The Very Best Mousetraps You Can Buy on Amazon
You guys! I really hesitated to write this post because the last time I worked on a story about mice for Kitchn (I didn’t even write it, I just edited it!), I ended up HAVING A MOUSE PROBLEM. And actually, soon after, I edited a story about how to know when it’s time to get a new dishwasher and then my dishwasher broke. (Maybe I should edit a story about what to do when you randomly win one million dollars?) But I am well-equipped to write it.
Of course, when any of us are unlucky enough to have a mouse problem, we probably high-tail it to our local hardware store to get whatever we can … ASAP. When you see something fuzzy scurrying out of the corner of your eye, Amazon Prime shipping just isn’t fast enough! The lesson I learned from having mice, though, is that all of us should keep a trap or three on hand. At all times. Even if you haven’t had an issue before, it’s nice to have something ready JUST IN CASE. It’s like having a fire extinguisher. You don’t want to use it, but it’s good to have it in case of an emergency. Like, if you happen to see mouse poop in your kitchen at 2 a.m. when you’re downstairs for a glass of water.
With that in mind, these are the three very best traps that you can buy on Amazon (speaking from experience and customer reviews). Order some now and you’ll prepared, should you need to be.
P.S.: Don’t worry, I didn’t include any glue traps, because I think most of us can agree that those are just not cool.
1. Authenzo Humane Mouse Trap
When it comes to catching mice, there are two main camps: those who want the thing DEAD and those who mean no harm and just want the creatures out of their homes. This humane mousetrap has a spring-loaded trap door, air holes, and an easy way to release caught mice back into the wild. And the pieces of the trap come apart for cleaning, so you can store a trap and reuse it if need be. Also worth nothing: It has more than 1,600 five-star reviews on Amazon.
Buy: Authenzo Humane Mouse Trap, $14 for two
2. Tomcat Press ‘N Set Mouse Trap
If you’re more interested in killing mice (what if you release them and they just come back?), this is your trap. It’s the top pick from Wirecutter and it’s earned the “Amazon’s Choice” badge. Testers at Wirecutter say it gets the job DONE, is inexpensive, and easy to set and discharge. They liked this one way better than the classic mousetrap.
Buy: Tomcat Press ‘N Set Mouse Trap, $5 for two
3. Victor Easy Set Mouse Trap
Of course the classic mousetrap is a classic for a reason! These are pretty tried and true and they’re what I’ve used the last two (!!!) times I’ve had an issue. Although the package says the traps are pre-baited (the plastic part is scented!), I’ve still added a little bit of peanut butter. They’re tough to set (watch your fingers) but, gosh, are they effective!
Buy: Victor Easy Set Mouse Trap, $6.50 for four
Do you have a mousetrap that you swear by? Tell us about it in the comments below!