About Dana Velden
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40+ of Our Best Valentine’s Day Desserts
From chocolate cakes to butterscotch pudding, there's something here for everyone!
Jan 12, 2023
How To Cook Onions Correctly
“Begin by cooking the onions …” is perhaps the most common phrases in savory recipes the world over. But what does this mean exactly, and what if you have to ‘sweat’ your onions instead, or cook them ‘until translucent’? Read on for our handy guide (with pictures!) on how to cook an onion. Onions are the backbone of most savory dishes but they can produce a wide range of flavors depending on how you cook the onions.
Dec 2, 2022
What Is Tomato Passata, and How Should I Use It?
If you've never heard of passata, it's worth giving it a try.
Oct 8, 2022
What You Do With All Those Mini Pumpkins?
Our mystery box has kept us well supplied with mini pumpkins this fall. For several weeks we’ve enjoyed them displayed on a white platter in the middle of the dining room table as a simple centerpiece. So lovely. But it turns out that mini pumpkins are not just decoration! Read on for recipes, ideas and inspiration… Wash your pumpkins and cut off the top the same way you would a regular sized jack-o-lantern.
Sep 28, 2022
How To Freeze Cinnamon Rolls and Bake Them Later
It’s unfair. Fresh, hot, from-scratch cinnamon buns are a beloved treat, especially for tasty Christmas breakfast. Who doesn’t want to wake up to the smell of cinnamon and caramelizing sugar, or stumble down to the kitchen to find fresh-from-the-oven, slathered-in-icing cinnamon buns, just waiting for you to dive in?
Sep 21, 2022
How To Toast Almonds and Other Nuts
Roasting nuts deepens their flavor, making them even more nutty and complex.
Sep 20, 2022
How To Cook Wild Rice on the Stovetop
How often do you cook wild rice? Maybe once a year to make a pilaf of some sort? Or perhaps as an addition to your Thanksgiving stuffing? Maybe you don’t cook it at all? But you should! This chewy, nutty-tasting grain definitely deserves a spot at the table year-round. It’s time to shake up your side dishes — here’s how to make a pot of perfectly cooked wild rice to have with dinner tonight.
Sep 20, 2022
How To Oil Wood Cutting Boards and Spoons
It only takes five minutes!
Sep 17, 2022
How To Peel and Mince Fresh Ginger
Fresh ginger is a staple in my kitchen. It is an extremely versatile ingredient that shows up in any course, from savory to sweet, be it main, beverage, dessert, or salad. It can even be medicine — hot ginger tea with lemon, honey and brandy will cure what ails you! In short, fresh ginger is essential to my cooking. Read on for my methods for peeling and mincing fresh ginger.
Sep 6, 2022
How To Make Butter
If you have heavy cream, you can make butter.
Sep 3, 2022
How To Blanch Asparagus
Here on the West Coast, the fruit trees are blooming and the asparagus has arrived in the markets, so there’s no doubt about it: spring is here. Hooray! Let’s take a look at one of the most basic ways of cooking this springtime treat: blanching. I find asparagus, a member of the lily family, to be an intriguing vegetable. The spears shoot up quickly, growing 6 to 10 inches in one day and must be harvested the day it sprouts from the ground.
Aug 20, 2022
How To Make Chocolate Ganache for Any Dessert
Knowing how to make chocolate ganache requires understanding just two things: proportion and temperature.
Aug 19, 2022
How to Make Croutons for Soups & Salads
What, make my own croutons? Can’t I just buy them in a cellophane bag at the grocery store? Well, sure you can and they might even be somewhat decent. But homemade croutons take things to whole other level, and given how quick and easy they are, there’s no reason not to step up and make them yourself. Read on for our simple instructions on how to make three variations on the crouton: the cube, the slice, and the chunk.
Aug 19, 2022
How To Make Classic French Madeleines
A perfect accompaniment to your afternoon cup of tea.
Aug 19, 2022
Use This Simple Trick to Determine Whether an Avocado Is Ripe Inside
There's a simple, foolproof way to tell whether you will discover a creamy, luscious green interior or a brown slimy mess the next time you cut open an avocado.
Aug 16, 2022
How To Cook Tender, Chewy Wheat Berries on the Stovetop
Wheat berries are a versatile whole grain, full of vitamins and fiber, with a sweet, nutty taste and a delightful chewy texture. They can take a fair amount of time to cook (up to 50 minutes or more), so making a big batch in the beginning of the week and storing it in the refrigerator is both a smart idea and a great beginning to many quick, healthy meals throughout the weekRead on for more about wheat berries and an easy method for turning them into a delicious and healthy refrigerator staple.
