pans at GreenYour
Readers, any advice for Amelia?
Good Question: Can I Recycle or Fix Up Old Knives?
(Image: Craig via this post)