Terryn Hall

Terryn Hall is a Detroit-based, Virginia-bred writer, book lover, and digital strategist. Her work has appeared in The Guardian, The Rumpus, HuffPo, and more.
10 Southern Sayings Everyone Should Embrace
Southern accents are some of the most distinctive in the U.S. — and, to my ear, some of the most melodic, although there is nothing sweet about a Yankee attempting to mimic a southern drawl. (I’m looking at you, Dulé Hill, aka Larry Siefert). But while Southern accents should never be appropriated by anyone born north of the Mason-Dixon, Southern slang is a different story all together.
May 1, 2019
5 Ways to Porch (Even If You Don’t Have a Porch)
Porches. They make houses look official, they give the mailman a place to drop off your latest Amazon/ASOS splurge, and they have a long history in American architecture. For centuries, porches have served as places for people to congregate, share stories, gossip, and convene. This is especially true where I’m from — Down South — where the power of the porch is comparable to the power of the stiff drink.
May 1, 2019
My Childhood on Granny’s Front Porch
Virginia summers are sticky, filled with lightening bugs and cicadas humming in the background. When it gets deep into the season (which is basically the entirety of the season), starting in early July and running all the way through September, everyone retreats. From the middle of the day until about 6 p.m., we Southerners know to avoid the scorching overhead sun. Growing up, we did so on my grandmother’s porch.
Sep 3, 2016