Aug 15, 2022
How To Make Grenadine Syrup from Scratch
Grenadine is that bright red, super sweet syrup that helps put the sun in a Tequila Sunrise, makes a Shirley Temple blush, or improve holiday cocktails. It also occasionally puts the cherry in cherry cokes, but actually, grenadine is traditionally made from pomegranates (grenadine is French for pomegranate) and has a lot more going for it when you make your own.
Aug 15, 2022
What’s the Difference Between Filtered and Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar?
Apple cider vinegar is simply a vinegar made from apple juice or apple cider. It comes in two versions: filtered and unfiltered. The difference between the two is the “mother,” which is a somewhat murky collection of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that’s removed when the vinegar is filtered. Does it matter which type of vinegar you use? Much depends on what you are doing with it. Filtered apple cider vinegar is made with apple juice and water.
Aug 13, 2022
How To Cook Tender, Chewy Barley
Barley is one of those wonderful grains that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. With a chewy texture and nutty flavor, barley is a delicious whole grain that can be used in a number of ways, way beyond the classic beef and barley soup. It is also a very nutritious and healthy food, with lots of fiber and a number of trace minerals like selenium, manganese and phosphorus. The most important thing to know about barley is that it comes in two basic forms: hulled and pearl.
Aug 10, 2022
Baked Salmon with Herbs and Lemon
Salmon is one of the most versatile proteins to work with in the kitchen. It’s delicious and universally loved, quite good for you, and very easy to prepare. Salmon still retains its fancy and festive reputation, even though it is more readily available these days and can be purchased at a decent price point from most grocery stores. My favorite way to cook salmon is in the oven, very low and slow, with a pan of water for moist heat.
Aug 3, 2022
20 Easy No-Cook Meals That Keep the Oven Off
These recipes teach the art of assembling a meal without turning on the oven.
Jul 26, 2022
8 Ways to Love (And Keep On Loving) Your CSA All Summer Long
May is usually the month when your local CSA starts gearing up for the soon-to-come avalanche of summer bounty.  Whether you live in warmer climes and are in the throes of strawberries, peas, asparagus from your year-round box or you’re just starting up again after having the winter off, it’s an exciting time for fresh, local produce.  But it can be a challenging time, too, especially when unfamiliar or overly abundant vegetables show up.
May 13, 2022
Facing the Sun
View from My Kitchen Window, WInter Solstice, 2013 It’s a lot to ask, I know, to consider slowing down some today in honor of the solstice. To consider stopping even, right there in your busy tracks, and looking for the sun which may or may not be not be shinning very brightly where you are. You may have to find the solstice in the blueness of shadows, in their thinness and length. You may have to find it in the muted beauty of a bare branch.
May 13, 2022
More Julia Child! Tea Towels and Aprons Inspired by Mastering the Art of French Cooking
Not only has Mastering the Art of French Cooking become a top seller again almost 50 years after its publication, a first edition is now going for more than $900.00 on eBay! (Original selling price: $10.) But my favorite result of the present MtAoFC mania are these hand-silkscreened tea towels and aprons based on the cover graphics of Volumes I & II. Designer Sara Smedley has created a special edition of linen tea towels and aprons in honor of the release of the film Julie and Julia.
May 12, 2022
How to Serve Eggs to a Crowd Without Becoming a Short-Order Cook
Have you noticed that people are very particular about their eggs? It mostly has to do with doneness: runny yolk vs. firm yolk, over easy vs. over hard, creamy scramble vs. firm curds. If we don’t get our eggs just perfect, we declare them ruined (overcooked) or gross (undercooked.) This makes it a challenge to serve eggs to a crowd, such as at a brunch or breakfast party. How can you dish up eggs to a group without becoming a short-order cook?
May 12, 2022
Helpful Tip: Bake Up Some Sweet Potatoes!
If you’re like me, you’re always looking for a quick but filling and nutritious meal on a busy day. One thing I’ve learned to do is to tuck a few sweet potatoes into the oven whenever I’m baking something. That way, I have a head start on a delicious, nutritious meal, ready to go whenever I’m hungry but pressed for time. Read on for several suggestions for how to use a baked sweet potato.
May 12, 2022
Cooking for One? Make a Big Pot of Rice
Here’s a trick when you need inspiration in your cooking-for-one routine — especially when you arrive home in the evenings and heating a pizza seems like the most expedient way to get some dinner into your belly. For about the same amount of time it would take for your oven to preheat and that frozen pizza to bake, you can put together a healthy, vegetable-intense dinner that tastes delicious and fills you up. What’s the secret?
