Our TeamJessica Dodell-Feder

Jessica Dodell-Feder

About Me

Jessica is a magazine editor and writer from Queens, NY. She bought her first apartment in Brooklyn a year ago and may never finish decorating it.

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5 of the Most Underrated Things You’re Not Buying at Costco
Costco’s vast selection of items has been well-documented, and anyone who’s a fan of the discount megastore knows it sells more than half-gallon tubs of mayo and toilet paper in bulk. While some of its more … unusual … offerings (think: caskets) get lots of attention from media outlets, the store stocks a whole host of housewares and home improvement items that rival what you’d find in a Home Depot or Lowe’s.
Jul 17, 2020
7 of the Most Underrated Things You’re Missing Out on at Target
While everyone knows Target’s home decor and fashion collections have been fiercely on point lately, not everyone thinks of the megastore as a go-to spot for DIY supplies. Although I like to support my local hardware or craft store when I’m working on a project at home, sometimes it’s just more convenient to throw sandpaper and stencils into my cart while I’m shopping for paper towels and shampoo.
May 1, 2019
13 of the Most Practical Things You Should Be Buying on Amazon — And Always Have on Hand
It’s all too easy to buy everything — and we mean everything — you could ever need on Amazon, especially if you’re a Prime customer. The online megastore stocks $500 dining tables all the way down to $3 bottles of air freshener, and that’s just in the Home category.
Apr 30, 2019
6 Costco Buys That Will Actually Help Save You Time
A shopping trip to Costco isn’t exactly a dash-in-and-out type of experience. Spending an hour or two in the store is a given, and that’s time you probably don’t always have. But one of the great things about the megastore is that, tucked among the pallets of snack food and cases of olive oil, are items and services that can save you loads of time while you’re out doing your regular Costco run. Here are some to keep in mind. Need a quick hostess gift?
Apr 30, 2019
6 Big Things Nobody Tells You About Removable Wallpaper
No doubt about it, removable wallpaper is easier to deal with than its pasted counterpart. Its temporary nature means you can more easily correct mistakes (simply peel off the paper, then readjust its position), and it’s also a breeze to remove. But that doesn’t mean you can slap it up on your wall without any planning. There are a couple of things you should keep in mind before trying this type of wallcovering. As awesome as temporary wallpaper is, it has its limitations.
Apr 30, 2019
6 Things You Didn’t Realize About IKEA Kitchen Cabinets
You probably have already realized that IKEA cabinets are affordable — they’re consistently lauded as some of the best out there for the price — but there’s a lot more to keep in mind if you’re considering them for your own kitchen. Most of the following features qualify as plusses, but as with most fixtures with lower-than-usual price tags, there are certain sacrifices you’ll have to make if you decide to install them. Read on for everything you need to know.
Dec 10, 2018
Cheap and Easy Ways to Feel Better About Your Kitchen
There’s nothing like coming home and opening up a bottle of wine in your kitchen — unless you happen to be less than thrilled with your space. Scientific research has proven over and over again that the way your house looks, including the colors it’s painted, the amount of light it gets, how cluttered it is, and even its ceiling height can affect your stress levels and overall feeling of contentment.
Nov 20, 2018