5 Simple Tips for Small-Batch Baking
Baking a single cupcake or brownie for yourself is like your own personal bake-off. Solo baking may seem like an unworthy challenge at first, but once you taste the sweet rewards (that you don’t have to share with anyone else), you’ll want to bake for yourself regularly. Here are five simple tips for tiny-batch baking. A recipe for a dozen cupcakes isn’t simply divisible by twelve (see: any cupcake recipe that calls for two eggs).
Jul 31, 2016
The Art of Embracing a Vintage Kitchen
(Image credit: Hayley Kessner) From Apartment Therapy → Rooms That Get It Right: Embracing a Vintage Kitchen
Jul 31, 2016
We’re Hiring: Art Director/Home
Apartment Therapy Media (ApartmentTherapy.com & TheKitchn.com) is actively looking for an Art Director/Home. A passion for interior design, cooking and our websites is a big bonus! AT Media is an innovative consumer-based media company with category-defining brands, including Kitchn.com and ApartmentTherapy.com. AT Media has an immediate opening for a full-time Art Director/Home in our New York-based Art Department.
Jul 31, 2016
Our Love Affair with Picnics — The Moveable Feast
For the first six months of her life, my daughter lived entirely on picnics. A mother’s moveable feast — packed not in a basket, but a nursing bra — taught her that eating was a pleasure to be had wherever you might find yourself. Then at the six-month solid-food milestone, mealtimes suddenly became lessons in modern civility: silverware, linen (aka bibs), and being confined to a chair rather than reclining as if at a Roman banquet.
Jul 30, 2016
Netflix to Release Season Three of “Chef’s Table” on September 2
In an announcement made yesterday, the critically acclaimed Netflix Series Chef’s Table is coming back for a third season on September 2. While the first two seasons featured chefs from all over the world, the third season will only focus on chefs from France. There will be four chefs featured in this new season: Alain Passard, Michel Troisgros, Adeline Grattard, and Alexandre Couillon. If this season is anything like the first two, we’re in for a treat.
Jul 29, 2016
How Thai Noodles Helped Me Quit My Job (and Start Cooking Again)
I have always pretty much insisted on putting dinner on the table myself. Even though my husband is a capable cook who, thanks to odd work hours, is often home to cook, I like doing it. I like dreaming up dishes on my commute and stopping at the market across the street from our apartment for the accoutrements I need for dinner. I like coming home at the end of the day and working out my feelings through chopping and stirring. I like the whole process of cooking — I always have.
Jul 29, 2016
Why I Love Traveling with Friends
When traveling alone, I’m quiet and risk-averse. I spend a lot of time reading and napping. I plan my days carefully, avoid big tourist spots, wander art museums, and try to take up as little space as possible. It’s not that this is a bad way to travel, rather that when I am in the company of friends, I become an altogether different kind of traveler. My friends are outgoing — borderline rowdy — and I run with that energy.
Jul 29, 2016
Take Advantage of Your Summer Fridays with This 2-Hour Cleaning Routine
(Image credit: Cathy Pyle) From Apartment Therapy → A 2-Hour After-Work Clean Routine to Maximize Your Summer Fridays
Jul 29, 2016
I Spent a Month on an Olive Farm in Greece and Failed Miserably
I am a self-described wimp with a capital “W.” Sure, my relatives in Minnesota are farmers, and the Montessori school that I attended until high school required all the kids to help out on the school’s farm every couple months, but these things didn’t instill in me any kind of physical skill required to be actually helpful. I am definitely more of the reading type — or “decoration,” as my brothers liked to tease me.
Jul 28, 2016
Help! The Knives at My Summer Rental Are Crappy.
Of all the disastrous kitchen scenarios you can face when you show up at a rental cabin or beach house, dull or flimsy knives might be the most painful. So what do you do if the kitchen you’ll be cooking in for the next several days or weeks has crappy knives? Here are a few solutions, depending on how you’re getting to your rental and how long you’re staying.
Jul 28, 2016
Why I’m a Better Chef in the Summer (It’s Not Just the Produce)
If you’re like me and spend more time than you should browsing food blogs and recipe sites, you’ve probably noticed the plethora of seasonal posts out there. You know the ones I mean — the ones that breathlessly extoll the freshness, versatility, and intense flavor of the produce available in the markets right now: Sweet blueberries! Juicy tomatoes! Meaty eggplants!
