Stock Up on Freezer Meals Week 4: Here’s How I’m Going to Cook 60 Dinners in 6 Weeks
This month I’ve been taking you through my plan to fill my freezer with healthy meals in preparation for the arrival of my first baby in early June. I’ve got a list of recipesall the supplies I need So how exactly am I going to prep at least a month’s worth of meals and snacks for my husband and me? This week I sat down and came up with a plan that works with my busy schedule. I decided having about 30 days worth of meals for my husband and myself seems like a reachable goal.
Apr 24, 2014
Should I Buy a Rice Cooker or a Pressure Cooker?
Q: With my student budget, I have to pick and choose my appliances. Should I buy a rice cooker or a pressure cooker? Can one be substituted for the other? Sent by Stephanie Editor: Stephanie, a pressure cooker is able to cook food much more quickly because the higher pressure actually increases the boiling point of water. A rice cooker can’t do this, so you can’t substitute a rice cooker when following a pressure cooker recipe.
Apr 24, 2014
Tiny Kitchens With Big Style
(Image credit: The Kitchn) From Apartment Therapy → Tiny Kitchens With Big Style “Check out a few inspiring kitchens that made good use of their limited space…”
Apr 24, 2014
5 Tips for Squeezing the Most Juice from Limes & Lemons
Limes are crazy expensive this year, which means that once you get your hands on a few, you’ll want to squeeze out every last drop of juice. Here are a few easy tips for making sure you are getting the most juice out of your limes, lemons, and other citrus fruits. Whether you use a simple wooden reamerhand juicercitrus squeezer A good 20 to 30 seconds on high helps the citrus juice flow more easily, especially if you’re taking the fruit straight from the fridge.
Apr 24, 2014
Tips For Using IKEA’s Fintorp System In the Kitchen (And All Over the House)
(Image credit: The Kitchn) From Apartment Therapy → 15 Ways IKEA’s Fintorp System Can Be Used All Over the House
Apr 24, 2014