Street Fair Food at Home: How to Make Frozen Lemonade
My first stop at any street fair during the summer is the frozen lemonade stand. Imagine lemonade, already a refreshing beverage, but frozen and shaved into a soft snowy mound directly in your glass. When the sun is beating down and there are funnel cakes and corn dogs yet to be found, there’s nothing better.Frozen lemonade is a bit different than its cousin, the Lemon Shake-Up. This is more like a granita, and in fact, it technically is a granita.
Jun 30, 2011
Kitchen Safety: Why a Sharp Knife Leads to Fewer Injuries Gourmet Live
It sounds completely counterintuitive that a razor-sharp knife would actually cause fewer injuries in the kitchen, doesn’t it? An interview with a butcher in a recent Gourmet Live article reveals how this is so.Stanley Lobel of Lobel’s butcher shop in New York explains that a sharp knife means you have to make fewer cuts. A dull knife makes you work harder; several cuts are required where one or two would do.
Jun 30, 2011
Fun & Functional: Star Wars Spatula Set
My fiancé is a huge Star Wars fan, so naturally the first off-registry gift we received was a set of Star Wars themed spatulas from Williams-Sonoma. I was initially skeptical of spatulas in the shape of Darth Vader and his stormtrooper minion, but to my surprise, these are actually excellent kitchen tools.Both spatulas are flexible enough to slide under thin pancakes, but rigid enough to use when flipping heavier items in a pan.
Jun 29, 2011
Alice Water’s (Gorgeous! Surprising!) Rhubarb Galette
Of course Alice Water, culinary pioneer and the woman behind Chez Panisse, makes a beautiful rhubarb galette. But it’s the detail in the crust that makes it totally unique. The outer edge of this tart isn’t just plain dough; it’s stuffed with something special!The Wall Street Journal Magazine photographed key steps in Alice Water’s rhubarb galette.
Jun 29, 2011
Quicker Grilling, More Flavor: Cut Brats & Sausages In Half
Even when I’m not heating up the summer kitchen with the oven, I still don’t want to stand over a hot grill for more time than necessary. That’s why I split my sausages before cooking for extra-fast times on the grill!Splitting your sausages or tubed meat is often a good idea (unless you’ve hand-stuffed it and it hasn’t had a full 48 hour rest before grill time). Often this means less than five minutes on the grill.
Jun 27, 2011
Keep Stovetop Grains from Sticking: Wait 10 Minutes!
Cooking rice on the stove often results in a stubborn layer of cooked grains stuck to the bottom of the pot. But there is an easy trick to loosening that layer that works every time, with every type of grain. When the cooking time is up, remove the pot from the heat and let it sit, covered, for 10 minutes. That’s it. During that time, the bottom layer of grains will loosen from the bottom of the pan and can be easily scooped out with the rest.
Jun 27, 2011
Weekend Meditation: Homesickness and Plum Cake
I’ve been uprooted and traveling a fair amount, so I haven’t had a kitchen to call my own for several weeks now. This has been a lot of fun, in an expanding-my-horizons kind of way, for I enjoy a good adventure and new discoveries. I love visiting my friends and family, cooking in new kitchens and shopping the local farmers’ markets. I’ve even managed to extend the asparagus season a few extra weeks by following it from the west coast to the midwest and on to the east.
Jun 26, 2011
Recipe: Pumpkin Oil Ice Cream & Pepita Brittle
It was barely six weeks ago that I last wrote about ice cream — Salted Almond Ice Cream — but as summer gets under way, it seems fitting to give you another dose of the cold hard sweet stuff in the style I find tastiest: with a kiss of savory. This was the flavor I came up with for my birthday party a few weeks ago.
Jun 23, 2011
Make Perfect Pralines: Five Secrets from a New Orleans Pro
One of my very favorite moments on my recent trip to LouisianaFirst, here is a recipe for pralines, adapted from the recipe used at the New Orleans School of Cooking:• Sweet No-Bake Recipe: Classic Southern PralinesANNE’S PRALINE TIPS:1. Stick to the Recipe – This is harder than Anne probably realized for those of us who like to tinker!
