Help Me Find My Favorite Ice Cream Treat from the 1970s!
Q: I’m looking for information or a photo of my favorite ice cream treat of all time. It was an orange sherbet bar coated with chocolate on a popsicle stick and it was around in the 70s. The packaging was orange with dark brown writing, and it was known as a Brownie Bar or perhaps an H Bar. I knew it as a Brownie Bar. Do you know if this product still exists? I owned and operated a neighborhood grocery store in Vermont for 45 years and sold these bars.
Mar 27, 2014
Leftovers & a Throw-It-All-Together Salad
Day 19: Make a plan for your leftovers. This morning I had a moment of confusion when, despite having just unloaded the dishwasher, I saw that my storage container drawer remained all but empty. Then I remembered the dozen or so containers of leftovers in the fridge. Ah.
Mar 27, 2014
Healthy Fruits & Vegetable Pet Treats
Mar 27, 2014
There’s a Hidden Top-Loading Washing Machine In this Kitchen!
(Image credit: The Kitchn) From Apartment Therapy → There’s a Hidden Top-Loading Washing Machine In this Kitchen!
Mar 27, 2014