Quick Tip: Grate Ginger with a Fork
We love the warm, peppery-sweet flavor of fresh ginger in all kinds of dishes. In the past we’ve talked about grating ginger with a ceramic grater or a Microplane, but what if you don’t have either tool on hand? Just grab a fork.To grate ginger with a fork, hold the fork down on a work surface and rub a peeled knob of ginger across the tines. That’s it!Even if you use a real grater at home, this trick can come in handy if you’re cooking in a kitchen without one.
Apr 6, 2012
Do You Play Music at Your Dinner Parties?
It’s pretty much a given that there will be music at a cocktail or dance party but what about at more intimate gatherings such as a dinner parties? Do you like to have music playing or do you find it too distracting?For me, music is an important part of the overall atmosphere of a party and I believe it has a huge impact on mood.
Apr 6, 2012
Got Leftovers? Follow the 2:4 Rule
Ever find yourself faced with a tray of leftover snacks after a party wondering if you should save or toss them? Usually, logic sort of goes out the window and smell and taste kick in to determine their refrigerator shelf life. But have you tried the 2:4 rule? Wonder no longer!The 2:4 rule is simple: store leftovers within two hours and consumed the leftovers within four days.
Apr 6, 2012