Jun 23, 2011
Alton Brown’s Microwave Peanut Butter Fudge
Every week we bring you our favorite posts from our friends at Serious Eats. This week: Peanut butter fudge in the microwave, a crimson summery cocktail, and barbecued lentils. Read on for these and more!• Alton Brown’s Peanut Butter Fudge in the Microwave Trick – A review of Alton Brown’s method for making peanut butter fudge in the microwave. Surprisingly (or perhaps, not surprisingly?) it works quite well.
Jun 23, 2011
Retro Find: The 1971 Betty Crocker Recipe Card Library
Last week at a thrift store I spotted a red box that, when opened, revealed itself to be a time capsule of 1971. Preserved inside was a collection of Betty Crocker recipe cards for dishes that are both mesmerizing and a little horrifying. What were Americans eating in the early ’70s? You might not want to know.Because the collection was released by Betty Crocker, many of the recipes include packaged Betty Crocker brand ingredients rather than from-scratch instructions.
Jun 22, 2011
Orangette’s Deviled Eggs with Basil Aioli & Capers
I’ve never met a deviled egg I didn’t like. So when Molly of Orangette recently dubbed a recipe for deviled eggs with basil aioli and capers her favorite, I knew I had to give it a try. And you know what? I just might have found a new favorite too.Although at first glance the recipe seems more time-intensive than any deviled egg recipe ought to be, the tasks stack together nicely, as Molly points out in the head notes.
Jun 22, 2011
Summer Treat: Vanilla Milk with Chocolate Ice Cubes
Longing for a glass of something icy cold this summer? Or maybe a scoop of ice cream? Have both in one glass with this unusual treat — vanilla-flavored milk with chocolate “ice cubes” that slowly melt and swirl into the milk. It has the sweet creaminess of ice cream, and the icy cold quality we are looking for in the summertime. It’s sort of like hot chocolate, but for the summer.
Jun 21, 2011
What’s the Difference? White, Brown, & Freshwater Shrimp
Did you know that Louisiana is home to not one, not two, but actually three different kinds of shrimp? As someone who at one point could only identify shrimp as “those frozen curly things,” learning this particular bit of information on my recent trip to New Orleans• White Shrimp – White shrimp are prized for their large size, their tender texture, and their mild flavor.
Jun 21, 2011
Food Best Served On a Stick
Party food is meant to be fun and a direct reflection of the ambiance and atmosphere you’re trying to create with the party. If you’re looking to throw a fun, down to earth yet delicious party — maybe you should seriously consider serving food on a stick. Yes, you read that right — on a stick!
Jun 21, 2011
Recipe: Papaya Lassi with Cardamom
We’ve all probably tried a mango lassi at our favorite Indian restaurant, but have you ever tasted a papaya lassi? Full of sweetness and tang, this dreamy drink will cool you off and transport you to the subcontinent. Acha! (Hindi for ‘All right!’). I grew up ordering mango lassis anywhere I could find them. I loved their electric yellow color and the velvety texture of blended fruit and yogurt.
Jun 21, 2011
Should I Buy a Yogurt Maker?
Q: I love yogurt and eat it almost every day for an afternoon snack, and I cook with it often as well. I usually buy the large 4-cup containers of Stonyfield low-fat or Trader Joe’s European Style plain yogurt. But I have been thinking of getting a yogurt maker.I have a small kitchen and generally oppose unitasking appliances, so I was hoping to hear from those who have yogurt makers — do you use it regularly, or does it now collect dust?
Jun 21, 2011
Crack and Peel: An Easy Way to Eat Crawfish
Ever been to a crawfish boil? It’s a full-contact eating affair, so bring your appetite and your bib. On our New Orleans seafood tourSerious EatsChichi confidently cracks the head off a crawfish.Chichi saw me struggling to peel each bit of shell from my crawfish (I was on my first; she was on her fifth), and explained this easy five-step technique:1. Crack off the head – Pick up the crawfish and crack or twist the head right off.
Jun 20, 2011
Weekend Meditation: In My Father’s Kitchen
My father taught me a lot about cooking and the love of cooking. While he wasn’t responsible for the endless daily sustenance my mother churned out, he did have his memorable repertoire: cinnamon swirl bread, canning up pickles and applesauce, fudge, Belgium waffles and, of course, the weekly Saturday night ride to Mc Donald’s on my mum’s night off from cooking.
