The 10-Second Trick for Erasing Knife Marks from Your Plates
Bar Keepers Friend happens to be one of those cleaning products that’s always on my shopping list. I’ve been buying it forever, too. You can use the gentle-yet-abrasive powder for pretty much any household task you can dream of — including erasing rust off knives, rehabbing tarnished silver, shining up the kitchen sink, and, best of all, scrubbing away impossible burned-on food from pots and pans. But wait — there’s more! Reading through the website One Good Thing by Jillee, I found another way BKF, as it’s affectionately known among fans, could improve my life: It can apparently remove ugly knife scratches from plates!
My IKEA dinner plates are still in usable shape. But after close to five years of daily use, they’re also full of dark gray scratches. Honestly, I just assumed dinnerware with knife marks was one of two things: something you just dealt with or something you eventually replaced. I came close to buying new plates for our house during my last trip to IKEA, but I’m glad I stumbled across Jillee’s ingenious tip first — because it absolutely works!
Here are the steps I followed to rejuvenate my plates: First, grab your can of Bar Keepers Friend (make sure you buy the powdered kind, labeled “Cleanser and Polish,” and not the liquid, which says “Soft Cleanser”). Get your scratched-up plate a little wet in the sink, and then sprinkle a few shakes of BKF on the surface (enough to create grit for scrubbing; no need to overdo it).
Now, the magical part! Grab your favorite sponge or microfiber cloth (make it a little damp first) and scrub the plate in a circular motion. You’ll start to see the marks fading as you go, and you’ll know you’re done when you can’t see them anymore. For me, it took just a few seconds to rehab a single plate — a lot less time-consuming and costly than buying a brand-new set.
After reveling in the magic that is BKF, rinse the cleanser fully off the plate. Once you wash your scratch-free plate with soap and water, it’ll be ready to use — and, if you’re anything like me, BKF will become your new favorite kitchen multitool, too. Happy scrubbing!
Have you tried Bar Keepers Friend to clean your plates? Tell us in the comments in below!