About Marshall Bright
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Your Inner Child Wants You to Take Advantage of Amazon’s One-Day Sale on Easter Candy
Easter is two weeks away. Aside from its religious significance, it’s also a pretty significant food holiday. Easter brunch, new Peeps flavors, and the wide variety of beautiful, braided breads from around the world are all reasons to celebrate. But there’s another connection to Easter and food we should talk about: It’s our last dedicated candy holiday until next Halloween.
Apr 8, 2019
Alert: Wayfair’s Biggest Sale of the Year Is HERE
Wayfair’s second annual Way Day is officially HERE. Billed as the retailer’s biggest sales day of the year, there will be price cuts as deep as 80% and free shipping on all orders. Like Amazon’s Prime Day, it takes place during a historically slow time for sales (and shopping). And, similar to Prime Day, it’s not just a day anymore. Last year, Way Day lasted exactly 24 hours, this year it will be 36. Starting at 12 p.m.
Apr 5, 2019
The Best Time to Buy Cast Iron Is in the Summer
No-cook recipes might be the darlings of summer cooking, but we’re also big on cast iron during the warmer months. We love using our cast iron on the grill (like in these delicious recipes) or making simple summer cobblers on the stove (like this tomato one). So, if you’re thinking about adding (or starting) your collection of cast iron cookware, now is definitely the time. Right now Sur La Table is running a cast iron sale that also includes enameled cast iron from Le Creuset.
Jun 15, 2018
We’ve Created the Wine Club We Always Wanted
It’s easier than ever to drink wine, and lots of it. But getting good at drinking wine takes a little work. We’ve taken some of that work out with our new Kitchn Wine Club. We’ve paired with Wine Awesomeness to bring you three budget-friendly wines that taste way more expensive than they are. The wines are all hand-picked by Kitchn editors, and paired with some of our tried-and-true, no-fuss weekday recipes.
Jun 2, 2018
Why Kitchn Editors Are So in Love with This Seemingly One-Use Tool
Even if you're not a baker, you need a bench scraper.
Mar 21, 2018
Why a Cookie Spatula Is My Most-Used Kitchen Tool (No, I’m Not a Professional Baker)
I love chocolate chip cookies so much that I have the classic Nestle Tollhouse recipe memorized. At any given point, my roommate and I have all the supplies required to make a batch (and can do the mental math to halve or even quarter the batch if we’re running low on butter). I even have developed my own personal tricks for boosting the cookie quality (add a finishing salt and a little extra vanilla extract, for starters). I own and regularly use a cookie dough freezer tray.
Mar 12, 2018