I Tried 5 Tricks for Getting Garlic Smells Off My Fingers, and the Winner Blew Me Away
A quick poll of The Kitchn staffers found that most of the home cooks on the team don’t mind the lingering smell of garlic on their fingertips. (This might help to explain why I love these people so much!). But I know that this isn’t a scent that everyone loves. Some people don’t want a whiff of that pungent smell when you’re laying in bed at night, or off to work the next morning. I suppose I get it — and so I set out to find the best way to remove that garlic smell, once and for all.
But why do garlic smells linger in the first place? Well, garlic is a part of the allium family and gets its strong smell and taste from allicin, a sulphuric compound. When garlic is cut, crushed, or chopped, allicin is released, creating that pungent smell that lingers in the air — and on your hands.
I rounded up five promising methods for removing the distinct smell of garlic from my hands after cooking — some old faithfuls, some new and bizarre — to test against each other to see what works best. You won’t believe the winner!
The Best Way to Get Garlic Smells Off Your Hands
Rub your hands with a mixture of salt and baking soda (approximately 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of baking soda) for about 30 seconds, then rinse and dry.
How I Tested the Different Methods
I used one large clove of garlic to test each method. Each time, I took the skin off the clove, held the clove in my fingers, squashed it and rubbed it around to be sure the oils left a strong scent behind. I then rinsed my hands in cool water, and tested out one method at a time. I tested each method with enough time in between to make sure the smells from the previous test no longer lingered.
The Ratings
Each of the five methods received a rating of 1 to 5; the most effective method received a 5/5 rating, the least effective received a 1/5, and I filled in the other methods accordingly.
Garlic Smell Removal Method: Raw Potato
● Rating: 1/5
The method: Cut a potato in half, rub it all over your hands, then follow up with handsoap and cold water. The folks at Cook’s Illustrated have tested and recommend using a potato half to de-garlic a wooden cutting board, noting foods that brown (like apples and potatoes) have an enzyme (polyphenol oxidase) that “can oxidize sulfurous compounds, including the thiols and thiocyanates that give garlic its pungent odor, turning them into odorless compounds.” If it works on wood, why not human skin?
How it went: This method did next to nothing. If it did anything at all, it was because I cut the potato in half with a stainless steel-handled knife (more on stainless steel below!). Honestly, I’m being generous by giving this method a 1. I’m curious enough, however, to try this on a wooden cutting board.
Garlic Smell Removal Method: Coffee Grounds
- Rating: 2/5
The method: Pour a scoop of coffee grounds into the palm of your hand, add a few drops of water, and rub your hands together, exfoliating your skin for 30 seconds. Follow with soap and cold water. Coffee grounds are a known odor absorber, and there are many different ways you can use them to clean around the house, like to remove foul odors from the fridge.
How it went: Exfoliated hands? Check! At first all I could smell was the coffee, but once I actually raised my hand to my nose it was clearly equal parts garlic and coffee. Not a winning combo, but my hands were softer than usual, so that was a plus!
Garlic Smell Removal Method: Stainless Steel
- Rating: 3/5
The method: Rub your hands on anything stainless steel under cold water for at least 30 seconds. You can use a stainless steel soap bar, a sink faucet, a pan, a spoon — anything that is stainless steel. Then, wash with soap and cold water. This method (supposedly) works because the smelly sulphur compounds in the fresh cut garlic bind with molecules in stainless steel, removing the smell from your hands. This is mostly an old wives’ tale, however, and scientific evidence to back this claim up is lacking.
How it went: After rubbing a stainless steel spoon all over my hands for 30 seconds, I noticed that the smell had lessened, but it definitely still lingered. This method is usable in a pinch, or if you’re just trying to get to the dinner table and don’t want to fuss with completely removing the smell from your hands.
Garlic Smell Removal Method: Mouthwash
● Rating: 4/5
The method: Pour one capful of mouthwash into cupped hands, rub together, and follow up with soap and cold water. If it works on your breath, why can’t it work on your skin?
How it went: This method worked surprisingly well! Mouthwash is what I consider to be an overpowering scent, so it was hard to tell if it masked the garlicky smell or removed it, but I suppose it didn’t matter, because I was only getting the faintest whiff of garlic. I wouldn’t recommend using this method if you have any kind of a cut on your hand, as the alcohol would really sting, but it’s the method that works the quickest and is a solid option if you’ve got it on hand.
Garlic Smell Removal Method: Salt & Baking Soda
● Rating: 5/5
The method: Pour approximately 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of baking soda into your hand. Add a tiny bit of water (enough to make a paste), then rub your hands together for 30 seconds. Follow up with soap and cold water. The baking soda should absorb the odor, and the salt acts as an exfoliant.
How it went: Baking soda is an amazing deodorizer, so it was no surprise that this method worked best of all. It didn’t get rid of the garlic smell completely, but it minimized it way more than any other method. Treat those dry hands to a scented moisturizer once you’re done washing, and you’ll be good to go.
Do you have a go-to method for removing the garlic smell from your hands? Let us know in the comments below!