May 12, 2022
Winter Breakfast: Warm Applesauce with Cheddar & Almonds
Emma’s post this morning reminded me of one of my favorite, if slightly unusual, breakfasts: warm applesauce, cheddar cheese cubes and toasted whole almonds. The applesauce melts the cheese slightly and the almonds provide a nice crunch. The flavor is tangy-sweet from the applesauce (which must be homemade) melding with the salty richness of the cheddar. If you’ve ever put a slice of cheese on an apple pie, you’ll know why this works!
May 12, 2022
Weekend Meditation: On Grocery Shopping
Many people don’t enjoy grocery shopping but I do. I think this is because I’m a bit of a maverick: It’s rare that I have a list and my usual strategy is to meander about, browsing in every isle, looking for inspiration and a new brand of applesauce. It’s not unusual for me to spend two hours in a grocery store. Two blissful hours.(Image: Dana Velden)I concede that I’m not trying to feed a family of four or holding down two jobs while in medical school.
May 12, 2022
Recipe: Chilled Buttermilk Soup for Hot Summer Days
When summer’s heat arrives, it’s hard to to think of preparing, much as less eating, hot food. We want something cool, quick and refreshing. We also want to use the fresh bounty that starts filling our grocery stores, farmer’s markets and back-yard gardens.This soup couldn’t be simpler: just cold buttermilk, a couple of chopped tomatoes and some basil. It can even be made with pesto, if opening a jar sounds easier than snipping a few basil leaves.
May 12, 2022
Good Idea: Start a Food Lit or Cookbook Book Club
We’re all familiar with the concept of a book club but what about one that centers around the themes of food, cooking, eating? With all the food memoirs and cookbooks being published these days, there is plenty of material to choose from. Read on for our suggestions of how to get a food lit or cookbook book club started, tips on how to host a group and a list of suggested titles to get you going.
May 12, 2022
Answers to Every Reason Not to Make Ice Cream at Home
There used to be so many reasons not to make ice cream — you didn’t have an ice cream maker, you thought dairy fat was the devil, it takes too long, the ice cream shops always make it better — well, none of that is true anymore and it’s still summertime, so no more excuses. It’s time to make ice cream! I’m not sure if you noticed, but we’re huge fans of homemade ice cream here at The Kitchn.
May 12, 2022
Recipe: Pear Compote with Ginger, Vanilla & Lime
A fruit compote is a good thing to have on hand, especially if it’s as versatile as this one. As is, you can encourage its sweetness by serving it over yogurt for breakfast or over ice cream for an after-dinner dessert. Stir in a little cracked pepper or minced thyme and you’ll encourage a savoriness that goes well on a cheese tray. A touch of minced chili and a little more lime juice and it would pair well with roast pork. Read on for the recipe!
May 12, 2022
Do You Cook from Vintage Recipes?
I love vintage cookbooks! I have a small but growing collection that I’ve gathered from yard sales, used bookstores and the shelves of specialty bookshops like Omnivore Books in San Francisco. As objects of beauty and curiosity, these books are a treasure. But do those old-timey recipes still work in today’s kitchens?
May 12, 2022
10 Simple Things to Make You Happier in Your Kitchen
The 10 Simple Things to Make You Happier at Home post over on Apartment Therapy has inspired me to think about a similar post for The Kitchn. What are the essential ingredients for a happy kitchen? In many ways, this is what every Weekend Meditation is about, but for this week I thought I would get a little more specific. Read on for my 10 suggestions and please offer your own in the comments! 1. Keep a well-stocked pantry.
May 11, 2022
Cook’s Tip: Always Keep Feta Cheese In Your Refrigerator
One cheese I always try to keep in the refrigerator is feta, and the most important reason for this is taste. Feta is a complex cheese that manages to be rich and creamy but also tangy and bright. It has much more character than other creamy cheeses, so on taste alone it wins my heart. But there is one other reason why feta should have a permanent place on your refrigerator’s shelves: how long it lasts! Feta can last up to several months if well-wrapped or submerged in a brine.
May 11, 2022
Weekend Meditation: Belonging
Food can be about a lot of things—nourishment, comfort, anger, pleasure, nostalgia, control, self-expression, obligation. It’s also can be about belonging: to culture, to place and the seasons, to the earth and seas and skies, to weather and other forces of nature, to family and to that hungry person sitting at your kitchen table…For me it’s also about belonging to the moment.
