10 Ways to Use the Natural Magic of Vinegar to Clean Your Kitchen
For the last couple of weeks we’ve been rounding up all the amazing ways you can clean the kitchen with just three things: lemons, baking soda, and today, vinegar! This amazing cleaning trifecta can handle most kitchen jobs, and the ingredients are cheap and gentler than traditional cleaners.
White distilled vinegar is an excellent thing to keep around the kitchen. Not only does it make a great rinse aid in the dishwasher, but you can use it to clean butcher block boards and remove scum from the blender carafe. Here are the top 10 reasons we’re always going to have a bottle of this stuff around the kitchen.
1. Stainless steel appliances
A little vinegar and oil is the cheap, natural way to give a shine to your stainless steel appliances (big and small).
See our tutorial: How To Clean Stainless Steel Appliances with Vinegar and Oil
2. Silver
You can quickly remove tarnish by combining vinegar with baking soda, salt, and boiling water.
See our tutorial: How To Clean and Polish Silver
3. The dishwasher
If you run an empty cycle with a cup or two of vinegar in the bottom of the dishwasher, you can remove hard water deposits and odors.
See our tutorial: How To Clean the Dishwasher
4. Dishes in the dishwasher
Did you know vinegar makes a great rinse aid? It leaves dishes sparkling.
See our post: 10 Tips to Help the Dishwasher Run Better
5. The freezer
Vinegar and hot water make a quick, effective cleaner for the freezer.
See our tutorial: How To Clean the Freezer
6. A coffee maker
Banish those coffee stains and mineral deposits!
See our tutorial: How To Clean a Coffee Maker
7. Butcher block countertops
Undiluted white vinegar (and a little elbow grease) can freshen and sanitize butcher block countertops.
See our tutorial: How To Clean Butcher Block Countertops
8. The oven
You know it.
See our tutorial: How to Clean the Oven with Baking Soda and Vinegar
9. The blender
While we prefer using a lemon to remove cloudy build-up on our blender carafe, vinegar is a solid substitute.
See our post: The Best Way to Clean Your Blender
10. A whole host of kitchen surfaces
Take it one step further and use vinegar to make an all-purpose cleaner.
How do you clean with vinegar?