Our TeamKatie Steuernagle

Katie Steuernagle

About Me

Apartment Therapy contributor and manic crafter. Float like a butterfly, sting like bedazzler.

Latest Stories

A Trader Joe-Bot Costume for Halloween
Are you a Trader Joe’s fan? Here’s a costume you can knock out really easily. Just save up some packaging and build your own Trader Joe-Bot, a humanoid protocol droid that offers everything from quick meals to flowers to free samples hidden in his chest panel. This is the last in our series this week of fun and goofy Halloween costumes for food-lovers. We hope that you liked them all! All of these costumes are designed to be relatively easy (and not too expensive) to make.
Jun 8, 2019
A Sriracha Jumped the Shark Costume for Halloween
Sriracha has reached maximum cultural saturation. He now flavors everything from potato chips to ice cream, and is even headed to Taco Bell. So he’s getting a bit worried about how to keep your affection. What does he have to do next to retain his place as hipster condiment of choice? Jump a shark? So be it. You can be this obnoxiously ubiquitous condiment with a couple of yards of inexpensive faux leather, a paint pen, and, of course, an inflatable shark.
Jun 8, 2019
A Funfetti Mug Cake Costume for Halloween
If you have the urge to dress up as a trendy confection this Halloween, go one step beyond the average cupcake to become this Funfetti mug cake. (Because we know you love mug cakes.) Of course, the mug has to be clear to get the full effect of all those sprinkles, so check out this tutorial for how to create your own lifesize sweet costume using a shower curtain and two feet of plumbing tubing. (Microwave not included.
Jun 8, 2019
A Quinoa Woman Costume for Halloween
Inspired by Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman in her Paradise Island mini skirt, Quinoa Woman is an earthy feminine goddess member of the League of Super Foods. With her grain sack cape and her fork bangles, she has been known to pair up with Captain Kale for an occasional dinner. All you need to become this superhero is some burlap, some cardboard, and a whole lotta pom pom trim. Read on to complete your Halloween transformation to Quinoa Woman.
Jun 8, 2019
A Captain Kale Costume for Halloween
Faster than a speeding Magic Bullet, more powerful than your mom’s stand mixer, he’s one of the founding members of the League of Super Foods. He’s Captain Kale! He’s a super hero who can kick free radical butt and support healthy brain development. Last week we introduced Captain Kale as a star of Ariel’s Spooky Colorful Halloween party, and this week we’ll show you how to get the look, all the way from the ruffles to the twist tie belt.
Jun 8, 2019
5 Fun DIY Halloween Costumes for People Who Love Food
Some people use Halloween as an excuse to dress up as something slightly scandalous or downright scary. Us? Well, we will basically only consider a costume if it’s vaguely food-related. We made these costumes a few years ago for a party we were throwing, and they still totally hold up. All of them were designed to be relatively easy (and not too expensive) to make. None require more than a quick trip to the fabric or hardware store for some super-basic equipment. Take a look.
May 1, 2019