Our TeamNicola Tordoff and Mara Pellizzari

Nicola Tordoff and Mara Pellizzari

About Me

Our passion for real food led us to create 7 Days of Superfood on a Budget. Nicola, studying for her second degree in nutrition, is a writer, health nut, and wannabe chef. Mara is the creative and web geek who is also very handy with a camera.

Latest Stories

Arjen’s Dutch Curiosity Kitchen
Architect Arjen lives with his family in a picturesque little corner of Amsterdam, in an imposing 18th century building originally designed as military barracks. Their kitchen is typical Dutch style, with two walls of parallel kitchen units, divided by a narrow passage, which opens out into a wider dining and social area. This kitchen is a cosy, yet open space that combines the old and the new, the wild and the domesticated.
May 12, 2022
Foraging For Lunch Around Amsterdam with Lynn Shore, the Urban Herbologist
Who: Lynn Shore What: Urban Herbology Where: Amsterdam, The Netherlands As a person who loves cooking and exploring new ingredients, I’m a little ashamed to admit that this city girl can’t tell her daylilly from her damsons or her meadowsweet from her mugwort. (Apparently that’s a plant and not the name of Harry Potter’s school!
May 30, 2019