Recipe: Pork Stir-Fry with Asparagus and Sugar Snap Peas
Stir-fries aren’t usually the well-edited dishes you think about and shop for in advance. They are frequently renegade, use-up-what’s-in-the-fridge meals, which is part of their charm. But not so with this recipe. I chose these particular ingredients deliberately, picking up pork tenderloin for a mid-week treat and adding lots of fresh spring vegetables for crunch.
Apr 30, 2012
Tip: Store Canned Jars Without Rings
Do you store home-canned foods with the rings or screw bands on the jars? Here’s why you should remove them.When canning pickles, jam, and other foods in Mason jars, rings or bands are used to hold the lids in place during processing and cooling. Until recently, I left these rings on while storing the jars in the pantry.
Apr 30, 2012