May 11, 2022
The Kitchn Cure Day 18: Cookbooks, Cooking Magazines, Art & Other Embellishments
The Kitchn Cure Day 18: Organize cookbooks, magazines, and art. Join The Kitchn Cure: Sign up and see all The Kitchn Cure assignments It’s a self-evident truth that despite a universal purpose and functionality, not all kitchens look the same. In some cases, not even remotely the same. Depending on your style, your kitchen might resemble a sleek laboratory or an IKEA catalog. Or maybe it’s closer to art gallery or a preschool classroom or a vintage jumble shop. No matter.
May 9, 2022
The Kitchn Cure Day 11: Taking the First Step to Making a Super Magical Power Pantry (That Will Always Be There for You)
The Kitchn Cure Day 11: Clear, clean, and organize your pantry. Join The Kitchn Cure: Sign up and see all The Kitchn Cure assignments Your kitchen pantry may seem quite ordinary — with its jars of lentils and tins of tomato sauce and sticky, half-forgotten bags of dried apricots — but the pantry is the place where much of our cooking magic originates. It is the power center of the kitchen, and because of this, it needs our love and attention.
May 9, 2022
The Kitchn Cure Day 7: Cleaning the Oven (the Hardcore Edition)
The Kitchn Cure Day 7: Take a hardcore approach to cleaning the oven. Join The Kitchn Cure: Sign up and see all The Kitchn Cure assignments Okay, no soft lead-ins today; no distracting honey pots and sunbeams, no philosophical pitter-patter. I’m taking us straight in because we’re about to tackle arguably the worst job in the kitchen: we’re going to clean the oven and we’re gonna clean it good. Don’t pause, don’t think — just grab my hand and jump!
May 9, 2022
The Kitchn Cure Day 6: A Kind and Considered Look at Our Stuff
The Kitchn Cure Day 6: Take a kind and considered look at your stuff. Join The Kitchn Cure: Sign up and see all The Kitchn Cure assignments We’re stepping into week 2 of the Cure with a more thoughtful meditation on our relationship to our kitchen gear. Usually this day is reserved for sorting through and organizing our pots, pans, and small appliances — and in the end, that’s exactly what we’ll have done.
May 9, 2022
The Kitchn Cure Day 5: Cleaning the Freezer (a Wholehearted Endeavor)
The Kitchn Cure Day 5: Give your freezer a good scrub. Join The Kitchn Cure: Sign up and see all The Kitchn Cure assignments We took it easy yesterday, but today might be a bit more of a challenge as we take on giving our freezers a good scrub. How much of a challenge this is depends on how large and clean your freezer already is, and whether or not it needs defrosting.
May 9, 2022
Quinoa and Beyond: 10 Gluten-Free Grains You Should Know
I remember the first time I cooked quinoa. It was back in the 90s when Deborah Madison’s “Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone” first came out and I was intrigued by her quinoa with pine nuts and dried fruits recipe. It took some doing, but I finally tracked down a few handfuls of quinoa in the bulk foods section of my local health food store. Fast forward to today, and quinoa is far from obscure.
May 5, 2022
Are Celery and Celeriac the Same Thing?
Celery is a ubiquitous ingredient in American cookery, near and dear to many home cooks, but celeriac (also known as celery root) is only just coming into its own here. While their appearances are wildly different, celery and celery root are very closely related botanically. Does this mean they can be used interchangeably in cooking? The short answer is no.
May 5, 2022
15 Ways to Practice Kindness in (and out) of the Kitchen
Cooks, for the most part, are kind and generous people. They tend to want to share the fruits of their kitchen labors with others and express their love and appreciation through feeding people. We support and encourage this at Kitchn, and hope you find inspiration here to practice and express your own version of kitchen kindness.
May 5, 2022
Be Honest: Have You Gone to the Farmers Market Yet This Summer?
For many people, the return of the farmers market means that summer is truly here. A delightful weekend routine can be established around summer meals gleaned from the market, with leftovers spilling over into weekday lunch buckets: corn salad, zucchini pasta, a slice of sweet melon for dessert. But for those who are prone to the Saturday morning sleep-in, be honest: Have you been the farmers market yet this summer? If not, here are a few reasons why you should check it off your list.
May 4, 2022
How To Make Great French Toast at Home
This is the ideal French toast: browned and crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside.
Apr 20, 2022
20 Snacks to Enjoy While You’re Watching the Oscars
Snacks and apps for when the red carpet is a spectator sport.
Mar 14, 2022