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Awanthi Vardaraj

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What Is Marmite, and Why Is It So Good?
When I think of that little glass pot of yeasty goodness, with its familiar yellow lid and iconic label, I can't help but ask myself one simple question: How do I love thee?
Oct 4, 2022
Marmite Is Better than Vegemite
Marmite is a magical and delicious yeasty spread. It is not the only one — copycat versions of it exist around the world — but it is the original, and it is the best. I lived in Australia for a while, where one of its competitors thrives. You know the spread that shall not be named that I speak of. It pales in comparison! My Aussie friends tried to get me to change my mind about it by using love, persuasion, and outright threats.
May 24, 2019
How Grocery Delivery Changed My Relationship with Shopping
A few weeks ago I caught sight of my overworked, frazzled, absent-minded self in the big mirror in my local grocery store and did a double take; as unbelievable as it was, I had managed to go to the store wearing my pajamas. I honestly thought I’d remembered to change into jeans and a T-shirt. One embarrassing trip wouldn’t be so bad, but it happens more often than not — mostly when I’ve run out of something, usually coffee or milk, which I need in order to function.
Mar 6, 2017