The Most Iconic Candies for Decorating Your Gingerbread House
If you’re new to the gingerbread house game, it can feel a little chaotic — especially when it comes to narrowing down the candy selection. “What can I use for a doorway?” you might say, as you stare blankly at the mile-long candy aisle. Or maybe you start to build and realize you didn’t grab anything to use for holiday lights. There’s an overwhelming number of sweet options out there, and without any sort of reference point, it’s hard to know where to begin.
This list will help you skip the guesswork so you can walk into a store with a plan — or click and buy from the comfort of your couch. You definitely don’t need all 10, but just make sure you have the bases covered: Choose something for shingles, trim, and decor. Anything left over can be used to decorate cookies or put in a candy dish for guests throughout the season.
Did your favorite make the list? Tell us about it in the comments.