Jul 28, 2016
The 10 Spices I Bring with Me on Vacation
The increase of apartment and house rentals on the vacation market means greater flexibility when visiting a new place. You can live like a local, cook your own meals, and even entertain friends. But while many of these loaner kitchens claim to be fully stocked, they’re usually lacking in the things that truly make a meal stand out (as well as sharp knives).
Jul 28, 2016
7 Super-Stylish Small Kitchens
(Image credit: The Kitchn) From Apartment Therapy → 7 Truly Tiny Kitchens with Serious Style
Jul 28, 2016
18 Things That Will Complete Your Dream Backyard
(Image credit: The Kitchn) From Apartment Therapy → 18 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed in Your Dream Backyard
Jul 27, 2016
5 Crunchy Snacks to Eat Right Now
Sometimes a craving for a snack is very specific, like when you need salt and vinegar chips. Then there are times when only something sweet will do. What about the times when you just need to bite into something with serious crunch? Here are five out-of-the-box ways to nix that crunchy craving. Triscuits win the prize for the crunchiest cracker around. They’re also seriously sturdy, which means that even though they’re perfect on their own, they also shine when piled with toppings.
Jul 27, 2016
Recipe Roulette: What Should I Throw On the Grill?
From Kitchn → Recipe Roulette: What Should I Grill Tonight?
Jul 27, 2016
10 Commandments of Smuggling Food into the Movie Theater
Let’s be honest — the vast majority of theaters are slinging the same sad pretzels, stale nachos, and dry chicken fingers. And while we’ll always have a soft spot for faux-flavored popcorn and movie-theater candy, sometimes it’s just easier, cheaper, and healthier to bring your own food to the movie theater. This is obviously against theater policy, but we’re all for smuggling in your own food — so long as you follow these rules.
Jul 27, 2016
What Each Pokemon Would Taste Like and How to Eat It
Frog. Poach in butter flavored with garlic from its own bulb. Salamander. Poisonous. Don’t eat. Turtle, obviously. Cook in a stew Caterpillar. Probably poisonous. Larvae. Raw or sautéed and sprinkled with sea salt. Squab. Roasted. Rat, obviously. Heavily seasoned and barbecued, if you really must. Cornish game hen. Roasted with potatoes. Snake. Roasted on a stick over a campfire. Fried chicken. Armadillo. Will give you leprosy. Poisonous. Suckling pig. Roasted. Fox. Made into a stew.
Jul 27, 2016
3-Ingredient Lunch: A Satisfying Seasonal Bagel
There’s a reason we don’t eat sliced tomatoes like we do sliced apples or snack on grape tomatoes like grapes, and it’s this: Tomatoes shine brightest when supported by a key ingredient or two. Whether your preferred summer tomato is super sweet or flaunts an acidic undercurrent, pairing it may be just as important as picking this farmer’s market favorite itself.
Jul 27, 2016
10 Lush Rooftop Gardens
(Image credit: The Kitchn) From Apartment Therapy → Urban Retreats: 10 Dreamy Rooftop Gardens
Jul 26, 2016
The Childhood Keepsake I Bring with Me When I Travel
As a freelance journalist, my job takes me to places far and wide: Mexico! Peru! Egypt! Indonesia! Travel, you might say, is my normal. But as much as I love seeing new places, I often find that sometime around the middle of my trip, my mind drifts to thoughts of home. That’s where my cats, my boyfriend, Brian, and my heart live. And I find that the more exotic and the farther my destination, the more I need to have a connection to my home.
Jul 26, 2016
Find the Perfect Snack for Your Zodiac Sign
Jul 26, 2016
How To Make Eggplant Noodles
Consider eggplant noodles a short-and-sweet introduction to eggplant. These noodles don’t require a spiralizer, they don’t need to be salted (as some would argue all eggplant does), and they cook quickly. They also utilize one of eggplants often bemoaned qualities — they are incredibly absorbent. These noodles will soak up any sauce they are tossed with, becoming even more flavorful.
Jul 26, 2016
What Baby Corn Is, and Why It’ll Never Be Like Baby Carrots
Usually, food items in miniature form automatically generate oohs and aaahs. If baby carrots have taught us anything, it’s that cute and small veggies sell. But baby corn has never been able to capitalize off of its itty-bitty size. We’re taking a closer look in the baby corn cradle to figure out just why. Baby corn is basically corn that’s harvested when it’s immature and before it’s pollinated — almost right after the silk starts to appear.
