Best 100 Juices for Kids by Jessica Fisher
The angle: Skip the juice aisle and get creative
Recipes for right now: Apples & Oranges Juice, Tropical Cooler, Mango Madness, Spiced Carrot-Orange Juice, Strawberry Colada, Banana-Cherry-Pom Smoothie, Spiced Banana-Coconut Lassi, Grape Sports Ade
Who would enjoy this book? Parents hoping to curb the amount of sugar in their kids’ drinks; anyone with a juicer and a bowl of fruit.
Quick Facts
• Who wrote it: Jessica Fisher
• Who published it: Harvard Common Press
• Number of recipes: 100
• Other highlights: I really like Jessica’s attitude in this book. She’s not about knocking you over the head with nutritional information or even making you feel bad for the sugary drinks that may or may not currently be in your cupboard. Her goal is simply to have fun! Kids love juice, so let’s give it to them! Apple juice! Berry juice! Sports drinks! Let’s do it! But let’s also make sure that juice is made with the ingredients that we want in there.
A juicer is definitely a required piece of equipment for this book, though Jessica does talk about how to make blender juices by straining out the pulp. Beyond that necessary equipment, the recipes are all quick, easy blends of fresh ingredients. Most recipes have between three and five ingredients, tops.
The recipes all sounds incredibly tasty and satisfying, especially as we start heading into warmer days. Some of them replicate common commercial juices and sports drinks, while others veer further afield with spices and combinations of vegetables. Although the target audience is parents with kids, there are plenty of ideas and inspiration in here for all juice lovers.
Find the book at your local library, independent bookstore, or Amazon: Best 100 Juices for Kids by Jessica Fisher
• Visit the author’s website: Jessica Fisher
Read more from Jessica Fisher on The Kitchn
Read all of Jessica’s posts on The Kitchn!
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