35+ Really Easy, Extra-Fun Ideas for Kids at Home
Both of my children’s schools rapidly made their decisions to close over the weekend. We’re very, very fortunate to have flexible work-from-home schedules, but we’re still struggling to keep our kids busy during the day. You better believe that we’re leaning into screen time in all forms — from iPad apps to movie marathons and video calls with our friends.
Our goal isn’t to match the academic rigor of school for our kids, but to keep the mood at home fun and safe — and that includes both activities we can help with and some that give us a break from hands-on parenting, too. Here’s a big list of things to do with your kids while we’re all homebound.
Fun Kitchen Projects
Recipes to Make Together
Cook From a Kit or Course
Read or Make Art
Museum and Zoo Tours
Get the Wiggles Out
Educational Resources
- Amazing Education Resources is a giant spread sheet of educational sites and apps offering free or reduced rates for the time being.
- Scholastic Learn at Home
- HighLights at Home
- Code.org
- Anywhere Teacher (use the code ATHOME)
- DreamBoxLearning is offering a free 90 day trial
- Backpack Sciences
- CircleTime Fun
- Khan Academy
Podcasts for Kids
- Mystery Recipe
- Wow in the World
- Eleanor Amplified
- Story Pirates
- Peace Out
- The Past and The Curious:
- Brains On! (the most recent one is about coronavirus!)
We will continue to update this list over the next few weeks, so please add your favorite ideas in the comments below.