Jul 26, 2016
Asking the Big Questions: What Makes Movie Theater Popcorn So Good?
From Kitchn → An Investigative Report: What Makes Movie Theater Popcorn So Good?
Jul 26, 2016
9 Clever Backyard Hacks to Tackle This Summer
(Image credit: The Kitchn) From Apartment Therapy → Outdoor Upgrades: Totally Clever & Cool Backyard Hacks To Tackle This Summer
Jul 25, 2016
This Herringbone Lattice Pie Crust Is a Buttery Masterpiece
Creating a delicious pie can be hard work. Creating a delicious pie with a perfect lattice top requires some level of genius. So this week when Serious Eats introduced the world to the most next-level lattice pie crust, we had to bow down. The intricate pie crust utilizes a classic herringbone design and it is absolute perfection. If you’ve ever made a typical lattice pie crust, then you might be familiar with the amount of weaving that is required.
Jul 25, 2016
5 Sweet Snacks to Eat Right Now
Are you team salty snack or sweet snack? I fall squarely on the latter. Sweet snacks are always my craving between meals, after meals, and at midnight. There are some obvious favorites (looking at you, dark chocolate bar) but here are five sweet snacks you should try next time your sweet tooth strikes. Crackers smeared with cream cheese and topped with sprinkles is one of my crunchy snacks. This sweeter version is perfect for a late-afternoon pick-me-up.
Jul 25, 2016
An Investigative Report: What Makes Movie Theater Popcorn So Good?
Is there anything better than movies and popcorn? They go together like Beyoncé and Jay Z. When you think of one, the other automatically pops into your head. And movie theater popcorn, in particular, is a special breed. As soon as you walk into the theater, it hits you: the buttery, salty smell of popcorn. It beats the microwaved version every time.
Jul 25, 2016
10 Cooking Tomes to Read When You Can’t Sleep
It’s 1 a.m. You’ve been tossing and turning for the last two hours, unable to fall asleep. Maybe it’s that coffee you grabbed in the afternoon between marathon work meetings, or maybe you finished a thrilling TV series and now your mind is racing. Enter: cooking tomes. You know, those massive books you proudly display on your bookshelf; the ones that sit up high, out of reach, because you never actually read them.
Jul 25, 2016
8 Household Items You Should Probably Replace Soon
(Image credit: Breanne Johnsen) From Apartment Therapy → It’s Probably Time for a Replacement: 8 Easy-To-Forget-About Household Items
Jul 25, 2016
Rosé Gummy Bears Are a Thing (and You Can Make Them at Home)
As you may know by now, rosé gummy bears exist — and there’s an insanely long waiting list for them. You know where I’m going with this, right? With only four ingredients (five if you count the drop of food coloring), a gummy bear mold, and about two hours of your time, you can make your own rosé gummy bears at home. Making these DIY rosé gummy bears is as simple as combining rosé with sugar and gelatin, and then pouring the mixture into your mold.
Jul 25, 2016
Seed Saving and Iowa’s Corn Train Gospel
In Iowa, you can hear the corn grow. The other night my friend Howard brought over some grass stalks to show me the sound. Corn kernels, like other grains, are the edible seeds of certain types of grass plants. He wanted to demonstrate the sound he heard growing up on an Iowa farm, so he pulled the stems of each stalk through its leaf sheath; one weedy stalk made the gentle popping sound he’d heard on hot humid nights.
Jul 24, 2016
10 Unexpected Spots to Add a Touch of Color
(Image credit: The Kitchn) From Apartment Therapy → The Minimalist’s Approach to Maximum Color: 10 Unexpected Spots to Add a Touch of Paint
Jul 24, 2016
The Best Way to Store Eggplant
Falling in love with eggplant isn’t just about learning to cook this humble nightshade. No, to really love an eggplant, we must know how to care for it at home. If storing eggplant seems simple to you, the answers of how and where to store your eggplant might surprise you. Store whole fresh eggplant at room temperature. Keep it away from melons, bananas, and other ethylene producers in a bowl or basket on the countertop — out of direct sunlight.
Jul 23, 2016
12 Vegetables That You Should Really Burn
Toss any vegetable on a grill and it instantly improves. That’s because while it cooks, it gets lightly charred by the high heat of the grill. But what about bumping up the char so that the vegetable is practically burnt? Could that be any good? In fact, for these 12 vegetables, it’s awesome. Baba ghanoush is proof that charred eggplant is glorious.
