Our Favorite Vacuums for Cleaning Kitchens (Plus, a $15 Mop Several Editors Swear By)
Raise your hand if you’ve never had to deal with flour splattered all over your kitchen floor, broken china pieces that find their way into teeny-tiny corners, or even sticky leftovers from last night’s cooking adventure. A wild guess, but likely zero hands shot up in the air. Kitchen messes are inevitable, and while a broom can help sweep up bigger disasters, for a deeper, more thorough clean, you’ll need a good, quality vacuum.
Not only can a vacuum help you get the job done faster, but depending on the model you choose, it can also target those incredibly hard-to-reach spots (hey, narrow space under cabinets, we’re looking at you). Since there are a ton of options available, buying the perfect vacuum for the kitchen can seem all-too-overwhelming — which is why we asked nine Kitchn staffers to share their favorite vacuums for keeping their kitchens spick and span! From pricey Dysons to budget-friendly handheld Dustbusters to one $15 mop that’s a staple with several editors, these are our favorite picks for cleaning our kitchens.