Our TeamTricia Keels

About Me

Tricia Keels is founder of Souper Heroes, cohost of food podcast No Chefs Allowed, and a budding chicken farmer.

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3 Ways to Benefit Your Community Through a Soup Swap
When you’ve never gone without, food can be taken for granted. But not everyone has this abundance, and food insecurity is a major problem in communities across America. So when I started Souper Heroes, it was with the goal of celebrating food on our tables while giving back what I, and my friends old and new, could to our local community. Here are three things I’ve learned about throwing events that celebrate and give back all at the same time.
May 1, 2019
How My 7-Year-Old Son Started a Backyard Restaurant for Charity
Yes is one of my favorite words. When applied correctly, you can find yourself in the middle of one of the most unexpected, joyful moments of your life. That’s how our Backyard Restaurant came to be. Over an innocent glass of after-school lemonade with our then 7-year-old son, Adam, a conversation that began as an exploration of what would happen if we were sitting at a magic table somehow turned into, “Yes, you can have a restaurant in our backyard this summer.
May 1, 2019
5 Tips for Hosting a Backyard Restaurant for Charity
A few years ago, my son had the idea to turn our backyard into a restaurant to benefit charity. That first year, we were in a bit over our heads, but everyone pulled together and the event was a success — and great learning for future dinners! Now that we’re more experienced, we have a pretty good plan for making sure everything goes off without a hitch, but a kids’ backyard restaurant isn’t just about the execution.
May 1, 2019
A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning a Backyard Restaurant for Charity
There are so many opportunities to give back, in ways big and small. It really doesn’t matter what you do or how much you give, so long as you give — and you feel good about it. But I have to admit that one of my favorite ways to raise money and awareness about hunger is through my family’s Backyard Restaurant. My son Adam had the idea and made it all happen when he was just 7 years old, and we’ve been doing it now for five years.
May 1, 2019