10 Non-Food Items You Should Put in Your Fridge
If I were ever to receive a visit from a Victorian-era time traveler, the first thing I’d show them is the refrigerator. It’s a modern miracle that we can keep milk from turning for nearly a month, but what you might not know is that your fridge and freezer can do so much more. If you have the room to spare, try dropping a few of these non-food items in your fridge or freezer.
Beauty Items
1. Eye Cream
The cool temperature gives you extra help in de-puffing sleepy eyes in the morning, so move your eye cream or moisturizer out of the bathroom and stash it in the refrigerator.
2. Eyeliner
Storing your eye pencil in the fridge will harden the soft center, which makes for a more precise tip when you’re sharpening and applying eyeliner.
3. Nail Polish
Storing nail polish in the fridge will extend its life, but it does make it more viscous and harder to apply. Save this tip for those shades you don’t wear often.
4. Organic & Natural Cosmetics
If it’s something homemade, or an organic store-bought product that’s free from preservatives, you probably should store it in the fridge around the clock.
Clothing Items
5. Tights & Pantyhose
Possibly an old wives’ tale, but some people swear that freezing your tights and pantyhose strengthens the fibers against runs and pulls and makes them last twice as long. You only need to do this routine every once in a while (like at the start of the fall tights season). Get the tights damp, fold them into a plastic bag, and freeze them overnight. Let them “thaw” the next day and they’re good to go.
6. Jeans
This one’s an old Apartment Therapy favorite. Good jeans get to look and feel really good if you never wash them. When they (inevitably) start to feel dingy and saggy, a quick stint in the freezer will help them feel fresh.
Watch the video: How To Clean Your Jeans Without Water (in the Freezer!)
7. Fabric with Something Sticky on It
If you get gum or wax (or anything like those things) on your clothes, stick the pieces into the freezer until the offending sticky goop hardens, then try and chip or pry it off in big chunks.
Random Other Things
8. A Sealed Envelope
Need to add something to a letter you’ve already sealed (or maybe you’re a bit of a snoop — no judgement here!)? Pop that envelope in a plastic bag and into the freezer for an hour or two to loosen the adhesive. Once it’s room temperature again, you should be able to re-seal it.
9. Flowers
Want to keep cut stems looking fresh for a party? Make room for them in the fridge, like your florist does.
10. Your Pillowcase
Take it off the pillow and fold it up into a plastic bag. It’s like the cool side of the pillow times a thousand.
This post originally ran on Apartment Therapy. See it here: 10 Weird Items You Should Put in Your Fridge