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Robin Hilmantel

About Me

Robin Hilmantel is a writer, editor, and Christina Tosi fangirl. She lives in Dumbo, Brooklyn, with her husband and her tripod dog, Kiwi.

Latest Stories

To Carve Pumpkins Safely, You Only Need These Two Tools
While those inexpensive pumpkin carving kits you see at the grocery store may seem appealing, they're actually not your best bet.
Oct 24, 2023
The Best Way to Recycle All Your Amazon Boxes
Recent estimates put the number of Amazon Prime members at 80 million. Even if each Prime member only ordered one package per year, that adds up to tons (literally) of cardboard and other types of packaging material. Never mind the fact that it’s typical for Prime members to make purchases weekly (or even more often!) — and that’s before you even consider other services like Prime Pantry.
Jul 17, 2020
Paper vs. Plastic: Which Is Better for the Environment?
How many times have you been asked “paper or plastic” at the grocery store and wondered which was actually better for the environment? Well, it’s kind of a trick question because experts say neither is as sustainable as a reusable bag that you bring to the grocery store every time you shop (preferably one made of a natural material like cotton, rather than a synthetic one).
May 24, 2019
Here’s What Actually Happens to a Plastic Container After You Recycle It
If you’re anything like me, you throw your plastic water bottle or yogurt container into the recycling bin when you’re done with it and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. After all, you’ve just done something, albeit small, to help the planet. But what actually happens next? “The answer is way more complicated than people think,” says Heidi Sanborn, executive director of the California Product Stewardship Council.
May 1, 2019
Does Recycling Actually Make a Difference?
Everyone knows that person who refuses to recycle because they say it doesn’t actually do anything. Maybe you even are that person. Does recycling actually make a difference to our environment? We talked to top experts in the recycling space to find out what we can really know about the impact recycling has on our planet.
May 1, 2019
What You Should Know About Those Anti-Fatigue Mats, According to a Chiropractor
If you spend so much time cooking on your feet that you’re starting to get aches and pains, then you may benefit from an anti-fatigue mat. Standing in one position for a prolonged period comes with several negative side effects, including foot pain, back pain, and lethargy, says Dr. Keith Overland, a chiropractor and past president of the American Chiropractic Association.
May 1, 2019
Are Microfiber Towels Really Better for the Environment?
Everyone who finds cleaning cathartic knows that microfiber towels are one of life’s little pleasures. But are microfiber towels actually better for the environment? The answer is … complicated. And to start to get a sense of what the most eco-friendly option is, you first have to get to know microfiber towels a little better. Microfiber towels may feel like they’re made of cloth, but they’re actually made of plastic.
Apr 19, 2018