4 Pro Designers Share Their Best Tricks for Improving a Rental Kitchen
Rental apartment kitchens. If those three words bring to mind visions of blonde wood contractor-grade cabinets, dingy appliances, janky electric stoves, and a lighting situation that would not be out of place in a horror movie, then … yeah, you’re thinking of the right thing. But wait! Rental kitchens don’t have to stay that way. I know because savvy, stylish people told me so, and I believe them.
Apr 26, 2019
The Kitchn’s Best Recipes for July 4th
Apr 26, 2019
10 Instagram Accounts to Follow for Major Kitchen Design Inspo
If you’ve ever lost hours to the black hole scroll that is Instagram, then you know it can be an incredible source of inspiration (and envy) for everything from what to make for dinner to where to vacation next and, of course, how to decorate (or renovate) your kitchen. Want to fall even further down that hole?
Apr 26, 2019
This HGTV Star’s Kitchen Looks More Like a Teenage Girl’s Bedroom
Every once in a while, our sister site, Apartment Therapy, publishes a House Tour that literally stops us in our tracks. The editors there ran this apartment — affectionately known as The Glitter Suite! — and we just had to stop what we were working on to write about this tour. Why? The kitchen looks more like a bedroom than a kitchen! Plus, we love the dining room, which you can get a little glimpse of in this shot above.
Apr 26, 2019
5 Ways to Insulate Your Kitchen and Dining Room Windows for Winter
Here's a mini-guide of solutions, with pros and cons of everything from layered curtains to shrink-wrap film.
Apr 26, 2019
The 5 Most Popular Kitchen Makeovers on Kitchn
As much as our sister site, Apartment Therapy, specializes in House Tours and room makeovers, we’ve got our fair share of before and afters too. Some are more transformative than others, and some are way more popular than others. Curious about what our readers are obsessed with? Here are five of our most popular kitchen makeovers of all time.
Apr 26, 2019
The Cheapest, Easiest Way to Transform Your Kitchen Cabinets
There are two house tours over at Apartment Therapy in which the renters decided their apartments’ plain, boring kitchen cabinets weren’t cutting it. Renovating wasn’t an option, but these clever renters found a way to add color and pattern anyway: with washi tape! Both examples are vibrant and unique, but how much does it cost to cover your kitchen cabinets in tape? And how long does it take to do it? We got the lowdown.
Apr 26, 2019
Costco’s 3 Best Deals for the Month Will Help You Update Your Kitchen
Lots of people save their Costco runs for bulk groceries (hello, sweet 6.6-pound bucket of Nutella), or the occasional on-sale Vitamix, but most of the time all the other kitchen stuff gets overlooked. Which is a shame considering how many absolute gems the store has in stock. When Costco announced their monthly online-only sales for February, we got super excited about three deals in particular that will give your kitchen a makeover without a complete demo.
Apr 26, 2019
This Grain Bin House Has a Very Unusual Kitchen
I grew up in the ’90s watching this Disney show called Out of the Box. If you’ve never seen it, here’s the gist: During the opening credits, the hosts Tony and Vivian and a bunch of kids build a giant playhouse in the backyard out of oddly shaped cardboard boxes that don’t look like they’ll fit together but somehow do. Cut to the magical moment when everyone goes inside and it turns into an ACTUAL HOUSE — filled with crafty DIY touches galore.
Apr 26, 2019