Jun 19, 2011
Smarter, More Organized Shopping Lists: Grocery iQ App
My day job requires trips to the grocery store at least three times a week, and sometimes up to five times a week. Needless to say, I’m always looking for tools to help make shopping quick and efficient, with a minimum of forgotten ingredients — nothing is worse than having to return to the store for one stupid thing! — and I think I’ve found it all in the Grocery iQ app.
Jun 17, 2011
Old World & New World Wines: What’s the Difference?
I am sure that most of you have used, or at least heard bandied about, terms such as ‘Old World’ or ‘New World’ when talking about wines. What do these terms really mean? How did they originate? Do they matter? Read on to find out more.
Jun 16, 2011
What’s the Best Way to Remove the Pit From an Avocado?
As round as an egg and too slippery to grasp, avocado pits are persnickety little devils. Have you found a reliable way to remove the pits from avocados? The most reliable way that we’ve found is to first slice the avocado in half lengthwise and then firmly strike the pit with the heel of a chef’s knife. The knife lodges a few millimeters into the pit, so we can gently twist the pit to dislodge it and then lift it out.
Jun 15, 2011
Yes, Adding Avocado to Scrambled Eggs Is a Very Good Idea
I love avocado with eggs. I add slices on top of fried eggs on toast, and inside egg sandwiches. But I had never tried adding avocado to scrambled eggs — until last week. Why not? I have no idea — these two things were meant to go together. I will be the first to admit that chunks of avocado in scrambled eggs looks a little odd. There’s a greenish cast to the whole dish (Green Eggs and Ham, anyone?). But ignore that.
Jun 14, 2011
Homemade Nutter Butters
Right around this time every year, I start thinking of recipes I can make for my extended family when we’re all together over the July 4th holiday. Pies are always a given; cookies are always a must. So this year, I thought it would be fun to bake up some nostalgic favorites that the adults would fondly remember and the kids would just love because, hey, it’s a sandwich cookie.So where did I turn? Brandi Henderson’s lovely blog: I Made That.
Jun 14, 2011
Mango In the Rice Bin: What’s Going On Here?
While visiting family, I made a curious discovery in the kitchen: mangoes in the rice bin! Can you guess why?No, it’s not some strange way to make Mango with Sticky Rice. As my aunt explained, it’s an ages-old technique to speed up the ripening process! Whenever she has green mangoes, she buries them in the rice bin (not on top as in the photo above) and within a day or two they’re ready to eat.
Jun 13, 2011
Breakfast Recipe: Crunchy Pecan Waffles
The boyfriend adores waffles. They come second only to pancakes in his favorite food department. So when I bought a waffle iron a couple of years ago, it was a sure sign that I was in the relationship to win it. But purchasing the device was the easy part. It was finding the perfect recipe to accompany it that was so hard.So the search began. I pored over cookbooks, food blogs, and magazines, all in search of a great waffle. And you know what? I found it.
Jun 13, 2011
Ajvar: Serbia’s Smoky, Garlicky Roasted Red Pepper Spread
I’ve been addicted to Trader Joe’s red pepper spread since Stephanie recommended it, but it wasn’t until a friend returned home from Eastern Europe with a jar of ajvar that I realized this chunky mix of roasted red peppers and eggplant is actually a traditional Serbian dish. Added bonus: it isn’t too difficult to make from scratch!In Serbia, autumn is ajvar-making season, when the red peppers are harvested.
Jun 9, 2011
Drink Recipe: Rosemary Citrus Spritzer
When mixing non-alcoholic spritzers, we love using fruit and herbs for a sweet yet grown-up flavor – think blackberry and mint, strawberry and basil, and our latest favorite: rosemary and citrus. Serve this soda as an alternative to mimosas at brunch, or sip outside on a warm afternoon. (P.S. You can still add gin or vodka if you want a little kick!) When we served this, one person compared it to Orangina with an herbal note.
Jun 8, 2011
Sweet Surprise in the Front Yard: Juneberries!