Jul 23, 2016
Recipe: Grilled Meatball Kebabs
Here’s a dinner you can make with three ingredients (or four ingredients, if you count the smoky hint from the grill). Use your favorite purchased meatballs, your favorite barbecue sauce, and a few sweet bell peppers to make this meal in 15 minutes. You can probably do it in 10 if you really hustle. Frozen meatballs work like a dream here. Once the meatballs are thawed enough to easily thread onto a skewer, these kebabs are basically ready for the grill.
Jul 22, 2016
3 Friends Share What It’s Really Like to Live Together
(Image credit: Peter Tarasiuk) From Apartment Therapy → Real Life Roommate Stories: What It’s REALLY Like to Live With Friends
Jul 22, 2016
Why I Hate B&Bs
In one of my favorite-ever Gilmore Girls episodes But their hunger and exhaustion get the better of them and they stay, only to end up trapped in their rooms, too afraid to walk past the other guests who are gathered downstairs for the obligatory cocktail hour. Lorelai explains to Rory that they cannot take a chance and rush past them to escape because, “if they catch us they’ll clamp onto us like leeches. And you know what that means. Chitchat.
Jul 22, 2016
The 3-Ingredient Sauce You Should Know by Heart This Summer
Arguably the best part of cooking in the summer is that you can toss just about anything on the grill and call it dinner. Grilled meat, fish, and veggies don’t need much to make them taste great, thanks to the smoky flavor the grill imparts. But a ridiculously quick and easy sauce that works with just about anything — from eggplant to chicken thighs — wouldn’t hurt to have in your back pocket. Luckily, you came to the right place.
Jul 22, 2016
How To Make Eggplant Roses
Culinary shape-shifter eggplant can be cajoled into many forms. A steak, strips of bacon, and even a fragrant rose. And if you’re wondering why one might want an aubergine rose, let me tell you — this is the tastiest rose you’ll ever eat.
Jul 22, 2016
You Don’t Need a Knife to Cut Corn Cobs in Half
Sometimes corn cobs need to be halved, whether for a recipe or simply smaller serving sizes, but you can leave that big knife where it is — there’s a better way to split those ears. Instead of using a knife, make this a hands-on task and break the cobs in two. If you’re working with uncooked ears of corn, be sure to shuck the corn to remove the husk and silks first; it’ll make this a much easier job.
Jul 22, 2016
We’re Hiring: Audience Development Fellowship (3 Months)
Apartment Therapy Media (ApartmentTherapy.com & TheKitchn.com) is actively looking for an Audience Development Fellow. A passion for interior design, cooking and our websites is a big bonus! Apartment Therapy Media is offering an Audience Development 3 month long Fellowship here in our bright and energetic Soho office! The Audience Development Fellow will play a key role in increasing traffic, audience reach and social media growth across both Apartment Therapy and Kitchn.
Jul 22, 2016
The Most Important Tip for Great Grilled Corn
If you’re firing up the grill to cook corn on the cob this summer, you’re in for a tasty treat. But before you get started, there’s one thing you should do first that will reward you with even better-tasting corn. Before going to the grill, brine your corn on the cob first. What you’ll get are super-tender ears, so flavorful and well-seasoned from the brining mixture that seeps into the cracks and crevices between each and every kernel.
Jul 22, 2016
Brass Hardware in the Kitchen: A Shopping Guide
(Image credit: The Kitchn) From Apartment Therapy → All About That Brass: A Kitchen Hardware Shopping Guide
Jul 21, 2016
Smutty Ears: Why Corn Fungus Is Prized
Fungus is typically a problem gardeners and farmers try their hardest to prevent. But when it comes to corn, the smut (or fungus that can infect the kernels) can prove more valuable than the corn itself. Here’s why corn smut is such a prized and beloved food for one culture. Corn smut, or huitlacoche (pronounced weet-la-KOH-cheh) as it’s known in Mexico, is a type of fungus that grows on corn.
Jul 21, 2016
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Taking a Day Trip
I’m a big fan of day trips. The whole premise of getting out of your immediate environment and exploring a different place for a day — even if it’s just the town over — really appeals to me. And while I’ve extolled the virtues of the day trip, there are certain aspects you should consider before you go to ensure a successful mini-vacation.
Jul 21, 2016