31 Days of Vegetables

Cabbage: The Best Ways to Store It, Shred It, Cook It, and Eat It

Faith Durand
Faith DurandSenior Vice President of Content at AT Media
Faith is the SVP of Content at Apartment Therapy Media and former Editor-in-Chief of The Kitchn. She is the author of three cookbooks, including the James Beard Award-winning, The Kitchn Cookbook. She lives in Columbus, Ohio, with her husband and two daughters.
updated Jul 4, 2020
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Credit: Joe Lingeman/Kitchn; Food Stylist: CC Buckley/Kitchn

Where would we ever be without cabbage? This humble vegetable is often taken for granted in slaws and salads, but over the past few years I’ve watched it trend upwards into a star spot of its own. Here are a few important things to know about cabbage, and then some of the best ways to pick it, shred it, and eat it!

The Most Common Types of Cabbage

The most common cabbages you see in the grocery store are red and green cabbages, with Napa and Savoy close behind. Green and red cabbages are crisp when raw, and a little sweet. Napa is lighter and lacier (sometimes also called Chinese cabbage) and has a more watery crunch. Savoy is feathery and light and not nearly as crisp, so we prefer it cooked vs. raw.

The Cabbage Top 5

Must-know facts for cabbage-lovers.

  1. How cabbage got cool.
  2. Here’s the

    most popular cabbage recipe on Pinterest

  3. Cabbage is the secret ingredient in my favorite tuna salad recipe.
  4. Did you know you can grill cabbage (and it’s amazing)?!
  5. How to turn cabbage into chips.

My Most Essential and Favorite Cabbage Tool

When you’re shredding cabbage for slaw, soup, or stir-fry, the fastest way is with a food processor. But man, I don’t love hauling out my food processor; it’s so heavy. So the next fastest way is with the light, sharp Japanese-style mandoline from Benriner. This little gadget is much-used in my kitchen, and it turns wedges of cabbage into mounds of feather-light shreds so quickly. (But be careful; it can bite you back!)

How to Core and Cut Cabbage

So you have a cabbage and now you need to turn it into slaw or shreds for stir-frying. Where to start? Start here:

How to Cook Cabbage

Our very favorite and most essential ways to cook cabbage.


How to Store Cabbage (and How Long It Lasts)

Fresh green and red cabbage can be left at room temperature for several days in a cool, dark place. They survive quite well at room temperature.

For longer storage, store cabbage in your refrigerator crisper drawer. Uncut cabbage can last very well for at least three weeks and up to two months in the fridge.

The Best Ways to Use Up Leftover Cabbage

If you have some cabbage going bad in your fridge don’t throw it out. Strip away any browning leaves; chances are good that the inner portions are still fine and good. Get rid of anything browning or mushy. If any parts of the cabbage are still crisp, they’re fine to eat.

To use up leftover cabbage, try one of these easy methods:

Our Top 20 Cabbage Recipes

What’s your favorite recipe or use for cabbage? Any favorite way to cook it?

31 Days of Vegetables: How to fall in love with vegetables in 31 days.How many of these splendid veg have you eaten this month? Take a look at the whole list and take our July challenge to eat every single one!