My home in central Ohio has a small front yard with a wild tangle of shrubs, plants, and trees. My favorite tree is quite small, with a sculptural braid of thin trunks and a canopy slung low, just about eye-height. It is right next to the front walk, and in spring it is covered with white flowers, followed by red berries in June. I always assumed the berries were ornamental — only for the birds, if anyone — but last spring my landlady surprised me. “Juneberries!
Jun 8, 2011
Sweet, Savory & Surprising: Watermelon Prosciutto
All you need is a food dehydrator and a sharp knife to turn a simple piece of watermelon into a sweet and salty slice of watermelon “prosciutto.” So intriguing! Aki and Alex from Ideas in Food explain how.Alex removed the skin from the watermelon, sliced it very thinly, and brushed on some fish sauce before dehydrating it.
Jun 7, 2011
Best Outdoor Fire Pits & Fireplaces: 10 Sources
(Image credit: The Kitchn) If you’re lucky enough to have a backyard, an outdoor fireplace is a great investment for entertaining. Think s’mores, hot dog roasts, or even just cool nights spent gathered around the fire. Fire pits generally come in three main types: wood burning (the most popular and usually the least expensive), gas/propane
Jun 6, 2011
Food Science: Why Does Soy Milk Curdle In Hot Coffee?
If you’ve ever poured cold soy milk into a steaming cup of coffee, you’ve probably noticed it seize up, coagulating into unappealing curds that sink to the bottom of the cup. Why does this happen and how can it be prevented? The two factors behind the curdling of soy milk are acidity and temperature. Black coffee is more acidic than soy milk and can act like a coagulant, making a kind of loose tofu in your coffee cup.
Jun 6, 2011
Duty-Free Food Souvenirs: Cadbury Chocolates
Unless you’re lucky enough to shop at a grocery that carries international candy, you may only know Cadbury, the UK chocolatier conglomerate, just for their Easter eggs. Next time you’re passing through an airport, be sure to check for these creamy chocolates!Although Cadbury is no secret (Kraft purchased the company in 2010 and the duo are officially the world’s largest confectionary company), their chocolates still aren’t widely available in the US.
Jun 6, 2011
Weekend Meditation: Returning
I’ve been away for this past week, deep in the wilderness where there’s no technology or cell phone connection or TV but plenty of extra-blue sky and forest critters and hot springs that burble up from the earth to warm my body straight through to the bone.After seven straight days of no technological fancy-dancing, I must admit I am finding even typing this post a little daunting.
Jun 5, 2011
No More Shrinkage: 4 Tips for Blind Baking Pie Crust
Blind baking a pie crust for a fruit tart or a quiche can be frustrating. If not done right, the dough shrinks up as it bakes, leaving an unattractive, too-small container for the filling. But what is the right way to do it? Freezing, crimping, casting voodoo magic? Here are the tricks that work for us every time: 1. All the normal rules for pie crust apply.
Jun 2, 2011
How to Get the Most Out of Your CSA
This week I’m ensconced at a conference in scorching Austin, Texas. It also happens to be when many CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farms in my area are kicking off their season. So in lieu of writing something of my own, I asked Kate McDonough, author of The City Cook, a recent book on cooking at home in the city, to share some of her tips on cooking from a CSA box.What’s a CSA?
Jun 2, 2011
Kiwi Push Pops! The Most Fun Way to Eat a Kiwi
A friend who studied abroad in Australia showed me this trick years ago. It makes eating a kiwi portable, mess-free, and best of all, extremely fun. It puts a smile on my face every time.Just slice the kiwi in half and then carefully run a paring knife (or even a butter knife) just under the skin around the circumference. Slice almost all the way down to the bottom without actually breaking through.
Jun 1, 2011
Kanz Mobile Kitchens: For Camping & Beyond
There’s a hierarchy when it comes to outdoor cooking. At one end you have toasting marshmallows on a stick you found in the woods, and at the other end you have Kanz kitchens, stoves and pantries. They’re as functional as they are pretty and they win the bear resistent seal of approval — no really, that’s a thing! There’s a cool green seal and everything!
Jun 1, 2011