10 Delicious Kohlrabi Recipes to Make on Repeat
You’ve probably spotted knobby purple or green kohlrabi at the farmers market recently and wondered what the heck this odd-shaped thing is! For starters, it’s a fantastically versatile vegetable that deserves more love! It is a hardy vegetable that falls under the cabbage family, defined by its sturdiness and bulbous shape. Kohlrabi has a mild, somewhat sweet taste and crunchy texture somewhere between cabbage and broccoli stems.
While the kohlrabi bulbs are what you’ll usually see being sold, don’t pass up an opportunity to pick them up if you see the greens still attached — they’re delicious and can be eaten raw in salad if they’re young and tender, or sautéed or steamed like mustard greens.
Kohlrabi needs little prep, but you should always peel off the tough outermost layer of the bulb with a vegetable peeler first.
From noodles to salads and slaws to fritters to stir-fries, and more, there’s no shortage of ways to put this versatile and nutritious vegetable to work. We think that it’s time for kohlrabi to step up and take a more prominent place in our cooking, and here are our 10 favorite kohlrabi recipes.
Your turn! What are your favorite kohlrabi recipes?